" Red roses and few green fillers for tomorrow. " Jerry proudly smiled as he showed his newly - arranged bouquet.
" Don't forget your spy pen and find a good angle. "
"Got it. "
At ten in the morning, Jerry knocked again at Jia's office. And as usual, his smile was as bright as the shade of the red roses which glowed in its freshness. In his shirt pocket, was the black spy pen he always brought everytime he delivered the flowers.
"Good morning, Miss Jia! Another set of beautiful flowers, freshly picked - up from April's Garden. "
"Really? You also have a garden? You don't rely on suppliers only ? "
" Yes. We have a flower farm in Busay. " His smile never left his face as he replied.
"April is a lady's name. I wonder how is she related to you..." She smiled as she tried to tease him.
"No, ma'am, it is not related to me. The name is related to the real owner of this flower shop. I am only his trustee. "
"Then how is it related to the