"A bad uncle!" Ying Bao said. "But another handsome uncle saved me after that!"
"What kind of handsome uncle?" Xu Xiyan asked, unable to understand the situation as Ye Xun and Huo Sanyan had not mentioned it.
"He's very young and very good looking. He has eyes like mummy's ring!"
Ying Bao was trying to say that the uncle's eyes were as bright as jewels.
"Then do you know who he is?"
"No," Ying Bao replied, as she had forgotten to ask the teen's name.
"All right, it's almost time. Let's go," Xu Xiyan said, stopping the conversation as she did not find anything informative.
"Daddy!" Ying Bao shouted as she turned towards the stairs.
Huo Yunshen came down from the stairs and opened his arms for Ying Bao.
"Come on, let's go!" Huo Yunshen smiled.
Ying Bao followed her parents to her new school and went into it with them.