We walk together into our classroom and all students suddenly eye us as if we were suspected criminals. " What took you guys soo long?" said Floresta. This girl really has to learn how to talk slow. " Uh, we sorta got lost," was all I could seriously come up with. " You know you have a highly regenerative GPS system in your microbot laserband." Claudion crassed. Why is she so harsh with everyone. Guess her mama never taught her good manners. " Since you mention it, now I remember. Sorry, if it was a bother too you." I literally faked.
Ok, the real reason is as follows:
The last thing was that we were talking about my luck then we suddenly fell asleep. It was as if magic had striked on us. So we woke up 5 minutes before school started and hence were late.
" Nuthead, it was not the reason." barged in Azrail.
" Yes, it was. Or can you come up with a more suitable explanation?"
" Yes I can, remember after you collapsed, the hospital officials treated you and deposited you back, they handed me some sleeping pills for you because they suspected that you might wake up suddenly and start creating commotion around the room. So they told me if that ever happened , give you the sleeping pills. So I put the pills in water, beside your bed. Right before sleeping again, you had that water and the time was 5:30 am. I tend to sleep exactly for 8 hours and my sleep was disturbed so I couldn't wake up and the sleeping pills had effect on you. Hence, this is the reason."
" Too complicated." I shuddered.
Right then Mrs. Cyclone entered. " Are all students ready to choose their desired weapons?" All chorused the yes. She led us through an old building, practically in ruins. A series of stairs led us underground. One thing Mrs. Cyclone said wrong, it is actually the weapon which chooses it's wielder. My past with the Red Blood Scythe wasn't easy, therefore this time I want a stronger weapon : The Blazing Thundershard Lightningscale Sword. Surprisingly I never asked Azrail, which weapon she wanted. I just have to find it out myself.
" Hey Azrail, one question. Why do they give us weapons here? I thought we were supposed to use our original weapon for life?" I asked her.
"That's true, but we are elites and we really aren't allowed to use our original weapons here." she stated.
" But there are more than 300 students in this academy, so all of them get weapons?"
" Wisteria, the weapon chooses it's wielder. We will only get one chance you know. If the wanted weapon rejects the desired wielder, he/she does not get a weapon. So we must choose our weapons carefully. "
" What happens if he cannot choose a weapon?" I ask, still a bit shaken from what she told.
" Well, you use your original weapon."
" Thank God!" I sighed.
"Don't be too happy about it though because this is a war game, if you lose or break your game weapon , you can still use your original one but if you break your original one, then I guess you will have to be weaponless for quite a while." I agreed to her. Well, it's not that she is wrong but she prefers reality more than the virtual one. I wonder, did she really just come here to earn money and reputation. Interesting...
We entered a hall filled with different weapon names. There were more than 8 and we were somewhat 10 students here. Each one of us uses different weapons. 3 swords, 2 duns, 1 axe, 2 dagger , 1 bow and arrow and 1 spear wielders. Yeah, since I'll choose a sword this time makes me one of the 3. The hall was as huge as 15 cargo ships put together. Each weapon had different types, but the most flashy one was the Thundershard Lightningscales division, with two swords glowing in the light. And obviously, few were drooling over it. The other few, well they probably knew that it was never gonna work for them. Poor souls. But I Blaze Wisteria, son of Arius Wisteria am gonna prove my strength and worth by winning the Thundershard Lightningscale Sword.
"Shut it Wisteria, overconfidence is not the key. Such a nuthead." said Azrail. Darn it, I said it out loud.
"First up, Claudion von Percetta fron Skull section." announced Mrs. Cyclone.
Claudion stepped forward and entered the 'Gun' division. After going through a few, she selected through a gun named MK- 9Burst. She stepped inside the training field.
"This monitor will determine the compatibility with your weapon," she said pointing towards a large screen monitor attached to a wall. "If, your score reaches 90% only then will you be able to keep it. Remember, if you are worthy only then will the weapon choose you."
The training ground was suddenly covered by an invisible barrier. NPC's started appearing one by one inside it and stood in front of Claudion. Not a second later, Claudion started shooting the NPCs, dodging their attacks and shooting from close range as well as far range with not a single shot missing the target. Her acrobatic style of fighting also provides special advantages to her. With such extraordinary talent, she could really reach the divine general status which were last held by my parents.
Even with that much effort she received a compatibility of 92%. Well, it still did cross 90% though.
"Next, Azrail from Cross Section." announced Mrs. Cyclone. This is my most awaited selection. She walked towards the sword section and chose her same sword. Well, should be expected because a person is always more comfortable with their original weapon. But, I would sure like to give a new weapon a try. Azrail stepped inside the training field, wielding her sword confidently. Describing the Black Serpent Sword, it literally demonstrates a snake. The blade is silver and the holder is practically green and black.
The invisible barrier appeared surrounding the training field. Same as before NPC's started appearing. "Spirit clouds!" yelled Azrail. Thundering clouds started appearing inside the barrier. Azrail, went on slashing the NPCs. Three with one hit, sometimes four. Her teleportation power also supported her. It was as if in a fraction of seconds, NPCs were getting killed.
" You know, she is called the 'Serpentia Titanoregalian Aphrodite' ", whispered Allysia to me. "Aphrodite?" I asked surprised. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Romance.
"Yeah, she has a fight charming power. Look at those boys there." she said pointing to Ash, Ayato, Justin, and Jackson.
" Guess, it does not charm me," I laughed.
" Hey, are you Blaze Wisteria?" she asked me but before I could answer Azrail's result came on the monitor. We shifted our gazes towards the monitor, her compatibility was 96%. Well, I sort of expected that.
" Yo Blaze boy, top that now with your premium sword." she smirked. At last my chance arrived. Unfortunately, I was the last one to go and so everybody were staring at me since I went towards the Thundershard lightningscale Division.
"Does he really think, he can acquire a sword that even ancient legends couldn't conjure?"
"Who knows, after all he is a part of the Wisterian family."
" But that's just impossible to control that sword."
"What do you mean?"
" Well, as per an article that came out by the Mighty Owner, he said that it look him a lot of effort to tame that sword. That sword has a will of it's own and it can sense your actions. Therefore, it will do exactly the opposite of what you say. Also, known by the fact that we have to create our own powers in that sword, since nobody has ever used it, it has no specific power names."
"How much power do you think can it store upto?"
"If possible more than 30. Most weapons can store upto 20."
All these whispering were sure scaring me a lot. Yes, this sword has a very bad attitude as it has it's own soul. Complicated...
As I entered the Thundershard lightningscale Division, I spotted the two swords floating on a magnet. The Multiplex one was glowing of golden light but on the other hand the Blazing one was giving out a devilish aura. Also to mention that the Blazing one had a red blade with black stripes. Which one should I choose? Too difficult. Both look super strong and attractive. Ummmmm....
"Choose one already, you darning idiot," yelled Claudion, who no longer could bear the anticipation.
I picked up the Blazing Thundershard lightningscale Sword and entered the training field. The invisible barrier appeared again. I started swinging it. Ok, it's a bit heavy. NPCs started filling the centre. I see, I have to name my own powers. "Ok, Strike!" I yelled but this damn sword started pulling me toward those armed NPCs. Why isn't this sword working? I tried a few more times, using different names. It still dosen't listen to me. Suddenly, in the middle it lost control. "What the hell is wrong with this sword," I yelled as it sent me flying in the sky.
"Wisteria, you have a fuckin' sword with attitude. Try some cooler names," laughed Azrail. She did have a point there.
That's it with this sword. " Come down right here, you menacing sword. I am your wielder, Blaze Wisteria and you will listen to what I command," I yelled pulling it down. The NPCs all gathered around me and shot at my direction.
" He's gonna die." laughed Claudion. " Oh, that's not gonna happen-" I yelled swinging my sword. "Blade Hammer," I yelled. This time it responded back. I deflected their attacks. "Quick speed, Thunder shock, Blazing Universe, invisibility, Crucifying phenomenon, Solar retractor, Astral Sphere, Devil Reincarnation ," were few of the powers which I named. After my final hit, with an explosion, I stood tired. Surprisingly, my powers have become stronger. I can sense it. Finally it stopped and we all put our gazes towards the monitor. It read 100% compatibility. How the-? What the-? Did I just really get that legendary sword. I stood frozen on my place. Words just couldn't escape from my mouth. It was not just me, but everybody in the hall had their mouths dropped. Not a single sound flapping.
"Could it be?" whispered Azrail.
"You, Blaze Wisteria are now the legendary official holder of THE BLAZING THUNDERSHARD LIGHTNINGSCALE Sword." yelled Mrs. Cyclone.
Suddenly Claudion leaped on me and gave me a jaw breaking punch. " What fucking magic did you use. How can this be possible?" she yelled holding me by the collar.
"To be honest I have no idea myself." I said half dead from the punch, my mind somersaulting.
Later that evening, I was everywhere on the T.V. The press and media started sabotaging our school, demanding an interview with me. Not just them but the entire school population started hauling in our dormitories. Why couldn't people leave me alone. "Ahhhhhh!" I screamed out of frustration.
" Quit screaming, and try to find out a solution." yelled Azrail.
"It's easy for you to say. So, should I become underground for a while?"
"That's the lamest idea ever. All you need is a disguise and a rumour." She stated.
"What rumour?" I asked knowing it was not good.
She suddenly pushed me inside her room and locked it. "What are you trying to do, Azrail?" I yell from inside.
" Just shut up and wait." she assured me.
Afterwards I found out that she had challenged all the students and people who tried to pressurize on us. And of course, who would want to fight with her? The danger snake lady has it all covered up. She also spread a rumour that whoever left him alone would have a chance to get a Thundershard Lightningscale sword. Pretty lame but it worked Also, the disguise helped me quiet down the rebellious outbreak for a bit.
This went on for a week or so. That girl may be ruthless but she sure is helpful.
"So Azrail, why help your rival?" I smirked.
"What do you mean, since we are dorm mates, it is a trouble for me too. Suppressing them was the only choice. Also, I had to do it alone as you wept in my room, so have a little gratitude towards me." she smirked back.
"I was not weeping, you locked me in there."
"Either way, I need to check your data." saying this she pressed the person button on her microbot laserband and typed my name.
Name : Blaze Wisteria
Age: 17
Country: [Not input]
Weapon: The Red Blood Scythe, The Blazing Thundershard Lightningscale Sword
HP: 170000
Academical level: 1
Magical abilities of current weapon: Quick speed, Thunder shock, Blade Hammer, Blazing universe, Devil Reincarnation, Invisibility, Crucifying Phenomenon, Solar Retractor, Astral Sphere
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Sex: Male
Well, my made up powers have astounding names. Better than Azrail's though. Also, It's more than hers. So I have to make more than 30 powers like that. Interesting....
"Hey, which country do you belong from?" asked Azrail.
"I don't know. I was brought up in many countries. So can't tell."
"Which countries?"
"I could ask you the same thing, you hide your family status, surname and country."
"Who are you? My boyfriend? To ask me personal questions?" she blushed.
"Hey, the idea of boyfriend does not sound bad." I smirked. Don't take it seriously, I was just joking but can't say that now can I?
"Hey, it was a joke, you nuthead. Go to sleep, tomorrow I am gonna challenge you to a mock battle.
"Hey, that came out of nowhere. Why??!!" I asked in shock. Yes, I could win against her if I could use my Red Blood Scythe but using the The Blazing Thundershard Lightningscale Sword without any practice is not good.
"I don'y have any practice with my sword, I can't fight you."
"I don't care about you, I am still gonna challenge you. I am here only for winning, you crackjacked nut." she hissed. A typical snake lady. She should have been Medusa instead of Aphrodite. From that...
"Hey, what's the name given to you?"
"What name" She asks,
"Something Aphrodite,"
"Yeah, it is Serpentia Titanoregalian Aphrodite" she replies.
"And why is it given to you?"
"Well, I have a special magic ability to charm boys with my fighting. "
"It does not work on me though." I smirked.
"That's not possible. I works on all boys, I have seen it myself."
"To be honest, it was working on Ayato, Jackson, Justin and Ash but it gave no effect on me." This is interesting. Her powers do not work on me. So it gains me a plus point.
"But, I still don't believe it. Anyways, go to sleep."
"Alright, I'll go." I replied.
I climbed onto my bed and drifted off towards slumber. What a chaotic day...
Note: You cannot use your previous weapon in this academical game if you have your new weapon.
Secret Note: The charm does not work on Blaze because of the Rafflesia spirit inside him.
- Earnesta
Game of Survival: The March of Execution
Author: Twilight Mukherjee
Username: Mita_Latte
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