Tuesday 5 September 2018 our MC pasta(hey don't judge:)try coming with mc who is named after food mom :hey dear do you want pasta for lunch father : oh then it s gonna be pasta ). for pasta as a food lover the greatest honor is to win the worldwide food eating competition taking place in LA a competition being live streamed to half of the word
the competition is fierce between pasta and his old rival and friend the Japanese sumo yamato and shukishi the Chinese food champion and the american champion Andrew the semi finals (heck who am I kidding fuck this) and he won he won the pasta has been crowned the 1 foodie after a fierce competition (who cares ). after winning and take foodie lover gold cup in his hands and a few interviewes
pasta is walking in the street heading straight to his favorite place the All you can eat Wang restaurant but suddenly (not really he was walking in the road while the light was red and salivating about food) he is run over by a food truck driver(no he thought it was a huge sandwich while daydreaming and pasta ran straight to it ) and before dying he made his last wish
pasta :please give me the chance to become the supreme foodie lover
next chapter reincarnation and meeting the primordial food god