Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 160 - Ashes, Ashes, and Ashes. (Part 4)

Chapter 160 - Ashes, Ashes, and Ashes. (Part 4)


Feeling the cold breeze wash over me, I was greeted by a sea of sand and snow. With a few foliage here and there while some plants scatter about I see no sign of civilization...

"Where the fudge am I!?"

*Splash* *Splash*

Hearing the sound of crashing waves and ocean from beyond I decided to press on as I wonder if Sis made a mistake while I look around looking for Abe. The road I take slowly becomes steep as I climb up hoping to get a better view against my better judgement.

(Donut and rabbits, If I want to survive I need a vantage point).

Right now I only have my clothes with me, no food, supplies, weapon, or any survival gear but my own abilities. With my echolocation is full blast the sound of the ocean becomes louder and clearer as something else enters my ears.

"Mom! Mom!"

"Oh goddess! This is it!"

"We are doomed! Screw the king!"

"All deserters shall be- Argh!"

"Shut up! Die you stupid commander! Escape now! Swim! Its either freezing to death or blown to bits!"

(What the...)

Hastening my steps I reach a flat surface and see pillars of smoke rising from beyond the cliff. Standing a few meters away from the edge, I see burning city. A landscape of hell and fire.

(Is this... Is this what Sis wants me to do?)

I feel my legs becoming like jelly as I'm wondering if this is... War? Or have my fear of height taken over.

The scene is so horrible I wish to turn away but my head just won't follow. My eyes are glued to the destruction as I wonder why. The city is beyond huge from up here, and at the edge where the wall stand I see corpses scattered about as soldiers are lining to form a perimeter of sort as they watch without getting any near. Sadly I can't make up their flags from here.

(Is that where I'm suppose to be?)

"Hoh? What's this? A beautiful lady in the wild? But from your get-up you seem hurt. If you can't tell, this is a battlefield so better run away."

Hearing a unfamiliar voice speaking in Hwansea. I turn to my side to see a lone boy who's the same age as me with a baby face and small stature. He wears a military uniform and with a vermillion sword on his waist he seems to be a soldier but most of all... The coat of arms on his uniform is the symbol of a phoenix circling around a sword.


"Hey Owlian bitch, I'm not asking here. You may be some survivor or runaway that got out of the city and return from guilt or whatever..."

*Shiing* *Burn*

He pulls out his sword as it then glows and catches on fire and then continue saying:

"But you better run now or I'll cut you down and throw you to the ocean like all those desperate sons of bitches."

"Sigh... I wonder what-"


"Wow, you're... Pretty slow."

"You done it now!"

Seeing how slow his attack is, I summon my halberd and block his attack as I wonder why did Sis even hire such impatient man. Or maybe seeing how he react I being an Owlian might have effected his action. Or is it my get up in general?

Seeing him struggling to exert his strength while the fire in his sword burns, I manage to gauge his strength. Compared to all the enemies I faced, he is probably the same level as Juha. A Regular Expert Martial Artist, compared to all the enemies I have face I suddenly started to feel bad.

(Wow, I almost became full of myself. When did I start thinking martial artist expert is low?)

Easily I crush him as he try to push with two hands, seeing his balance change I swing with one hand and repel him away.


I struck his sword with some force that I see my halberd chip and crack his blade while he is thrown back far back.

"The fuck!? W-Who are you!?"

"Now you're interested?"

"H-Hell no! Die you bitch!"

(I wonder if dealing with Moriz has cause some trouble with Sis Yuwei?)

His sword burns brighter on one hand and as I see him use his other hand to summon forth flames.

"Hellfire Storm Strike!"

I saw him swings his blade and jump as he then swing his other hand to cover himself in a vortex of flames. Seeing I sense no qi, it seems he is what they call a magic swordsman. Seeing a pillar of vermillion vortex coming at me I can't help but be reminded of my battle with Aoi but compared to her flames. I ready my halberd and gather my power as the snow around us melts and the sand blown away, I swing my halberd trying to remember a technique for a slash,

[Immortal calamity dragon technique: Calamity Cleaver]

*Swish* *Shatter*

"You gotta be- keck!"

With one hand I swing my halberd ahead of him shattering his sword and scattering his flames. Seeing the shock and panic in his eyes, I use my other hand to grab his neck and bring him closer. I low kick him to lower his knees and push him down as I see him struggle in pain.

Fighting and meeting all those powerful people I can only wonder what's the standard of strength across as I stare down at him feeling a bit sorry. I feel like I'm bullying him even though this is self defense. It seems seeing a threat right infront has steel my body as my legs stop shaking while my arms are steady.

"It seems there's been a misunderstanding here. Let me introduce myself-"


Hearing another unfamiliar voice from above, I see a small flying ship driving towards us. The baby faced boy grabs my hand saying:

"Hahaha! You might be some hidden master from Ri or whatever but you're too late! Your kingdom has fallen and so has your king right about now."

(Wow, he sounds... Evil. Is this really Sis Yuwei's army? But that Phoenix though).

"Um, listen I'm actually-"


Sensing a fast projectile coming behind me I forcefully throw him over the cliff and dodge back. Something penetrates where I stand as the baby faced boy yells out:

"Waaah! It's not over!"


The ship flies past me and into the cliff as I wonder,

(Damn, now how do I clear up this misunderstanding!)


Seeing the ship appear from beneath the cliff a giant beam of light shoots out from the deck as I hear,

"This is not over you hear me! We'll be back with reinforcements!"

I hear its engines roar and speeds up leaving trails of light towards the army waiting outside the walls.

(Why do I have a feeling things are never going to be easy? Wait...)

"Can't I just pretend to get captured and then let them drive me there before I just bust out and find Abe? Or at least latch on to the ship- nope that's a horrible idea!

But then again I doubt Sis' army would use such cheap locks that people can easily break right? Arggh! I should at least tried but I don't think its possible when he tried to kill me. I guess they're not taking prisoners, its really not me to think so deeply."

As the ship flies past through the thick pillars of smoke, It leaves behind a giant gaping hole to reveal something crazy. Behind the army is a massive fortress or some sort of mega ship turn fortress overlooking the entire operation really close to the burning city.

"Woah... Is that fortress built by Sis Yuwei?"

I mumble and move. Seeing the people swimming to the shores beneath the cliff, I decided to at least help those who can't fight as I see not only elderly but children in the mix as well...

(I hope they don't mind an Owlian helping).


*Tick* *Tock* *Tick* *Tock*

A group of soldiers and officers stands ready atop the battleship fortress. Staying clear of the landing circle Abe wearing a proper dress and long coat looks at her coms device asking:

"Hey, is Sova not here yet?"

"That's suppose to be my question! Aren't you the one who brings the news? And her armour too apparently."

Kokkan the leader of the soldiers with his raven black armour and gun-swords at his hands retorted back when Abe smiles eeriely asking:

"Her you say? Hehehe..."

"Tch, this is why we won't get along."

"Aww... That would be such a shame when you have such a pretty face."

"For a diplomat you sure know how to make someone uncomfortable."

"That's the power of words, Supreme Commander."

"Hmph, so what's the last thing you heard?"

"Still the same, "he" woke up today and is about to be sent here by the Empress personally. I'm also being told to bring his armour and medallion along too."

"Sigh... Izumi, go and take the soldiers back. It seems there's some unforseen circumstance. Since we won't be able to give her a proper greeting, I'll be the one responsible to wait for HER."

Kokkan press his sound on that last words looking at Abe whistling away before turning to his officers saying:

"If there's something amiss please don't hesitate to inform me."

Kokkan who's been speaking in Eclish orders his officers to leave. Some of the officers look dejected saying:

"Aw... Here I thought we finally get to see this Silencer everyone's hyped about!"

"Yea, I'm also curious to see this mysterious boy/girl. Heard he or she's one reeeeal pretty lady."

Others feels the same but doesn't express it replying:

"Urgh... Well, as you wish Kokkan sama! You heard him, let's move out!"

"Haah, alright, I'm getting hungry anyways. What's for dinner?"


"Dinner's still hours away moron! Get moving!"

But most importantly, the King of Geom seems confused speaking in the common tongue saying:

"Hey, the hell are you all talking about? Speak in the common tongue at least! Sheesh, this is why International soldiers are a pain to manage."

His advisor looks at the king panicking saying:

"My king, please don't speak so harshly! Um, Lord Kokkan is there seem to be a problem with the transfer?"

Kokkan nods replying in the common tongue saying:

"Sadly, yes. Please do return to your stations until further notice. I'll contact immediately when she arrives."

"Very well, alright my king-"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard it. Haah, we got blue balled! Well it seems Ri's imperial palace is burning let's go give them a visit and proper finish."

The King of Geom left fluttering his cape and his advisor tries to catch up shouting:

"No! Wait, you can't just kill the king! It has to be during a fair duel or a God of Justice's jurisdiction!"

"God dammit then what are we suppose to do? The battle is almost finish and he Silencer hasn't even arrived yet."

Abe taking a sit on the floor crosses her legs saying:

"Well, aren't they a bright bunch? By the way, aren't we missing somebody?"

"Yes, Major Hakuto. It seems he's trying to find a good view to rest or something. I already sent an escort hopefully he doesn't fight back."

"Sheesh, with those fleets leaving we really are lacking adults."

"We are adults, just most of us are not fully matured."

"Pfff, well I can't say no to harsh boys. Mwehehehe!"

Kokkan walking to the edge of the fortress looking over the burning city murmurs:

"You make me sick... I think they should really stop shelling, did they forget we still need to occupy it?"


"Brrrrgh! Pichu!"

For once in this winter weather I actually felt cold. Maybe its my thin clothing but maybe because I have swam back and forth to help someone out. Out of hundreds I see jumping from the port, only 2 that was able to make it. The rest... It seems nature has gotten a hold of them and even worse with corpses littering the seas scavengers have gathered to feast.

(Wow, this brings back terrible memories of my training).

I see people stop jumping and swim back as hundreds of silhouette gathers beneath the waters and splashes can be heard and seen across the shores.

"Haaah... Haaah..."

"Cough! Cough! Ahack!"

The two I barely saved are desperately trying to take air while coughing out all the water in their lungs. One is a lady in her late twenties and the other is a girl the same age as me. It was amazing how the lady swims by carrying her here with a sword on her waist and armour on...

(I suppose physical abilities don't really count for Martial Masters huh?)

While the girl lays down on her back gasping for air, the lady who is coughing out water looks up at me saying:

"Cough! T-Thank you... I don't know how I can ever repay you."

I nod patting her back to help her out a bit replying:

"No need. Just leave before any soldiers show up."

From their clothing they seem to be a Noble and her bodyguard but I suppose I'll ignore any more details for now. I check over the girl and seeing her condition being stable I turn towards the coast and walk to the city-

"Wait! Where are you going!?"

The lady shouts at me and I turn around saying:

"That giant fortress."

"Stop! This may be rude to say to our saviour but don't die a dog's death. Come with us, from your looks you seem to be hurt. We know a place you can rest for a while, away from those Invaders."


"If you're worried about being an Owlian, worry not! a word from me and my lady will be more than suffice."

(Don't get too attached).

Those words ring across my head everytime now and I shake my head saying:

"Sorry but I have to go. I have a duty to do."

"No, stop! Dammit!"

I ignore her pleas while I dash ahead summoning my halberd and jump. From my speed the water in my body starts to dry while my clothes still remain a bit wet.

(I can only hope they don't encounter anything devastating).

The sight of the rising flames becomes more clear. Rushing ahead I soon spotted a private residence of some sort, landing on its balcony that's connects to the beach, I try to catch on my breath and take a sit at one of the bed chairs with umbrellas beside them.

(Its hard to believe that while the city is burning there's some sort of villa that's practically untouched).

I wonder how far is it left but from the direction I'm running the city seems to be a small peninsula of its own, separated by two channels to its side and the ocean behind it. The only way in is the north which I'm going.

Tall sky scrappers crumble like jenga...

(Wow, I haven't heard that game since I left the Empire. I wonder if they sell it here).

Walls are tear down by cannon fire that seems like a hammer from the sky that echoes with each strike while flames rages on across creating an endless loop of death and smoke... Yet all I feel is empty now and I don't know why. Resting upon as I watch, the sun seems to set over the horizon beside the burning hell scape. For once I realize how powerless would I really be trying to salvage that situation.


I smack my cheeks as I feel the burn and get myself together shouting:

"Get it together, Sova! Sis said I'm suppose to meet Abe or someone I know so let's go find them!"

Standing on my feet, I look across wondering,

"How is this going to help me with my travel to the Theocracy? Is Sis implying this will happen a lot there? Well I did hear Saya did say something of the sort back then... How is she anyways- alright! Stop! Focus! To the city we go before the sun sets!"


*Crackle* *Crackle* *Crash*

Hearing a loud crash and other falling debris while fire burns throughout. I seem to made it to some sort of sewer sort. Compared to the cold and freezing outside this place is much warmer bit even worse,

"It stinks. And the heat makes the smell even worse."

While the surface seems to get destroyed, the waterways seems to be quite okay.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

From the distance I pick up the sound of multiple footsteps coming towards me. I found the entrance from a giant hole at side so I guess it's not that strange for people to escape from here I suppose. After all...

(Rather than running the roundabout way to the fortress why not take the sewers to the left and emerge upwards? I only discovered this entrance when one of the walls got destroyed and I just take the chance).

Knowing that some group is approaching I decided to try noy to interact with them since they seem to got a good chance to escape.

(Wow, this seem like the first day I arrive here, I feel so lost).

Rather than taking their path I decided to go to the alternate way instead that's a dead-end with a barred sluice watergate.

(I already mapped a few and this seems to be the only place I can go).

Hiding in the corner, I conceal my presence and stick to the corner as I await.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

The sounds gets so much louder as they come closer,


Hearing someone shout loudly, their steps comes to a halt just before they reach my corner.

"W-What's wrong uncle?"

I hear a girl ask him only to be retort with,

"I sense someone hiding. Hey! You better come out now! We're not playing around!"

"Dad, it may just seem to be a survivor."

Another girl speaks and I hear the same voice shouting:

"If it is, then why is this place so empty!? Knowing the state of this city, this place shoul've been filled by the people from the slums yet they're nowhere to be found down here!"


"Prepare for battle!"

(Ah here we go again...)

I slowly walk out from the corner with my hands in the air shouting:

"W-Wait! Please, just leave me alone."

I see a group of 4, leading them is a man in his fortis with slick black hair wearing a officer uniform decorated by many medals holding a sword and flashlight. While behind him is 2 girls with curly hair that looks like seaweed and the other is a girl with short hair, both pf them are a bit older than me wearing a mismatch armour while carrying swords. The last person behind the 3 is a boy who looks like a younger version of the officer wearing the same uniform as well but with no medals on his chest.

"Stay where you are!"

The old man says flashing his light at my face as he walks closer pointing his sword. I cover my eyes replying:

"I-I'm waiting for someone please just leave me alone."

I try to give a reason so they would leave but,

"Shut up! And move back right where I can see you..."

He walks slowly pushing the tip of his blade closer to me as I then step back and he continues until I'm back to a corner and he says:

"Alright you 3, quickly get a move!"

The three runs behind him, and the girl with short hair shouts:

"But dad! We can't just leave her, look at her! The one she's waiting is probably dead during the bombing."

"Can it! We can't afford to bring another. They probably won't let in anyone that's not told yet."

"At least bring her safer than this shit show! Hey you, come with us. We can at least bring you out of this kingdom."

I shake my head replying:

"Sorry, I must wait. If not, I must find him."

"Well you heard her."


"Shut it! She says no, now leave!"

The other two runs away while the short haired girl grits her teeth and grasping her sword hardly saying:

"Can't you at least do something right for once!?"


The boy running back slaps the girl's face shouting:

"Do you think he doesn't!? Now hear his words and move your legs!"

The boy grabs her hands and runs dragging her along, the old man see them leaves and walks backwards with his light on me before turning around and dash out of here...

"Sigh... It seems there's many things happening. Time to head deeper."

I turn around and walk deeper into the city and I wonder how many would I meet since the passageway seems to be very linier with only branching paths that leads to those sluice gates. Injecting my eyes with qi or my new magic I was able to see in the darkness like clear day, I start using my Hunter skills and start tracing back their steps and follow their steps, after all...

(If they come down here that means their trail will lead to somewhere they enter from... Hopefully they didn't destroy it as they enter and even if they did I suppose I can just blow it away. I mean no one would notice amongst the other chaos).

*Splash* *Swish* *Clack* *Clack* *Crash*

Amongst all the darkness that follows, the sound above becomes more intense alongside the water that flows beside. I have no odea how much time pass as I retrace their steps but finally, the once empty waterways full of debris is now filled with some crates and barrels. As I head deeper I see an unlocked bars that leads to some sort of basement or something as the narrow corridor have widen so far that the ceiling seems so far away. Pillars line up with shelves of vintage wines and other of those expensive things I see that only adults can enter.

Not only is it full of drinks but it seems food as well. Bags of flour and other subsidiaries are present as I realize this is definitely a Store house but...

(Is it really a good idea to put stuff near a sewer that stinks?)


*Sniff* *sniff*


Now I just realize the horrible smell is gone, this room must have some amazing magic. And I could barely hear anything ever since I pass that door.

"How neat but..."

After everything starts to calm down again I sit on the pile of sacks and wonder...

(If I enter from the west and I follow here, wouldn't that mean I'm half way? But... What am I suppose to do even after I met them? Unless its someone I know I doubt they would recognize without any uniform and here I look like someone pitiable by what they keep saying).


I smack my own face before shouting:

"Don't worry! Keep positive! Maybe this is part of Sis Yuwei's plan or something just like how she crash me ashore- okay! Maybe next time I should really ask Sis to stop with this crazy plans."

Filled with rage and determination, I walk towards the only path left to the one door that probably leads up. Twisting the handle I notice its stuck and decide to kick it down.


The door's bent and sunk inside as I realize those people definitely collapse the other side.

(I knew it...)

I summon my halberd and gather my power as it lights up the darkness with a vortex of purple light, I gather all my rage as well and draw out another technique from the moves I keep using and shout,

"Immortal Calamity Dragon and Platinum Tiger God technique combined, Armageddon path: Splitting Earth and Heavens!"

Following the instructions my brain gives, I swing my halberd down and,


A purple flash so bright blinds me for a moment alongside feeling that something huge has blow up around me while the earth trembled. When the light finally died down, I'm greeted by a burning hell. Melting purple rocks, burning lavender flames while the interior burns around yet the night sky full of stars never changes as the clouds are gone.

"Fuuu, finally I'm out."

I jump out the aftermath of my technique and landed atop some nice decor. Missing its ceiling, and corpses lying around, broken pillars and stairways... It seems to be a grand lobby once. Slowly I walks outside and no soul can be seen but corpses and ruins of flame...

(I wonder why did I think going through the city was a good idea?)

As I wonder amongst everything that's burning, one particular building stood out among the rest. Just like how I saw the whale palace back at Silla's capital the building at my sight gives the same grandeur even if its smaller yet it has a mighty build.

(Alright, I can go there and I'll definitely be at the centre. And if I'm lucky important people will be there, let's hope its someone I know if not all this mistakes and effort will be for naught!)

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Hearing multiple footsteps, I don't wish to meet anyone and start gathering strength on my legs and leap across the pillars, jumping from one end to another to reach the ceiling as I try not to look down.

(Fuuu, keep it in! What's the point of learning this if I'm just going to keep being afraid of heights! Fight it and jump!)

I landed from one burning ceiling to another barely making it pass the debris and oncoming fire while also destroying any obstacle that comes my way easily. The palace from my view grows bigger as I come closer and soon I reach its outer walls that's been destroyed and riddled with corpses and limbs. No one seems to be around as I see the palace gate has been sliced open that even the walls around where the gate stood shows a huge gash. I breathe-

"Cough! Cough! Blegh ahack!"

(Aaah, how stupid of me to breathe in all the smoke!)

I hold my breath and ready my halberd as I walk down the stairs and into the palace. I can't see the beautiful architecture and culture that permeate this place for it has been torn and destroyed while the ground is littered by the bodies of the dead. This magnificent hallways soon leads to a grand stairwell shows a sliced up statue and severed flags, and at the centre of it is a interesting sight.

Unlike the other dead bodies, her seems to be intact, better yet I can still her breathing even if its faint as she leans her body upon one of the fountains surrounding the statue. As I walk closer to her I can already imagine how beautiful this place is before disaster struck. I kneel down and look at her who's grasping her sword with bloodied hands and shaking as she seems wish to stand.

She is a lady on her late twenties with long brown hair wearing a very eye-catching design that makes me think of a star but in overall she looks like a mess.

"You... Cough! Cough! Ahack! I don't know who you are or why you're here for but you better leave- cough! The imperial palace has fallen and he is now marching to our king... I'm sorry but Ri has fallen. I'm sorry..."

Wondering what to say or even do as I know nothing of first aid, she coughs more blood staining the pool below redder.

"Then again, I doubt there's a chance of escape if you're here. Please can you please help me- cough!"

She uses her sword and tries to stand but soon fell but I grab her as her blood stain my clothes and hand as I bring her arm to my shoulder saying:

"Is there a medical place nearby?"


(I may not like to let people die if I could but I shouldn't say no... Am I weird for being so calm?)

Seeing a quiet response yet weak pulse I decided to at least bring up and help carry her upstairs when I hear,

"Cough... To your left..."

She weakly speak and I follow along her instruction. Walking pass the cleaved corpses I feel her grip on my shoulder becomes stronger as I follow her instruction across the dark corridors and soon reach some room with a window that shows many medical items inside. I kick the door open and help her sit on one of the couches, I look at the shelves and grabs some healing potions and curatives and hand it to her saying:

"Here you go."

I help her drink and soon her wounds shine and closes as I see blood stoo leaking out. Her breathing stabilize as the bags under her eyes disappears. She open her eyes wider and say:

"Thank you..."

The lady still holding to her sword lets it go, seeing it drop she leans back opening her armour and rips her broken clothes away leaving her topless as I look away asking:

"Wha- what are you doing!?"

"What? The armour is broken so I'm changing. This is already a tragic event so stop acting so weird, Owlian girl."

When I turn around I see her clean her body and remove any excess armour before wearing a new set of white coat from the shelves while chugging down bottle after bottle.


She throws away the 8th bottle and wipes her mouth staining her sleeves red as she then says:

"I don't know what you want here but you should escape. At the basement of this castle is a passage into the underwater passageway the royalty uses to escape. Take that information as my last gift and escape, I have a duty to uphold as the General of the Septentrion Stars."

She grabs her sword and I shout:

"Wait! Take me with you to the throne room!"

She halts holding the door open with a smile replying:

"Heh, I understand now... I'm happy to meet at least one more people who care for their homeland that you're willing to fight even as you're hurt but there's no shame in running now.

I may not know which division you're from but I'm sure you can be proud to at least serve and survive this long, now leave. At least the Army of Geom are converging to the north so you have no need to worry about the surrounding area now."

She runs away leaving me behind as I realize she definitely haven't fully heal but...

(Don't get too attached).

Those words ring across my head again as I lower my hand that's reaching towards the door...

"Fuuuh... At least, let's meet this important person."

I grip my spear and head out bringing a bottle of salve...

"Wow, there's no salves here... Sigh, alright then. On we go."

I leave the medical room and follow her steps and using my echolocation to follow her behind from a great distance.

*Clang* *Clang*

"Die you mad king!"

Hearing her shout from afar, I hasten my steps and enter some grand hallway that shows rows upon rows of severed flags and grandiose pillars leading towards a light a the end of the road.

"Haha! You're alive? I'm surprised there's someone resilient here."

An unfamiliar voice answer back to her while I hear clashing between swords.

*Clang* *Clash* *Clash*

"Damn you! Treating human lives like toys! Taking the power of foreign demons and calling it your own, you're a disgrace! This victory of yours is nothing but hollow!"


*Clash* *SEVERE* *SHAKE*

The entire palace shakes as debris and small rocks fall from the ceiling. That deafening sound slows my steps as I realize what happens.

"I commend you, young King of Ri. Rather than running away, you actually stayed for your people. But I can't help but feel so sorry that you're the one who has to clean up the mess your parents and their friends left you."

"Finish me, you barbaric King of Geom. I have nothing to say to a slaughterer like you."

"Don' be such a sad sport, you squirt."




"Hey! Where did all your dignity go huh? Unless you forgot, your father was and your stupid alliance was the one that attacked first and slaughtered my new colony."


"Sure it may not be you the one who ordered it but you are his descendant and the one to inherit his star, you are no different from him as you have enjoyed the fruits of our labour. And since your kingdom is an autocrat you have easily claim all your citizens labour as your own too. Youu too shall pay for their mistakes!"


"You dare say all those slurs when you bring those Heavenly Centaurs from Heaven to prevent us from retaliation!"


"You're nothing but a coward like your father who uses peace to exploit others, and look at you now!"


"As a king of Geom I am cursed to feel what our citizen suffer. Just like how you have unjustly exploited the splendour and spoils of my people and thrive, I as their king who heard their cries shall carry upon their vengeance with utmost fury to take it all back from you. For Heaven is at MY side!"



"Hey, say some more curses, come now!"


"Say it!"


"Fucking say it!"


There was silence when I finally reach the open door and see the carnage beyond. Bodies all missing their upper halves are scattered around the throne room as the entire ceiling have been lopped off to reveal a burning night sky. Surrounding the bloodied throne is a group of soldiers each individual wearing beautiful armour that gives them an ascetic of a swordmaster. But each of them has a comment theme that they all wear a cape that shows the emblem of a buried sword.

As I walk closer they all turn to me and I gain the attention of the two that stands at the throne. One seem to be a tactician of sort as he wears a white garment with a black coat with a scarf that bears the emblem of a buried sword like the rest. But most important of all, clad from head to toe in relics and armour so sophisticated and valuable not even the wearer's skin could be seen. He looks similar to the armour I wear yet with a different aesthetic. Holding a magnificent sword that looks similar to the emblem o. Their cloaks on one hand, he drags a boy younger than me by his bloodied hair and swollen face.

(Why do I have a feeling of deja Vu?)

The swordmasters surrounding the throne form a line between us and draw their swords in unison when the King of Geom raises his hand saying:

"Hold it... Sadly I can't kill this little twerp just yet."

He raises the bloodied boy and chuck him to the blood-soaked throne. Slowly he descends as his guards makes way, raising his gigantic sword upon his broad shoulders his cape flutters the insignia of a buried sword embrace by a rising phoenix. The aura he exudes is overbearing, its ridiculously heavy. Even if I can't sense his magic, his qi might be stronger than the Forest Guardian I faced back at the promotion exam. One thing is for sure,

(He's a true martial artist, and a master if not more).


His helm opens up to reveal a man in his early thirties with a thin cut and a cut scar across his left face. His red eyes glow as he smiles excitingly saying:

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Ah... Tell me little girl, who are you to be so brazen or brave to step in a room like this?"

As I look to my left, seeing the girl I saved missing her lower half with her eyes still wide open...

"Huup... Haaah..."

I breathe in the burning air replying:

"My name is Sova Anmao! A Silencer under the direct command of Empress Yuwei Zhihuang. I implore you to take me to your fortress."