[Body replication complete.]
[You are now allowed to make small changes to your appearance as well as choose your desired race.]
In a brightly lit room, composed mostly of white, stood a half naked young woman in dull gray undergarments. Her pale face expressionless as she blankly gazed ahead, her eyes glazed and empty of life.
Lingering near her motionless body, a transparent blue orb like entity could be seen curiously circling around the body. Glowing radiantly as it analyzed the unmoving body.
After a few minutes, the blue orb seemed to lose interest, allowing itself to float lazily in the air a few inches away from the young woman
"Hm.. Face, body, and height are the same. I can change a few things here and there to look a little different but it doesn't change much, so it'd probably be better to not change anything for now. As for the race…"
Scrolling through the options that popped up in a transparent blue square, the blue orb imagined that it had a hand on its round chin, remaining silent in thought.
As it scrolled through the options, sometimes it would stay on a certain race for a short period of time, before moving on to the next.
Pondering through the choices it would take small glances at the motionless body next to it which would change its appearance every time the blue orb paused on a different race.
When it stopped on the Elf race, the girl's body grew a bit taller and slimmer than it already was. Her ears grew longer at the tips, and her face became more defined. Although the girl was already beautiful, these changes allowed her to reach an almost godly amount of beauty, which surprised even the floating blue orb.
With this selection another transparent blue square popped up listing all the advantages and disadvantages of the race as well as the different categories of the elf race such as High Elves, Dark Elves, Blood elves, and so on.
"Elves are a small race known for their far range weapon mastery such as darts, bows, and spears. They are also proficient with knives and swords. They are an agile race, along with being fast they are also wise beyond their years often living up to a thousand years. Players who have chosen the Elf race usually spawn within a categorized community of elves, which are mostly located in naturally made environments such as forests, swamps, and deserts, all of which are completely secluded from other races. Elves do not often leave their communities until they reach a certain level that is satisfactory to their elf community members. Those who do not reach their standards will be forced to remain within the community until their skills are deemed satisfactory, this more often than not could take months to years to complete but will allow the player to be stronger and more experienced than many other races when completed."
Studying the pros and cons of an Elf along with the changes in the body's appearance, the blue orb shook its head in disapproval.
"Too eye catching." It said.
With that, it moved on to the next race, that being the Human race.
With the Human race selected on the list of options, the body immediately returned to it original appearance. An attractive young girl with a tall slim figure.
The blue orb ignored its appearance as it was used to looking at itself, instead it focused on its disadvantages and advantages, it had no categories like the elves since humans could develop into whatever they liked as long as they chose a suitable job.
"Humans have a high adaptability to many environments. Once they have spawned into the world, they can adapt to any situation with a bit of time. They are proficient in all types of weapons, ranging from swords, bows, daggers, claymores, spears, small rocks, big rocks, and really just about anything they pick up. Humans can be fast, strong, and smart, but often times they might not have all three. Humans may have a lot of good attributes, but for everything they do best there is another race that could do better, yet although humans are seen as the weakest of all the races, they make it up by being one of the largest races in existence. They are often referred by other races as a menace to the environment, making them enemies to many nature loving races. As a side note most humans can fight anything as long as it makes a noise or even looks in their general direction. At critical times, their fear is almost non-existent, which of course can be both good and bad."
Reading the long description for humans, the blue orb felt a bit insulted somehow.
Well it wasn't interested in being a human anyhow, it has been a human for the entirety of its life anyways, it might as well choose something new.
Skimming though the list, the orb passed on races such as the Demon Race, Aquatic Race, Reptilian Race, Avian Race, Undead Race, and many others.
Feeling a little overwhelmed the orb let out a sigh. It was provided with too many options to choose from, in the end it couldn't decide. It didn't know exactly how long it had been in here, but it was already too long.
After thinking about it, the race didn't really matter much as long as it was something useful. It had seen a lot of great options, but many of them came with big disadvantages. At this point though it didn't matter, seeing a button with 'randomize' written underneath all the options for races, the blue orb didn't hesitate to press it.
[Character Randomization will begin shortly, choosing from all races, randomizing race category…]
[Randomization Complete]
Once the button was pressed, the odd robotic voice came back along with a misty fog that surrounded the motionless figure. After a few seconds the fog quickly faded away, revealing a completely new appearance.
The orb had seen how all the other races looked when combined with her body, but this one matched her very personality well. Not adding much changes but still having a nice look to it.
It was perfect, as for the skills and attributes, for now it didn't matter. She just wanted to play.
And so with a few changes here and there, the blue orb flew into the now finalized virtual character. Once absorbed into the body, it vanished, never to be seen again.
The bright white room that it was in remained silent for a few seconds, and the body remained still. A few seconds passed before a pair of flaming red eyes opened suddenly, with a sharp cunning glint hidden within.
[ Congratulations! Character Customization for player 'Pink Cross' has been completed! You may now step foot into "New World Online"! Now routing you to a suitable spawning area! Good luck!]