Chapter 9 - Mystical Beasts History

9 - Mystical Beasts History

After the whole scene of the young master waking up and the familiars calling Yo Huiyin 'Empress' everyone has decided to let the Yo Huiyin and the familiars alone while they take care of the still flustered young master.

In one of the empty rooms Yo Huiyin silently watched the two familiars that kneel before her, Behind her is Gu Ruo, the tiny boy hid behind Yo Huiyins wheelchair, he stayed just In case the familiars were plotting against his eldest sister, He wouldn't let them take her.. he might be tiny but his eyes held determination on protecting his eldest sister.

'Gu Ruo, can you be my voice?'

The boy nodded, He was happy to help in any way.

Yo Huiyin handed to Gu Ruo a peice of paper "Eldest sister says 'Please rise, I want to speak with the two of you'."

The two familiars nodded and rised "Empress, We're honored to see you finally reborn!" Mei mei clasped both her hands together as she look at Yo Huiyin with admiration in her eyes

Another paper was handed to Gu Ruo "Empress? Please explain. It might be that you've got the wrong person"

Both familiars shook their head "Your Highness we wouldn't mistake you for someone else! We can feel it." Lingshu lifted his hands to touch his chest, Mei Mei followed suit. Both familiars now had their palms on their chest above their heart "Every Yí wèi beasts will have this feeling like your heart is beating rapidly..."

'Yí wèi' which basically means Shifter/Shift'

"..Your blood heating up" mei mei closed her eyes as if reminiscing

"It's like your gonna have a fever, like mortals do, Fortunately we aren't weak as humans... we don't get sick, these are the signs that the empress is near... that the empress has reborn!" Lingshu and Mei Mei had two of their fingers sideways placed infront of his forehead

"E-eldest sister says 'That does not prove I am the one you call Empress'." Gu Ruo was shell shocked at what the two intimidating Familiars said but he still held on to himself as to not to disturb eldest sister and the familiars talk.

"Empress, You still don't believe us?"

Yo Huiyin shook her head, It was true that what they said didn't specifically points to her that she is the empress.

"Then empress we will show you a proof that you cannot deny anymore that you are our empress." Mei Mei bit the tip of her finger, she took Yo Huiyin's hand and dripped the blood directly to her palm, before the blood could land it stopped mid air, The blood slowly turned to gold , as soon as it did it landed on her hands

Examining it Yo Huiyin was shocked, it was beyond what science could explain, it was something she could not explain.

"The empress's hands can turn anything that her follower wish in exchange of a drop of blood, As an example I wished in my heart a peice of gold, if this follower offers their blood to The empress, the empress will grant it to them." Yo Huiyin couldn't move, She didn't knew what to say exactly.

"Empress has just reborn and has forgotten about our history give her highness a break."

"Should we give empress a refresher?" Mei mei sat on the carpet wool floor, Her hands infront of her careful not to accidentally scratch Yo Huiyin, Yo Huiyin nodded, She did wanted to know more.

"It started way back when the portal of the 7 realms opened breaking the earths barrier we descended from the sky from being sucked out of our realm. Yí wèis of different creatures have been enslaved and killed by mortals as we were weak from the earth realms atmosphere, but empress that was when you came in, Empress saved millions of us, Empress was already weakened fighting of the humans and also breathing in the atmosphere, she bravely sacrificed herself... but that's where contracts began. Every Yí wèi will be contracted to a human in order to survive... to be immune to the atmosphere without abnormalities, But Yí wèi's have to do the contracted humans bidding." Mei Mei looked down on her palms, tears slowly breaming in her eyes

Lingshu clenched his fist and closed his eyes "Yí wèis around the earth have been used as tools to kill and be flaunted around like trophies, but if you weren't strong enough humans will dissolve the contract and once they dissolve the contract Yí wèis were to die." She finally let's go of the tears in her eyes , moments later she smiled "but empress promised us, Once she reborns back empress will find a way to open back the realm portals and take us all back to our realm. Empress promised to punish the humans full of greed and blinded by power, soon we are safe! Empress now that you are back we can hold on as long as we can until you fulfill your promise" Mei Mei suddenly leaped from the carpet and hugged Yo Huiyin, Tears falling like a waterfall from her eyes.

Yo Huiyin was stunned, After a moment her eyes full of determination entered Lingshu's eyes. He knew, that their empress will surely fulfil her promise to them. He smiled.