Orire was completely shocked, he felt all the hairs on his body stand on end, as he stared at the huge figure charging towards him.
The eye totem seemed like it had met a very strong foe,
it let out resplendent beams of light , illuminating the whole surroundings while slowly levitating like a rising sun.
The light only seemed to get brighter as orire quickly closed his eyes and ran opposite to the totemic brawl,
Outside the totem hall, every villager seemed to be in high spirits as they talked amongst themselves, in the midst of tribal songs
"oho!, that orire has met some serious trouble, elder tutu silently mused with his eyes closed,
not only did the onoki eye totem take an interest in him, he even saw the jombolo demon spirit totem.
This is going to get dangerous for that child.
Tho, contrary to his thoughts, he had a faint smile on his face that showed a hint of anticipation.
The ground began trembling as the roars from the jombolo got louder and more threatening.
With a massive body of ten meters in hight and width, the jombolo stood tall. It had four massive legs that seemed like pillars proping up the heavens,
this was a totem formed of pitch black and Snow White lines, forming an intricate spiral and block pattern,
It had no eyes, big ears and two very sturdy looking trunks on its face,
Just below it's trunks were a set of tusks, Two on each side of its face giving of a sense of power and indomitablity.
Orire kept running, but he had a feeling that he would not be able to escape this battle, rather he didn't feel he was fast enough to escape.
He quickly ran to the closest rock he could find, and held unto the rock like it was his only saving grace.
When he looked back at the battle between the totems he was shaken.
After rising to the same level as the jombolo, the onoki eye totem kept sending out piercing light beams, but it didn't seem to affect jombolo, who just kept stomping the ground and thrashing about, trying to threaten off the eye.
The eye totem seemed to sense the threat from jombolo and it quickly started expanding, while letting out a piercing screech.
The concentric rings forming the eye started turning blood red as the screech got louder.
The eyes began absorbing the surrounding light as the rings started glowing red like burning metal ingots.
All of a sudden an arm thick beam of light shut out of the pupil of the totem hitting the jombolo totem directly.
The jombolo totem roared in anger and swung its thick trunks intending to hit the eye totem out of the sky.
Seeing the actions of the elephant totem, the eye totem became blurry as the trunks swung by its previous position.
Orire was stunned seeing the actions of the totems and marvelled because two similar eye totems had appeared on the battle field, one in front and one at the back of jombolo which in turn only caused it to thrash about more and let out air shaking roars.
Everytime jombolo swung its trunk aiming to smash one of the totems to pieces,it disappeared and replicated.
Before long the jombolo was surrounded by about seventy totems of varying sizes all still letting out scorching light beams hitting every part of the jombolo.
After noticing that no damage had been incured by the jombolo and it only seemed to have gotten angrier.
All the eye totems quickly started dashing towards one point fusing together and forming one mega eye that seemed like the fate of the world was under its sight.
The eye totem became twice as large as jombolo in an instant, sending out a mountain shaking and earth toppling pressure, causing a surge of wind to blow and almost sending Orire flying.
Orire was completely flabagasted at the strength displayed by the eye totem.
Orire kept his eyes locked into the battle not wanting to miss a bit. The gigantic eye let out blinding amounts of light covering a one kilometre area in a blanket of white.
All the light seeming like live creatures surged towards the eye turning it white hot.
A waist thick beam of light shot out, hitting directly on jombolo, raising a cloud of dust and shaking the surroundings vigorously.
Orire stared blank faced as watched the whole battle.
He was about to jump in ecstasy and run towards the eye totem, he then took a closer look and his face changed instantly.
In the thick cloud of smoke he saw the silhouette of a gigantic elephant, with sturdy legs and a robust frame,
It stared straight at the eye totem and made a loud sonorous roar.
Orire felt shocked, because it took all his willpower to stay awake under the pressure emanating from the demon totem.
The jombolo totem began expanding rapidly,
10 meters, 15 meters, 17 meters, 21 meters.
Before long the jombolo totem was just as large as the onoki eye totem, but it's growth did not seem to be stopping.
25 meters, 27 meters
Upon reaching thirty meters it's growth stopped, baleful energy radiated off jombolo and an indomitable sense of weight and power.
Orire felt certain for an instant, that if the sky fell, this totem could prop it up.
Every totem in totem hall and even the children searching for totems felt a sense of dread.
Totems began running away keeping distance between themselves and the ongoing battle,
Even the children far away kept going further and thanking the gods that they were not close to that location.
Unknown to them that one of them was in the midst of this tempest.
The jombolo totem let out an earth shaking roar, tho this was a totem, it's intrepid body seemed indestructible.
The onoki eye totem had a look of terror as it watched the whole scene, quickly it turned around split into more than five hundred totems of varying sizes, and dashed in every direction.
With a savage glint in its eyes jombolo swung it's trunks, the air pressure alone had already destroyed more than a hundred totems,
the eye totems employed different ability from quick speed to burrowing underground, just to throw of this calamity.the fastest had already covered more than a 100 meters,
The jombolo totem with a heavy stomp, charged forward, exhibiting a speed contrary to its size in an instant more than 100 meters was covered as it rammed the leading eye totem.
Fissures quickly snaked out in all directions, on the ground and in the air, * yes the air* that covered a three kilometer radius, decimating everything with itself at the epicenter.
Every eye totem was completely shredded apart not even leaving the grasses on the ground,
orire was jolted badly by the shockwave as he threw up mouthfull after mouthfull of blood
As his skin lost its colour.
"what a terrifying totem"
From this one battle alone, orire understood one thing, no matter what tricks or techniques one employed, they were absolutely inconsequential before absolute and irrefutable power.
Conviction swelled up in the heart of orire, he had never understood the concept of power or strength,
but now one thing was certain a weak person could never achieve much, just like the way every totem ran away upon the jombolo totems rampage,
Or the seemingly terrifying eye totem that he felt was strong was actually decimated in one hit.
Orire was sure, if he wanted to be a warrior, this was the kind of power he wanted, the power to crush everything that stood in his way.