Chereads / Get Back to You / Chapter 146 - Risking it

Chapter 146 - Risking it

The dawn appeared. Due to the calming environment and being on the trip, resist the teenagers from waking up early. Everybody slept in, avoiding the chill fresh air in the morning.

All, except a few seen awake.


Bridgette couldn't sleep all night from Carmel's decision. She can't think of a way, how Carmel might convince Josh to wait so early in the morning?

'They seem so close to even wait for the sake of someone else.' – Bridgette's heart broke from the talk she had yesterday with Carmel.

What Carmel suggested was solely to elevate the pain she's already grieving!

Nonetheless, Carmel's idea will help Bridgette to set things straight and clear her clouded emotions, which might cause tear inside her friend's circle if not resolved soon.

Ever since Bridgette saw Carmel and Josh, she noticed the warming atmosphere they both shared. Bridgette envied it from the first encounter. She couldn't be the girl, who Josh can smile so brightly. A girl with whom he can feel free and be himself, the silly guy who loves to talk instead of posing a sporty guy appearance.

All of this made Bridgette realize that she never stood a chance with Josh. She, herself knew that Carmel is way more of good girl than Bridgette.

The entire night Bridgette couldn't fall asleep. It appeared that her life took a twist and made her hit rock bottom. Everything fell apart for Bridgette, and she felt worse than ever she could, in her life. The pain took over that night and made it impossible for her to shut eyes. It seemed as if her mind got occupied with all the things she has done so far, reliving her past and re-analyzing the decisions she made, which caused her trouble.

'I want to start afresh.'

'I don't want to be like this.'

'I want to-'

'I want to be happy.'

Tears flowed as Bridgette covered herself inside the blanket. She couldn't cry out loud but only let a few quiet whimpers and covered her mouth.

Ivy was tossing around. Bridgette couldn't let Ivy discover her weeping and make a fuss about it.

The whole night Bridgette let herself out underneath the blanket.

When the night ended, and the sky started lightening, her heart raced from debating, whether to meet Josh or not!

After pondering for a whole night, Bridgette resolved to change. She woke up with her dark circles and puffed up face, and went to the bathroom to get ready.

Several minutes later, she came out and dressed up. Ivy kept tossing around all night, which made her fell into a deep slumber in the early morning.

Ivy resembled dead asleep.

Bridgette found it lucky. She left the room without making noise.

Her steps paced as she came downstairs.

Her mind boggled over the thought of facing Josh.

What is she going to talk?

Is she planning to confess?

Her mind traumatized all along the way.

The plan was to let Josh meet Bridgette at the connector trail. Since Bridgette didn't join the Day 1 hike, she wasn't aware of which side to choose.

She panicked and ambushed outside the building.

"You came!" a male voice struck her ears, startling.

Bridgette turned to the direction and saw Josh.

Josh dressed up neatly and looked fresh. He wore black hiking shorts paired with a maroon sweatshirt, with the hoodie on covering his head until now. He removed it after noticing Bridgette.

All of the features that she admired secretly stood in front of her, right now.

Unknowingly, Bridgette let out a slight smile from looking at him.

The little crush inside of her thumped, danced and hopped around while Bridgette stood in her dreamland. Soon, it crashed when Josh signaled her to follow him.

"We don't have much time, follow me quickly," Josh motioned towards the connector trail.

Bridgette quietly followed him, only the sound of birds chirping and gentle breeze surrounded the two. Within a few minutes of speed walking, the two arrived their destination.

Josh halted suddenly, shocking Bridgette. She stumbled a little but was able to get back to her self pretty soon.

"This is the connector trail. Yesterday's hike included passing this area and going around like a loop. You missed it; it was beautiful."

Josh spoke first. He mentioned about the connector trail and their Day 1 hiking trip mostly. It was short and crisp. By the time he ended, Bridgette felt nervous.

Watching her silence, Josh initiated their real conversation.

"Carmel spoke to me, yesterday, late at night!"

"I noticed the obvious gap between you guys. I asked her many times, but she told me it was due to Giselle's issue."

"I didn't know that it involved me, in any way!"

Josh ended his talk and waited for Bridgette.

As soon as she heard those words of 'Carmel spoke to me,' Bridgette felt discouraged. The pain resumed, and all the dreamland wrecked.

"It's not true-" Bridgette struggled within herself, but in the end, she chose to risk it.

"I'm sorry. Yes, it included you," Bridgette replied, her words kept stammering.

"And?" Josh exacted for a detailed interpretation.

Bridgette hesitated, she kept twirling her fingers and her legs tapping on the ground. Her whole body showcased the signs of anxiety.

With a heavy heart, she goes, "I had feelings for you, Josh Ryder."

Her words struck Josh, made him lose his cool.

Bridgette continued explaining her feelings. She didn't confess but expressed all of her hidden emotions.

Josh's face changed to every sentence she said, making him lose his collected composure. He never knew Bridgette's secret crush, even in the past, Josh considered Bridgette to be a good friend. However, his perspective changed when he found Bridgette's action to be petty and selfish. His bond with her disappeared without Bridgette recognizing.

Now, hearing all of this shook him the hard way.

Bridgette also mentioned about messing up with the girls who tried to near him. Learning it all at once further triggered Josh.

"Stop, just stop," Josh disrupted her.

He couldn't take it anymore, even if Bridgette held feelings for him.

Even if it was true, Josh felt offensive of Bridgette's actions.

Chapter 1, WE... are back, mother!