More about Magic

Elemental Affinities

The Basics of Air

Air magic is about controlling the wind.

The Basics of Fire

Fire magic is about either controlling heat/flames.

The Basics of Earth

Earth magic is about controlling anything that comes from the earth such as stone or metals.

The Basics of Water

Water magic is about controlling and shaping water.

Astral Affinities

The Light and Dark Affinities are also known as Astral Affinities and the reason Nature is not among them is that it can occur through the combination of the Elemental Affinities. Astral affinities can either have little to no effect on another affinity or it can play a large role in that affinities development. For example, the Light affinity enhances the power of the Fire affinity while the Dark affinity does little to nothing for it.

The Basics of Light Magic

Light magic is about purification and healing as well as bending light.

The Basics of Dark Magic

Dark magic is about control over self and shadows.

Combination Elements

Air + Fire = Plasma

Plasma Magic is a very strong offensive magic that can produce extreme heat.

Fire + Earth = Magma

Magma Magic is a strong offensive and defensive magic that can throw balls of molten earth and build defensive barriers by cooling it down to create strong stone walls.

Earth + Water = Nature

Nature Magic is very dependent on the third element that the being possesses whether it is Light or Dark. If it is Light, it is a very powerful healing magic. If it is Dark, it is a very powerful control magic that allows you to communicate and command plants and animals and when especially strong allows you to shapeshift.

Water + Air = Storm

Storm Magic allows one to create weather phenomena depending on the third affinity that the being possesses. If it is Light, it allows one to create lightning or maybe a healing rain. If it is Dark, it allows one to manifest blizzards and create tornadoes and hurricanes.