Chereads / Broly The Saiyan of Legend! / Chapter 79 - Not that bad

Chapter 79 - Not that bad

A figure was lying on a bed contemplating her life. It has been a month since she was kidnapped by these lunatics.

They had explained to her that they came for her. It was a request from her uncle to pick her up, which explained why they didn't hesitate to slaughter the others of her group. Her uncle always said to her that they were bad company.

She sighed at the thought that her conquest was foiled before it started. She was the second strongest in the group, but she wasn't satisfied with that position. She wanted to rule, not be second to that murderous jackass named Bojack.

She couldn't deny that Bojack was several times stronger than her, that was why she was 'loyal' to him. In the beginning she wanted to use his strength to kill the competition. She thought that since Bojack saw their race superior than every other race, she could just use her body to seduce him. Unfortunately, Bojack enjoyed snapping someone's neck more than everything else.

It didn't really matter to her anymore, since Bojack was easily disposed of.

The Saiyans picked her up and healed her. She also saw Broly checking her out, which gave rise to the thoughts to seduce him, but these thoughts were quickly killed before they could sprout.


Because of the sounds that kept her up at night. It was unbelievable how long they were going and how loud they became. By then she knew that she would only be one of many as she could hardly kill the competition as they were far stronger than her.

Besides why would she degrade herself if she couldn't get any benefits from it?

Additionally, the glares of the two female Saiyans made it clear that she wouldn't have a pleasant time if she made a move. She thought that if she couldn't make a move, she at least shouldn't endure the sounds they made. At one time she screamed at them through the wall to shut up, but Broly just laughed, Alea muffled her moans a bit and Cana shamelessly kept going. After a month she already was able to tell the difference between the two, which she wasn't proud of at all.

Zangya was only able to sleep with earplugs while being buried under blanket and pillow and accepted her fate.

The only positive was that they were nice, if one ignored the cold stares of the two females. Broly also didn't force himself onto her or showed any interest after the initial size up, even though he kept going with the other two without stop, which weirdly frustrated her.

The only thing they forced her to do was to participate in their training. They said that she needed to become stronger, so they don't have to protect her later on. Protect her? In the whole galaxy there would hardly be anyone that could even approach her strength.

She started telling them how easily she could decimate hundreds of groups and that she already did before she was sealed away. How she dealt with Frost Demons, but instead of the awe she would usually get, they just shut her up disinterested.

She wanted to argue how incredible her tales are, when she remembered that she was easily beaten up by them.

Surprisingly the training had good results. In the past she would normally never train except for coordination, as their race was just naturally strong, and it was just too sweaty and straining. She also thought that the constant battles as a pirate was training enough, but she remembered that they always attacked rather weak groups with the exception of a few times, she would hail as grand tales. Now being forced to train, she rapidly grew in strength.

She was always pushed to the extreme by them and by the room itself. She would have died numerous times, if it weren't for these healing capsules they got. They also taught her some things about ki control and let her have access to their library. They said that her uncle gifted it to them, so she would be able to learn anyway, if she went to her uncle and requested it later. Either way it didn't matter to them.

They would usually take time to read on the techniques together and discuss them, it would take a few years until they would be through the whole library. Broly said that although some are exceptional techniques, she should focus on making a technique of her own with the knowledge she gained.

He also added to become vastly stronger, so it would better his training, which pissed Alea and Cana off and they directly turned into the next level they called Super Saiyan 2. She thought that the name was a bit uncreative, but the strength of that transformation was no joke. They got twice as strong as their normal Super Saiyan after taking that form!

It forced Broly to go non-full power Super Saiyan, which shocked her greatly. After thinking a bit, it was stupid for her to assume that he couldn't transform. After asking they said that Broly could transform into something that was stronger than Super Saiyan 2.

Broly surprisingly explained his forms to her. The yellow eyes were called Ikari, which multiplies his power by 8. Next was non-full power Super Saiyan, which was the same as a normal Mastered Super Saiyan, a 100x multiplier. He said that he could stack Ikari on top but with the increase in strength through Super Saiyan his return through Ikari would diminish.

As a non-full power Super Saiyan his Ikari only multiplied it by 3x, which would result in a stacked 300x multiplier.

His Legendary Super Saiyan or just legendary state, Broly referred it to, was a 400x plus a 1.5x multiplier from Ikari, resulting in 600x times his base.

She was utterly shocked at this revelation. Someone who could fight on even ground with her former boss Bojack and kill him with his first transformation was able to become 75x times stronger than that. She was baffled, wouldn't he be able to easily conquer the universe?

Not to mention him but his girlfriends were exceptional strong as well and from their conversations, she could gather that there were at least two more Super Saiyans, who should be close to the female's strength.

It took a while to accept this fact. But she couldn't complain about their enormous strength after she saw their extreme training regime, every other person would have died already even with their healing capsules. It showed their mental state and that they put serious efforts into becoming stronger, which in the first time in her life motivated her to train to her limits as well.

Although she was naturally stronger and grew stronger rapidly, she still lost out to the Saiyans and their strange physique.

She also polished her transformation. In contrast to the bulkier male transformation, the females would still be lean but with dense muscles.

For the next 2 years they trained together without stop, until they landed on another planet. With an additional person, they wanted to stock up on more supplies.

In the beginning they were on guard with her, especially Alea and Cana. Zangya obviously knew why, but after showing no intention to seduce their man, they had quickly warmed up with her. Zangya realized that although they were battle maniacs, they were very nice to her and she genuinely enjoyed their stupid conversations, even though she was constantly teased by Cana, which annoyed her a bit, but overall this was nowhere near as bad as she had initially dreaded, rather it could be said it felt like a nice vacation.

This group was much more enjoyable than her previous one. It was nice to have other females around, instead of a boss that disregarded her and 3 others who would goggle at her the whole time.

It softened Zangya a bit that they started considering her a friend, she unknowingly slowly accepted to be part of this group. Coupled with the strength the Saiyans displayed, it showed how unrealistic her past dream to conquer the universe with her strength was, but this only gave her a new goal, to chase after them.

They landed on an orange planet with life on it. There was a civilization on it, but they were rather primitive. Thankfully there were plenty of beast, they could kill for food, the water was good as well. They would only have to filter it once to make it drinkable. Of course, with their powerful bodies, they would hardly catch any illnesses or diseases, but they filtered it anyway to give it a cleaner feeling.

Broly had scanned the planet with their ship's scouter, only to find several individuals with a battle power of 5000, which was impressive for such a remote planet. He quickly approached them, only to see a village.

Broly grinned at the sight. Zangya had already put the pump into the water and had nothing to do anymore. As she saw Broly flying towards the distance, she quickly followed him. She saw him stare at a village.

"Do you want to kill them?"

"What? No. We don't that here. Just wanted to take a look at the aboriginals."

"Take a look? Why? They are just low-level creatures with barely any strength." As soon as she said that Broly flicked her forehead and waved his finger in her face.

"No no no. Even weak creatures like them can get abnormal strong, and never underestimate someone just because our scouter says they have a low power level. After all the time you spend with us, you should know that one can suppress one's power. Sigh." Broly sighed disappointedly, even though it was obviously faked, it still irritated her.