Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 216 - Forward! My First Conquest. (Part 5)

Chapter 216 - Forward! My First Conquest. (Part 5)

Dark clouds hang with whispers veiled through the mountain city. With an early spring breath that bloes the winters away, the broken palace stood silent awaiting the moment the armies gathered beyond the walls shall march forth. In this moment of silence, the city hold its breath, its people caught in a conflict that shall promise prosperity or disaster...

This early spring brought by a living disaster seems like an omen, a ominous one... If that's what I believe.


Clapping both my cheeks to get myself together, I look across my sit to see a curious Lazure who seems to be waiting. With Heon who's gorging down food Lazure's brother pulled from his sleeves and probably too busy to listen to my side, I start by saying:

"I-I'm simply going to lay it all out here, Lazure Ssi... Right now I have nothing I can give you."


Probably not what she expected me to say, she breaks out in a weird laughter before she takes a sip of the cup her brother provide before saying:

"You truly are amusing, maybe you should change your profession to a court jester. Still, "right now" is it not? Then we can simply ask something of you later. Like returning the previous War God's Spear."

Wondering about the ethics of what really it means to own an item from my experience, I simply raise my hand replying:

"Um, if you really want it you can just have it. No need to use it as some bargaining tool, maybe just say I'm still alive or something. If that's not enough just grab an owlian com and let me talk."

"The more I inquire it seems the more I become plunge into confusion. Or is this perhaps your way of saying you have something better to give?"

"Please stop misunderstanding things, or better yet don't overthink too much. And since we are... Companions? Is that like better than friends for you?"

"Oho, since you are a companion, yes we can divulge you some of our trade secrets. We call friends as collaborators, Close Friends as Dangerous Individual and Companion as true allies. That's the gist you need to know."

"So you viewed me as someone hostile huh? I guess I can't complain since I did knock out one of your people. Sorry about that."

"No hard feelings, companion."

(Why do I feel that the more I talk the heavier it gets?)

"Also, since we are talking about truths, I need to clarify something... I don't have any of your artifiacts or whatever mirror you just said."



Both Lazure and her brother seem to flinch by my words before Lazure lean forward asking:

"You don't have it, or you don't have it now?"

"I don't have it and I have no idea of its whereabouts."

"Oh, that certainly seem to be quite bothersome... But I suppose we did anticipate for the worst."

Lazure leans back and rest her legs above her seat as she speaks. She stand on her knees with her arms crossed and looks down on me asking:

"And I suppose you didn't come empty handed do you?"

"Well, truthfully speaking I did come empty handed, I have nothing with me now, all my items got left behind."

"Hoho! You certainly love to tease spirit users don't you, Companion? Am I perhaps not the first person you met with such powers?"


Hearing her changing the subject, I simply follow along to keep the good flow replying:

"Yea, I suppose you're like the... 3rd? Or 5th? I honestly couldn't bother to remember."

*grip* *swoop* *drop*

I feel anger bubbling from her brother behind her while Lazure seems to flip her head back in shock her eyes rolls back, and dropping her mask from her head. I take a sip from the drink Harun give and continue saying:

"But... I do have something I can give you... Well, You can go take it alongside your spear."

Some spirit seem to return to Lazure's face as she pull her head forward asking:

"Oho? What could that be? Something far more important than our founding national treasure?"

"It's a sword."

" "A sword?" "

Both Lazure and her brother tilt their head forward as if intrigue and I continue saying:

"Sorry, it can actually turn into many other weapons as well from what I've seen. I don't know if it's as important as the previous War God's spear but... This is the Sword passed down from Ruler to Ruler of the Phoenix Sector."

" "What!?" "


This time Lazure almost fall from her seat as her chair twist and turn on one leg while her brother seems to be blown back by my statements that his mask almost pop right off. Seeing their reaction, I simply continue saying:

"From how Dal-Yong Gramps who created the previous war god's spear call it a divine weapon and how Sis speaks about it, I can attest to its authenticity."

"W-Wait, a minute!"

"Are you perhaps talking about the Supreme Divine Arsenal? Those golden blade-less weapons from the Mythical Era? They're... Real?"

While her brother beg me to stop Lazure instead continue on with her question. Seeing how Honesty seem to favour me I continue my spiel saying:

"I have no idea what that means, but yes you're right. It's one of those swords without any blades."

"And you're just going to hand it over to us? US???"

Lazure points at herself as I seem to notice a vein from her clear jade white forehead,


"I can't believe I'm the one who had to say this to your kind of all people but, HAVE YOU NO FILIAL PIETY!?!?"


Slamming her hand chair to the ground, it seens I have somehow incure her wrath and start to swallow my truthful methods.

"I... Never knew my parents well. The last time I even talk to my parents was my mother's ghost saying goodbye in the afterlife."



"Gwishin nim..."

Heon pats me on the back as I see some tears swelling from his eyes. Seeing Heon who seem to be listening closely now makes me feel a bit more invigorated as I continue saying:

"I'm sorry if I offend you, Lazure Ssi. Seeing your reaction, you must've been close to your parents and I envy that. But... As for me, the only family I have now is my Aunt (and Sisters, and probably my father if what my dead mom says is true). And if I can stop them from killing each other by giving up some heirloom or item, I would gladly do so. Also, I'm still an Owlian, rather than keeping something I will never use, I would prefer if that item serve some use."

Lazure leans back with her arms and legs crossed, swallowing her lips as she ponders before replying:

"You... Honestly, if only the spokesperson from Heaven could be as passionate as you, we wouldn't be in such a situation. Or maybe we're really just that unlucky, but... Very well, I have decided on our terms. If you can't accept it then this whole treaty will be annulled immediately."

"That's kinds unfair isn't it? How can I say no?"

"That's what we intent to do, companion. Now here's the term...

- You shall return The Previous War-God's Spear.

- Secondly, we shall accept your gift as a lease.

- And third, you shall aid us in our battles and conflict to liberate this peninsula. In turn we will do the same for you.

Is that clear?"

"Wait, aid you in battle? Who am I fighting?"

"What? Is that not obvious, those pesky Heaven Folk and their ilk who have infested this land for too long. As a favour for our companion, as long as you drive them away from our lands, their fate is in your hands."

"Wait, does that mean you'll help me as well!? Since Gwishin nim is bound to fulfill my dreams, you will aid me too!"

Lazure seems to finally turn her eyes towards Heon for once, giving him the attention everyone keeps ignoring by asking:

"I've done my best to ignore this pipsqueek of his antics and blatant lack of etiquette but... May I know what his role in all of this?"




Before I could answer back Heon seem to take the centre stage as he lift his feet on the table and point at her shouting:

"I'm currently the Gwishin's master! She is bound to fulfill my wish to rule the republic!"

"Gwishin... Hmm...?"

Both of them seem to not be bothered by Lazure's brother who's spewing murder from his aura since Heon lift his feet to the table, either Heon has truly thick skin or he can't sense it,

"You truly have a death wish don't you little boy? Her highness have graciously provide you with so much chances yet you squandered them so callously."

"Hmph! Rude? I ain't being rude for a single bit mind you. Plus, if someone's rude is you two!"

Heon point at the two and I think I finally realize that maybe he's not actually being rude but maybe he truly just clueless about what is rude... Or this is just how they talk in the Reoublic.

"And death? Hmph! I no longer have a need to fear when my time is already counted."

"Hm? Someone so young already have nothing to lose? You truly are short sighted."

"Hey! I can tell that's an insult!"

"That's enough, Heon. Let me be the one to speak."

"Eyo? Nomph-omph-om!"

I pulled him back to our seat and stuff his face with the fluffy snacks. As he is busy chewing down his meals I look back at Lazure whose mood has been soured by saying:

"Please do forgive him, he just doesn't know... How to do a noble's conduct."

(Hmm... Thinking back, most of the people I met are nobles huh? I never knew I live such a high life. So maybe this is just how the poor talk with each other?)

Lazure tilt her head confused before she seems to reach a conclusion saying:

"Oho, could it be that boy is not a noble? Well, it seems this is simply foolish on my part. How imature of me~"

Lazure seems to be satisfied by her conclusion and her anger subside as she regains her posture and continue saying:

"I know my mistakes when I made one so please forgive this supreme being's oversight. OHOHOHO~!"

Despite Lazure saying sorry, Heon doesn't seem to feel any less hostile but Lazure doesn't seem to care as she continue asking:

"Are you perhaps the one who adorn him, Companion? I suppose you have quite the magic hand to turn a slum dwelling kid into a noble scion with simple clothes."

"Uh, not really but either way iff I wish to fight my sisters and whoever Heaven sent, I'm going to need as many allies as possible. One of those allies are the republic."

"I agree, a home divided cannot stand, but... Who is that boy for you to place him as the one who will reel those republic folk? Sad to say, but even we find those philistine Republic hard to rule for whenever a new ruler take place they will always be overthrown. Wether they are comptent, Incompetent, worthy, or not."

*nom* *nom* *gulp*

"Humph, that's simple! Even someone like me who lives outside the city can agree one thing with the flowrr capital. We bow to no Tyrant! We choose our own King!"

Heon quickly swallow those snacks as he proudly proclaim to Lazure. Seeing him swallowing those meals with such zeal I decided to take some bite of those fluffy and buttery blue cakes of the mountain folk. As I stuff my face full, Heon confidently press his thumb on his chest saying:

"I'm the little brother of The Hangong Fam's Hyung, his rightful successor! We are the true people who deserve the seat of King!"

(Oh! Now that's new... So that's where he get his confidence?)

Lazure holds her head as if she is about to fell muttering:

"I truly do not understand, you are no monarchy are you not? And here you speak of Kings and Successors. Why not just skip the complicated process and just call yourself an Emperor or Son of Heaven like how so many Democratic Nations ended becoming."

"Isn't that already given? Family transcend that stupid concept anyways! Even when all those governing powers fall, family will always be first! Also-om nom nom!"

Lazure's expression can only be described as deadpan and annoyed as she hears Heon babbles further. Patting Heon in the shoulders, I stuff his face with some red snacks before swallowing and saying:


"Rather than counting the hens before the eggs hatch, I believe we can continue this negotiation after we reclaimed Wenju for the Mountain folk."

"Hoho, well said, Companion. If you can truly reel the Republic to your cause then we truly won't have to resort to extreme measures."

"And can I know what that extreme measure is?"

"Wiping off the history books and crush them from the inside~ Isn't that a must? Given their prior half century mistakes could rival half a millenia old kingdom. A nation destroyed from the inside will never rise again and wiping them off the map is simpler... I can thank your kind for the guidance."

Heon who hears that seem to gulped his food and I can't help but wonder the scale those at the top of the Confederation are doing.

"Mhm, since I already layed out our conditions further details can be discussed later. We wish you the best and hope you come back alive. Also, we'll be taking the weapons soon. Be in contact."


As we return to the throne room, Lazure and her group have quietly left leaving behind King Kagan and his entourage of Tribe leaders in a heated discussion. Despite time seem to pass for quite a while with Lazure, they still seem to be deep in a passionate display. I look at Harun beside me saying:

"Say, Harun Ssi, can you lead us into a training ground? Especially the one with a target practice would be great."

"Very well."

"W-Wait a moment, Giwshin nim! Is this perhaps... Is it finally time you're teaching me this secret technique!?"

I nod and start taking out the rope we use at the cave saying:

"Yea, and seeing we're in a rocky terrain, this weapon and technique will be perfect."

"Oooh! I can't wait! Is it related to that rope?"

Heon start making some poses as he swings his arms around and continue saying:

"Will I be like those sky scrapper lancers? Jumping from tall building like rain of spears before bouncing back up with magic or ropes?"

"Your people do that? That sounds stupid or more like a theatric than a form of warfare."


For once Harun speaks her mind with us as she guides us to the training ground. The look in her crimson eyes as she looks down on Heon shows the disdain of how could such an idea even being muttered.

"Wha!? How dare you say that!"

"Well, would you wish to be subject of that?"


Harun stops her steps and turn around, lending her hands out she asks:

"Dear Guest, may I borrow that rope?"

"U-Uh, yea? I don't actually need all of it."

Handing her the remaining rope, Harun wrap it on both her hand and extend it until,


The rope tugs till it straigthens until the middle. Before she looks back at Heon who seem to be taken aback.

"Since we're already in quite the ascended elevation, I believe you would love to try jumping from the cliff. You would love it, won't you, Heon Ssi? Worry not, this rope is sufficient for a harness and I can be the one to pull you up."

Heon seems to be taken aback and hide behind me replying:

"No thanks! Anyway, Gwishin nim! What is this secret technique anyways?"

"Right, I'll show you when we reach the training ground. It'll blow you away."

"Oooh! Stop teasing me! Well, you heard her, quickly lead the way, Servant!"

Harun sighs and gives him the cold shoulder. Turning around and coiling the rope again, she walks away saying:

"Follow me, we're near."

Harun simply takes a few steps forward before stopping and opening a double door. With the dim sunlight outside covered by thick dark clouds, they give glimpes of a large training ground.

(Wow, how dark can the sky get? This is morning right?)

Unlike the training ground from Seyong's house or the more advanced place like Central there's no training equipment or target practice. Just 2 massive circles on the ground and endless expanse of dirt and rocks facing towards a rising cliff.

"How convenient for you to reject your own dream, Junior Guest. Any more and I would have you jumped from that cliff over there."

Harun speaks again looking at the protuding cliff half a distance from the top surrounded by dark clouds.

"You...! What's your deal anyways? You were keeping your lips sealed tighter than my ass after morning milk."

(Huh? What kind of sentence does that even mean!? But Heon's right, she is pretty quiet yesterday).

Harun wraps the rope in a circle replying:

"That is because you are not so much a threat anymore and now considered allies. And since you helped our people in such trying times, I believe a more favourable attitude is in order. A ruler must acknowledge that a good deed from a vile and hideous creature wearing human skin is still a good deed."

"Are you trying to mock or thank us!? I'm still human mind you, the only one here inhuman is Gwishin nim!"

(Hey! I admit I may not share a similar anaotmy, but I'm still human... I think).

Heon angrily shouts back as he lifts his sleeves up, but Harun ignores him and walks to me saying:

"I believe I said enough, this much socialization is needed since we will be communicating more in the battle that's to come. You can have your rope back, thank you."

"Y-You're welcome?"

I replied back taking the rope before she then looks over the distance and stomp her foot to the ground.

*Shake* *Rise*

Something emerge from the ground at the distance that look like a large protruding rock. Harun then adjusts her lower robe and loosen it before taking a wide stance with her feet as if planting her body to the ground.

(Wait, the clothes can do that? Since I'm wearing a similar clothes).

Before I could test my theory, Harun delivers a straight thrust with her fist,


Those same stones gets their parts blow away now to resemble practice dummies.

"There you go. I do hope you don't cause another landslide, there's only so much a single normal person can do against a natural disaster and I really don't have the time to clean nor the materials to repair the whole palace."

"R-Right, sorry."

(Ah right, Juha did say qi can make you manipulate the elements. So she can do earth huh? While Kagan is fire? How does this even work?)

Ignoring her remarks and my own questions, I walk near the stone dummy and glab the smallest rock found in the ground. Heon who doesn't seem to be able to hold himself back follows me closely as he shouts:

"What are you doing? Is it ready?"


I answer back as I twirl the ropes further and move further from the target. The rope I hold in my hand is longer than Heon and half his size after folding, but taking the small loop at the end to my middle finger, pinching the other end of the rope, placing the rock at the small loop at the middle of the rope.

"Watch this..."

*twirl* *swoosh*

I start swinging the rope from my side and soon bring it atop my head, the rope at my hand gathers so much force a small gust gather and,

*snap* *BOOM*

The second I release the rope, one of the stone dummy have been reduced to rubble. Using force, motion, and something amongst those lines I threw the stone in an arc to create one of the most ancient and basic range weapons...

The humble Sling.

(It is May's favourite range alternative since she loves using rope related weapons like the scourge or the mornjng star. Unlike her, I prefer the more simple javelins like Sis Rubeca).

"W-W-What did you do!? I sense no magic, can you perhaps turn old rusty things into divine intrument or soemthing!? That's so awesome! That thing shoots even faster than a magic arrow too! And how do you braid ropes like that!?"

Heon excitingly rush over and move back and forth to look at the make-shift sling at my hand with sparkling eyes.

"No, it's one of the most primitive weapons Owlian Shepherds use to defend themselves."

"Interesting, so it uses the same motion principle as the siege catapults? A mobile catapult at your fingertips... Truly a fearsome weapon especially when you can't sense any magic coming at such speed...

Still, I don't remember reading that in the history books. Or maybe the lack there of, there's barely any details of owlians in any passages of our archives. So this is their method of fighting huh? Simple ropes and rocks... Very innovative."

Harun shows intrigue as well as she ponders at the sling at my hands.

"Um, I don't know about that. But at least from where I came from, this is their way to fight before guns or even crossbows."

I quickly interject and correct her as I heard from Sis that each region is always different especially for Zerians who creates their unique magic spells or in the Confederation's case the use of qi.

"Teach me! Teach me! Gwishin nim! Quickly! Let me try! Please, please please!"

Heon beg me as he jumps and scotch while holding my arms like a little kid begging his parent for a toy. Grabbing a pile of stones, I grab his shoulders to stop him from moving saying:

"Okay, okay, calm down. Here, this goes here..."


I move behind him and start equipping him with the sling. Adjusting the loop to fit his smaller finger from his back. Leaning over his shoulder I guide his feet, shoulders, arm and until his hands to show him the proper posture.

"Listen, while it may look simple and easy, there's techniques and rules you must follow so you can actually fire the projectile, understand?"

"Y-Y-Yesh, Gwishin nim!"

Heon answers back with a face brighter than an olanum, but despite his firm response his grip on the rope is loosening. I grip his shaking hands tighter saying:

"Focus Heon, if you misfire you might hurt someone else or maybe yourself."


"Sigh... This won't do, Dear Guest."

"E-Excuse me?"

Harun suddenly intervene shaking her head, she gestures me to let Heon go saying:

"Can't you tell the boy is too excited? And you sure have no shame at all for a lady to perform such skinship so brazenly. Even for family, you're already too old for that."

"W-What? This is how my sister taught me."

"Sigh, just back away for now."

I look at Harun bewildered and follow along as I let Heon go. Harun looks at Heon with the stare of dissapointed parent and Heon look back at her with a gaze of a kid who had his dream taken away. Harun ignores his expression and proceed to guide Heon by simply adjusting his body from the sides, saying:

"No need to be so dissapointed boy. A man who exploits such weakness will never attain true happiness... Tgough I'm more worried for your brain to fall for that honey trap."

(Huh? What honey trap!?)

Harun ignores Heon who looks even more agitated by her guidance as she walks to my side and continue saying:

"There, isn't that your posture when you swing?"

"Yea, thanks Harun Ssi."

"Mm, and please do keep your distance. And if not, at least do so only when the boy has perform an admirable or worthy feat to warrant such behavior. If you're going to act human, please do it properly."

(Is that normal to say?)

Harun nods and give me advice as well and I can only reply with:

"I-I'll keep that in mind..."

(Maybe I should keep some distance from Heon huh? But from what she said do girls really do that? I mean all the girls I know don't keep that much or any distance even Yoo-Ah hugs me everytime we meet... Oh, maybe its how things go here).

Keeping her advice to heart I start demonstrating the motion to Heon from afar since we only have one sling for now.

"Start slow and don't worry about failing, I failed a lot when I started."

"Hmph! Swinging ropes in circles, even kids can do that! Watch this master of spinning keys!"

Heon starts trying to show his skills as he starts swinging the rope from the side like I did. When,

*swoop* *grab*

He swings the sling a bit unbalance and the stone on his sling slip away. I catch the stone with my bare hands as it turns to dust before it lands on Harun. I look at him sternly saying:


"Eep! S-Sorry Gwishin nim!"

"Not to me, her!"

It seems we'll be practicing till night.