Shaheen runs back to her room and buries herself in her blankets.
I don't know what came over me. I planned to just ignore him and not talk too much. But when I saw the way he looked at me, I couldn't help but want to say something to please him. Once I said a little bit about me, I could see that he was shocked that I had spoken so much but also smiling as though he wanted that I keep speaking. The attention and light in his eyes is what drove me to say that I would say yes for marriage with him. It was such a rash decision but I can't say I regret it. I don't think I mind him staring at me like that for the rest of my life. This is a scary feeling but I trust my brother.
*knock on her bedroom door
"Yes come in!" says Shaheen.
"Hey Shaheen. I'm really sorry for leaving you alone with Zain. But I really would love it if my most trusted and reliable friend were to marry my most darling sister which is why I want you two to get to know each other. Whenever our parents get marriage offers for you, I can't trust anyone because I don't know them as well as I know Zain. At least, with Zain, I can guarantee he will never hurt you and will never betray you, but I can't guarantee that for anyone else. If I ever hear that your future husband ever hurts you in any way, then I will probably kill him and take you back."
Shaheen laughs "Brother, your love for me makes you so violent haha. Don't worry. I promise I'll be happy with Zain in the future. I trust that he won't ever hurt me either."
Ismail's jaw drops. "Wait. Are you saying you like Zain? Like LIKE AS A HUSBAND kinda like???"
Shaheen turns red and smiles shyly nodding.
"Wait but you don't know each other too well at all! How did you and Zain decide so quickly?! I don't mind this outcome but both don't seem to hesitate at all in your choices!"
"Brother. I can't say I'm an expert in discerning which guys are exceptional and will truly be good husbands or not. Nor can I say that I know much about Zain. But there are a lot of things you can tell about people through their eyes." I say pointing to my eyes.
"He seems slightly rash and forceful through the way his eyes look. He seems like the kind of guy who will do anything to get what he wants, so ambitious. This can be a bad thing at times but I'm also sure that if he ever does anything bad, it would be done out of love because his eyes also seem deep and drawn to me like he would do anything to protect the people he cares about. Just these characteristics as well as the fact that he's friends with one of the greatest people I know is enough reason for me to find him as a good candidate for a husband."
"Yeah right. I doubt you could tell all this by the eyes. Are you sure it wasn't his handsome looks and 6'4 build that didn't get you smitten?" my brother jokes as he pretends to fawn over that image.
"Hey! That's it!" I say as I run over to him to smack him for embarrassing me.
"Ok ok I give up haha you're right you're right! Zain is truly all of what you said. He truly is VERY ambitious and that is the part about him that kind of scares me because ambition can cloud judgement sometimes. But I understand that he will always protects his loved ones so I don't mind you being with him." he says as he holds both my hands tight so I don't attack him.
Even though these were all things I knew and liked, hearing brother praise Zain made me redden up so I looked down to hide my face but my brother noticed and said "Wow you and Zain are completely the same. You both aren't even married yet but you're already thinking and smiling about each other as though you are!"
My brother's teasing was endless and I kept blushing until my brother finally stopped and hugged me to express his happiness and let me go to sleep so I can wake up early the next day.