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Cool I got Super Powers and all, But I don't think I deserve them

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Have you ever felt completely useless, undeserving of anything that normal people get? Have you ever loved yourself, thinking you're better than others and entitled to what you want? When you get powers, making you stronger than a lot of people: Do you use that for self-gain or for other's sake? Kenjiro Asukara is a boy who, against his own will, gets powers making his capabilities larger than your average person. But Kenjiro is a person who both hates and loves himself, he doesn't think he deserves a lot of things. Especially these new powers he's gotten. He quickly makes it his goal to transfer his powers onto someone who has the ability to help others, someone who deserves them. But he gets dragged into a club of power users, and now has to find a way out. Join Kenjiro on his reluctant journey to rid himself of the undeserved powers.

Chapter 1 - I Thought Getting Super Powers Would Be Cool, But I Don't Think I Want Them.

Formatting information before the chapter:

-text - : Text= inner thoughts

* text * : Text= Sound effect


A normal day in my life usually follows a similar pattern. I wake up, Prepare for school, Go to school, Come home from school and Watch Anime, read manga and do eventual homework. A very average day for a loner otaku like myself.

But when I walked out the door this day, I had a strange feeling that today would somehow deviate from that everyday.

I walked out the front door with a heavy and tired body. I spent the previous afternoon binge-watching a show and I forgot that we had homework due today. Thanks to that, I had to be up until 4 am. The sun had already set itself up on the blue canvas some call the sky. Because of that, the humidity was unbearable.

"It shouldn't be so humid this early in the day" I mumbled to myself, luckily no one was around me so my self-speaking habit wasn't discovered by anyone.

I grabbed my bicycle and started making my way to school.


I parked my bicycle and started running towards my classroom.

After walking up 2 staircases, my fragile body had already reached its limit. I leaned against the wall in front of me to catch my breath. My heavy breathing was suddenly overpowered by a big hitting sound. My attention was suddenly drawn to my left. What I witnessed upon locking my eyes to the left was two students fighting.

-Are you kidding me!? How has no one noticed this yet? -

To avoid trouble, I turned around and attempted to walk up the stairs. But apparently my efforts were useless because when I tried to, I was for some reason stopped by some sort of invisible barrier-thing. Not long after embarrassing myself by walking into the thing, the losing student called out to me.

"You, You there!"

The guy pointed straight at me. I looked behind me to make sure he was pointing at me. I've made that mistake before, and it sure was embarrassing.

I pulled an anxious laughter and the guy raised his eyebrow.

"Y-Yes?" I answered after an uncomfortable stare between us two.

The 'winning' student arrogantly sits down in a chair in front of the lying student.

"Take my hand."

"Why should I!?" I quickly retorted, the thought of the action didn't really entice me.

"Whatever, you'll thank me for it. Hurry, Kori's about to finish me off."

I reluctantly took the fateful steps forward and grabbed a hold of the left hand he was holding out.

Instantly when I took a hold of his hand, a bright light shone through our hands. I felt a surge of strength flow into me. It was one of the weirdest feelings I'd ever experienced. After a couple of seconds, the bright white light faded away and what was left was a smiling student also fading away.

"Why are you fading away?"

It was quite a stupid question I hindsight. My reaction to everything was a completely empty facial expression. All of the things that had happened hadn't really settled in yet. After the student had completely faded away, the student who had been victorious turned his attention to me.

"Do you understand what just happened?" The student asked me.

"No, Kori, I haven't got the slightest clue as to what just occurred." I answered in an honest and calm tone.

"Of course you don't. Let me simplify it, Gakuro was losing the battle so he decided to give you the 'Kaito' power. When you touched his hand, the power transferred. The reason to him disappearing is because he transferred the power, meaning he lost it. He didn't die, he just got out of this space and will, later on, remember nothing about Kaito."

-Quite easy to comprehend, I would say.

NO, it's not!-

"I have several questions about this. Why did you fight Gakuro? Why did he decide to give the power to me? Why are you, presumably an enemy to me, telling me all of this? And what the hell is 'Kaito'?" I asked him.

Kori firstly answered with a deep sigh. Then he actually started talked

"I'll only answer your 3rd question. I told you because if you actually know something about this, the awakening will happen soon and you'll be a fun opponent for me to beat up."

-What an uninteresting motivation. It almost feels like he stole the motivation from HxH. If he did, I gotta hand it to him. At least he stole something from a good series.

Hmm, this all seems very unrealistic but it feels really stupid to try and label it a dream. Either way, I have one thing left to say before I get the hell out of here.-

"Assuming this power is real, I don't want it." I said with a 100% serious tone and face.

"What?" The student tilted his head

"Yeah, I totally don't deserve it." I simply said

"Deserve? What the hell are you talking about?" The tilting of his head was going off charts

"Yeah, because I'm basically a trash-level sentient being I feel like a power like this should go to someone who's actually somewhat capable."

"That's a really strange way to see it. Do you have a self-hatred complex going on there or...?" Kori sincerely asked.

"Not really, I both hate and love myself at the same time. I also feel inferior and superior, the feeling switches every now and then. It's quite complex."

"Hmm, that's interesting. That'll make it even better when I defeat you."

"Come on Kori, don't act like a generic villain. Aside from that, how do I get rid of the power?"

"In your current state, that would be a bit impossible."

"So you're just going to ignore my comment, huh? That's fine, I'm quite used to quiet, see what I did? You know, 'Quite' and 'Quiet' sound somewhat similar---"

"Shut up"


And our conversation ended there.

What a waste of money, because time equals money. I am so smart, why do I not have A in every subject?

Probably because I'm delusional enough to think I'm actually smart because I made some cheap wits…

Anyways, time to get out of here!

The shining blue field that had caused a big embarrassment earlier on was starting to fade a bit. Before trying to leave, I tested it by pressing my hand against it.

- I have to do what I can to protect my non-existent pride. According to Kori, I'm supposed to get an awakening sometime soon.

My feelings on the whole case aren't quite made up yet, because I'm as indecisive as loners come. Sometimes I get a bit mad at myself, because I keep making corny comments on almost everything I think. -

As my inner feud was wrapping up, I had arrived at the classroom. The sliding doors felt a lot heavier to open this day, the lack of sleep was getting to me. When I finally managed to open the gates to hell, A landscape of chaos introduced itself to me.

That's kind of wrong, because the classroom was in reality very quiet and peaceful. But something so subjective as 'truth' wasn't able to convince me, psssh. With careful steps and an awake mind, I made it through the classroom to my seat in the back.

-I really feel like a 'snake' right now,

Wow that's a funny reference

No, it's not


You do realize everyone's looking at you right now?

Yeah, I know. That's because I'm famous around these streets.

No, you're pretty infamous.-

Similar to how Newton got a genius flash when an apple dropped down from the tree and fell on the ground, I just got a major genius flash that what I was doing was super embarrassing.

While staring intensely at the window, all I thought was

-Guess I'll jump out and end it all.-

I started making mental preparations and walked towards the window. But in the nick of time…

No one said anything to try and save me. It hurt a bit in my soul, but it reminded me

-No one cares about me-

Because no one cares about me, It didn't matter that I just majorly embarrassed myself. So I stepped away from the window and calmly sat down in my chair.

The cocky look on my face said "Screw you guys. I live yet another day and what are you gonna do about it?"

I closed my eyes to salvage the moment. Instead of relaxation though, I received a shock when the English teacher Eraijo started screaming at me.

"What do you think you're doing Kenjiro!? Failing to sneak into the classroom and then trying to commit suicide out of embarrassment? That would be really bad."

After the shock wore off me, I got some pleasure out of the statement.

-At least the teacher cares about me, and she's a girl too! That's like double the pleasure there.-

"For me that is. It would be super bad for me. Imagine all the trouble I would have to get through because you killed yourself during my lesson! I have responsibility over you guys while you're on my lesson."


I suddenly got tears in my eyes. In my head made up a scenario where I said something super dramatic like 'I can't believe you would say something like that to me. I trusted you, Eraijo. Looks like this is goodbye. Forever'. I didn't have the guts to say it out loud though.

After that, the lesson progressed as normal. I would follow the lesson so that I wouldn't flunk in the subject. I'd rather follow what's going on in the lesson than study like hell at home before a test.

The lesson finally ended with a nice and thoughtful "Get out of here, I don't get paid to babysit children"

Youth started spreading throughout the room like a disease, people started talking about what to do after school and stuff like that. -Luckily I'm immune to useless stuff like that. -

I went out of the classroom to go and buy my daily morning coffee. In the corridor, people were chatting and having fun. Teenagers doing stupid things in search of peer approval were commonplace in this school. Although it was more 'social stupidity' rather than 'Let's destroy something stupidity'.

A couple of meters from the gates to hell, a girl walked up to me and asked

"Are you 'Kenjiro Asukara'?"

I did the usual look behind me, but no one with the exact same name as me was there.

When I turned my head again, I registered the girl's appearance.

She was a bit shorter than me, had blonde hair, blue eyes that stood out a lot. I also made a shameful mental note of her moderately big breasts. After staring at her features for a period of time, I realized a pretty girl was talking to me for some reason.

-But what is that reason? She must have some ulterior motive.

When I think about it, there's only one reason it could be…

I must get out of here, luckily, I've got a strategy for times like these -

"If my name is Kenjiro Asukara? Hmm, I don't really remember. Let me check"

While I'm pulling out my passport out of my bag, the girl is standing like a question mark in front of me.

-That's good, just like I predicted. Thanks to Death Note, I now have 200 IQ,

And now for my next genius move… -

I quietly said

"And for my plan, I'll need to use my legs.

For what you may ask.

Well, that's..."

"Huh?" The girl said because she didn't hear.

"TO RUN AWAY, (SMOKEY)" I yelled and started dashing off.

"Wait!" The girl yelled.

I ran up to a window and quickly opened it. Before jumping out of it, I screamed

"The mafia will never get a hold of me! If I tell you to wait a week with the payment, wait a week would you!?"

I landed on the roof of the first floor and miraculously managed to NOT break all my bones.

After landing, I jumped down to the schoolyard with the biggest feeling of freedom I had ever had.

The grass was grinding against my shoes as I was running away from the dreaded mafia. But when I started to think about what just occurred, I realized something very important

"Wait, I'm not wanted by the mafia. I have never even met anyone from the mafia in my life."

Immediately as I got that line out of my mouth, I got tackled to the ground by someone.

-I always seem to notice these things far too late. -

When I laid on the ground with my eyes closed, I started thinking about how stupid I was for coming to the conclusion that the mafia was chasing me. I opened my eyes to see the culprit. It was another girl. This girl had long and flat brown hair, brown eyes with a certain intensity. What was really noticeable was her well-defined figure, or perhaps I thought that because she sat on top of me.

"Why did you run away from Aya before?"

The girl said with an annoyed tone.

From that line, I guessed that Aya was the blonde girl from before. Quite an obvious observation.

"Because it was utterly impossible for me to imagine a girl talking to someone like me. That led me to think of the ulterior motives she could've been carrying. One thing led to another and I started to suspect the mafia being out for me. Now let me ask a question, Just who are you?"

The girl sighed deeply at my stupid decisions.

"My name is Anami Kowabuki. The president of the 'Magical Arts Club' here at school. I sent out Aya to send you to our club room for some discussion. We've namely gotten some information that you've received the 'Kaito' powers."

Anami explained in a polite manner.

"Wait, wait… So you mean all the things that happened this morning wasn't my imagination?" I asked

"Yes?" Anami answered in a confused tone.

"You know what, I'll take that. That makes sense" I responded calmly.

"Anyways, We would like you to join our club. We must keep the Kaito powers a secret."

Anami, equally as calm, said.

"I mean I appreciate the invitation and all, especially because I never receive invitations for anything. But I'll say no, I enjoy my peaceful Otaku lifestyle and I don't want to give that up just to keep powers, that I don't even have yet, a secret. What am I gonna do anyway? I'm the ultimate loner."

I said and expected to just get out of here.

"That's great and all but it's a policy among us to keep everybody with powers in check.

Soooo… If you don't, I'll report you for sexual harassment."

A Mental blow right to the stomach.

-Damn this woman, using coward, but effective, tactics like that! Suppose I don't have a choice. I'd rather not be labeled a sex offender. -


And with that simple word, my peaceful and enjoyable everyday would come to a devastating end.

But this whole interaction put my main quest into the works

- I'll get rid of these powers as soon as I can! It'll be a win-win situation, I get my Otaku days back and someone capable gets powers to save lives. -