Hi! I'm Felicia and I am only 7 years old starting in one hour! My birthday is a little while away but my best friend, Jason who is a few months older than I, is sitting right next to me. He told me that he was waiting to be the first one to wish me a happy birthday. Isn't he just to sweet! I think so too.
I can't wait for my presents to come and I think that's the reason that Jason is here too. He likes my things a lot for some strange reason. I don't always understand him but I do know that he is my best friend and nothing could ever change that fact. Not even some strange magic. And yes I do believe in magic. I hope that you can understand my way of thinking.
Signing out Felicia
Hi. I'm Jason and I am 7 years old. I am waiting for my best friend to become 7 too. I am also waiting to be the first one to tell her "Happy Birthday" so that I can be her special someone in her eyes.
Yes if you haven't realized it already then here it goes. I like Felicia! She is just too pure and sweet. She doesn't know how I feel yet and intend to keep it that way so you better be quite about it. I am going to tell her that I like her on her 10th birthday. So she can be in the double digits when I tell her. Unless it comes from her mouth before her 10th birthday. But only if. I also doubt that she would do that.
Anyway I hope you understand that I really do love that pure and innocent and funny little girl that I call my very best friend. I also hope that you can like her just as much as I do.
Signing out Jason