Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 191 - A Piece of Mind. (Epilogue)

Chapter 191 - A Piece of Mind. (Epilogue)

"There... Mohyusig."

Seyong mutters as we got visual over the winding path, at the far distance Mohyusig stands in ruins. I could see familiar roads, signs, the bridge I cross to, and... The inn I stumbled that begin all of this. Yoo-Ah who saw her home seem determined and steel herself.

"Hum? Oh, I can see it!"

"Mhm, I hope you two remember what I said back at my home."


As we fly closer, I can't help but notice a transport speeding faster towards our destination and notice multiple familiar figures.

"Aren't they the Hunters we fought at the exam?"

"Hoh? You got a good eye, that's- hmm?"


As Seyong answers back, I could hear something quake even from up here. Not even looking down, the rivers on the side of the winding road starts to rise and floods the roads and even the bridge. Before they could reach the forest, the Hunter's vehicle got swept and crash to the streetlight beside them.

"Oh no!"

Yoo-Ah rush beside me to see the commotion shouting:

"Hum! I guess it is suppose that time of the year! Good thing our inn is still considered near Meondosi, so the flood won't reach it- Ah! But Uncle Gum-Soo's farm would be flooded!"

Yoo-Ah's contant shift of expression caught Seyong's attention as he looks down at the rising river saying:

"Right, Mohyusig's been abandoned for a while now and no nobles were dispatch either."

Seeing Seyong and Yoo-Ah agree on something, I can't help but ask:

"Huh what are you talking about?"

"Duh! It's usually time for the nobles to do their job and control the waters to prevent them from flooding! Oh wait, you're not from here!"

"I'm sorry, but can you tell me more?"

I can't help but to ask for some more clarity when Seyong nods along answering:

"Before our Kingdom is created, the lands of Silla was once an unhabitable place to live in. The countless lakes, rivers, and hidden water caves turn this entire land into one huge death swamp with barely any lands to even stand and if you're not careful you get sucked into those underwater caves and spat into the ocean if lucky."

Seyong looks at the crashed Hunters as they forcefully pry open their doors and slowly come out the rising water engulfing the vehicle. He then points at the forest near them saying:

"Those forest you see down there don't even exist centuries ago and are the results of a huge terraforming project. The lands we use to build the rodes were so deep you could have 3 people standing on each shoulder and they still couldn't reach the bottom, and you couldn't imagine those who live near where the coast is now where it's mostly saltwater and it wouldn't be strange to see ocean monsters roaming the waters."

"Really!? That sounds terrible! But..."

I look at the Hunters who seem at lost for the change and suggest,

"Can we help them out?"



Surprised by my request I try to reason with them saying:

"I know it sounds dangerous since they're once our enemies but they're going to be our allies now right? There's no reason to keep hating them... Ah, plus our late night discussion too! We do need someone who can help right?"

Yoo-Ah steps forth raising her arms as to block my way shouting:

"Hum! Sova! Even so don't forget, those so called people are willing to ruin your future and kill you just for some money! They're no different from those terrible mercenaries who would sell their souls for less! It's better to just simply avoid contact as mush as possible!"


I look at Seyong waiting for his answers,


Seyong ponders scratching his chin when the ship stops, scracthing his chin Seyong replies:

"That's true, they're scum for their actions... But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have allies."


Seyong brush aside Yoo-Ah and grabs my shoulder saying:

"I did some research about who would be our biggest contender before we did our promotion quest. Most of them down there are not really bad people, I could say some of them are pretty good."

"What!? But that doesn't excuse their past actions! Sova almost died back there!"

Yoo-Ah tries to deny one more time but Seyong brush her comments aside and pat my shoulders replying:

"That's true, but let's not forget you are willing to forgive Sova for... His actions too, right? Since he is a good person force to act by bad people, they're the same. Also, didn't he did hurt you pretty badly that your lower jaw almost detached? You should be lucky you're sturdy enough to receive a blow from him that would normally rip your head off."

"It's that bad!? Uuuh... Sorry, Yoo-Ah."

Being reminded of my actions I can't help but sneak back while Yoo-Ah who seem to shake in anger raise her arms high shouting:

"That's entirely different!"

"You may be right, but I didn't reach this far by not giving people a chance. Some may pay back with malice like my relatives but those are the minority. Most people are not so terrible, they can change for the better like my friends.

Besides, who doesn't want to make some strong people indebted to us, and they're still fresh from the Baratai Master's stern warning and reformation so we need not worry of any foul play, unless they want to ruin their future livelihood. If worse comes to shove, we can just throw some money their way since you did say they're scum who would do anything for money right?"

Ignoring the fuming Yoo-Ah who can't refute since Seyong uses her own words against her, I look at Seyong with mock skepticism wondering,

(Money? Didn't you said you're broke? That's why he's doing this mission? Or maybe that's just something he say before that night?)

"Rrrgh! Hum! Fine!"

Yoo-Ah angrily agrees and walks behind me when Seyong rubs jis hands saying:

"Hehe, time to get some good pawns."

Seeing him help persuade Yoo-Ah I lower my head saying:

"Sorry and thank you for doing my request."

"Nah, it's fine, we're partners now right?"

"Seyong... Yea!"

Hearing Seyong becoming more friendly brings my spirit up-

"You know what I take that back, honestly I just wish to forget what I saw that night."

Seyong hides his face behind a mask as he speaks, probably still traumatized by my actions. I gently punch his sides saying:

"Get over it! And don't remind me either!"

Looking down, I notice the Hunters below waving their hands and casting magic to get notice. Seyong seeing them sighs and gets back inside saying:

"Alright, let's get this over with."

The ship starts to shake and move once more, slowly it descend to cast a large shadow over the Hunters. I look back at Yoo-Ah that slowly emerge saying:

"Hum! That jerk!"


I nod along her sentiment until I remembered something. Seeing the Hunters I can't help but remember my first meeting with Seyong. Compared to before, he doesn't sound so foul mouthed now. I think it's safe to say he seems more... Tame?

As we go ever nearer, the river below keeps rising which cause a familiar beast-girl to jump at the shoulder of the giant with a skeleten shark tattoo. Awaiting the ship, I look back at Yoo-Ah asking:

"So, since this whole place is now dry or full of land, does that mean someone siphon or block all the water?"

Yoo-Ah smile with pride replying:

"That's right! And it's all thanks to the port city Seyong informed us about last night! I guess I didn't say it back then but that entire port city is actually a giant dam with docks!"

"Wait, what? With the way you explain it... Does that mean if we fail to defend the port..."

"Hum! That's right! Silla will pretty much drowned!"

"How can you say that so cheerfully!?"

"Hum! Don't worry! I've been in that place most of my childhood, that's where Hwang-So Gramps was starioned the whole time and where most of the Kingdom's navy is stationed! Sis did say that Silla in geo something is akin to living in swimming pool that becomes steeper the southern you go till the Witch's forest!"

"I'm surprised people can live peacefully knowing they could be flooded all the time."

"And that's where the nobles come in."

Seyong chimes in carrying a large rope ladder. Noticing he has dyed his hair and looking similar to the first time we met, he peeks down at the Hunters and continue saying:

"They bring in stability by siphoning and most importantly purifying the water for crops and consumption. But we can talk about that in a later date, let's go greet our... guest!"

Seyong throws the ladder down and hang it at the fence to prevent it from slipping before he nudge me further away from the fence saying:

"Also, remember to call me Zenon for now okay?"


Seyong moves his arm as if he's stretching and cross his arm saying:

"Alright! Let's see who our first guest is-"


"Argh! My face! How many times have I told you to cut your fucking nails!"

A young girl jump from the ladder and land at the bridge with her hairs all standing up. Her white hair with black ring pattern all stood on end like a tiger who got rudely awakened.

"Kukuku~ land! Sweet, sweet land- huh...?"

As our eyes meet, her orange eyes widened as I wave my hand saying:

"Hello, nice to see you again-"


"My goddess!!! What the hell are you doing!"


The girl jump down again in shock and Seyong chuckle at her actions when someone notable jumps aboard with the little girl clutching his arm. A man much older with me with smooth long hair similar to Tarkus, the Moonlight Swordsman. As our eyes meet, I smile saying:

"Nice to see you again."