It was a dark and stormy night. Rain was falling, people were kissing in front of him, and his mom called him a loser in front of his crush because he ate all of her Twinkies^TM. How could the day get any worse?
"Jacky, dear, you believe me, right? all of these honky-ass losers don't know what's what and they keep calling me wack. Dude, that's wack."
"Hmm, yes Andrew. Totally. Mind passing me my screwdriver from over there?"
"Yeah, sure bud"
Next to Andrew was his friend Jacky. He didn't know what to refer to it as, so he called him "him" and he started using that for his personal pronouns. It stuck, idk. Anyways, they were inside Jacky's broken technology and weed filled apartment because Andrew's mom kicked them out. Then they made sweet sweet love to each other. The End.