We had set out on our journey to the next town. I was made to sit in a strange metal carriage. It moved with a strange wheel and a few levers. Vrel said that it was called a car.
Vrel sat beside me and filled me on various things. He said we lived in a country called Palaain. The planet was called Aërth. It had five continents.
We were on a continent called Aaesia. The others were Rāat( A subcontinent of Aaesia but said to be a continent by itself because of it's richness and size.), Samund, Haawa and Vayuu. Haawa and Vayuu were connected to each other.
Vrel said that my mother was a person who came from Rāat. The people there were generally dark skinned with white hair. The temperatures there were very hot and it was more of a tropical region. Some places even had deserts. Hawaa and Vayuu had pale skins and really colourful hair. The people of Samund were good at fishing and most children spent their time playing in the water.
I asked Vrel about my father. Vrel said that both my parents were pure blood people of Rāat. That confused me.
"So then why do I have dark hair?"