Vere quickly ate his food while Jayden and Devin watched. "You'd think he hadn't eaten in days," Jayden said. Devin laughed, "Well to be fair Mavis fed us pretty well but I did eat majority of his servings," he replied. Vere gave a dark look between chewing. "What?!" Devin asked backing into his seat, "What can I say I love food and it loves me...we have a mutual relationship." Jayden laughed, "Seems like the trip went well then, and I take it Mavis gave you guys the info we needed on Oracle?" He asked. Vere nodded, "She was quite resourceful, though as far as leaders go...she didn't have anything on them," he replied. Jayden frowned, "Oracle has been around for over a decade...they were supposed be shut down after the rise of the Civil Republic, but yet they've remained active under the government's noses," he said. "About that.." Vere said, "Mavis believes that their are members of the council that are aware of Oracle's existence but their may be some under the table business taking place to keep Oracle hush hush in the public's eye." "Mavis also said that as far as the country leaders go she doesn't believe they are involved, the central government residing in Pandama though, they have kept a lot of information from the leaders so there is suspicion they may be funding Oracle," Devin said. Jayden say for a moment thinking. "Where is Oracle's headquarter?" Jayden asked. Vere smiled, "Glad you asked," he replied as he pulled out a small tablet, "This contains a map of the facility and its location." Vere placed the tablet on the table and the screen lit up. An image of blueprint appeared along with the layout of an island. "Island?" Jayden asked. "Iris Cove," Vere said, "It's located about 80 miles north of Viridian." Jayden smiled, "With this we can plan a surprise attack on the facility, take down Oracle once and for all," he said, "We'll need to find a way to get there though." Vere smiled, "Got that covered too," he replied. Jayden looked confused, "What do you mean?" He asked. "Mavis said as soon as we've decided on a time of attack to give her a call, she'll send a team of Sentinels to assist us and get us to the island," Devin replied. Jayden stood to his feet, "Then we need to get back to Yuki and Martin and come up with a plan." Meanwhile, outside an Oracle agent stood near the diner listening to Jayden, Vere, and Devin's conversation through an amplifier. "We have them sir," the agent said into his headset, "What do you want us to do?" "Follow them...and destroy them," A voice replied.