Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 123 - One at a Time. (Prologue)

Chapter 123 - One at a Time. (Prologue)

*splash* *splash* *Caw* *Caw*

Hearing a familiar sound, I slowly open my eyes to feel my body upon warm and soft white sands.

*Splash* *Splash*

Hearing the waves crash against the shores, I slowly awoken with my hands crashing against the coming ripple and spraying my face over with the crystal clear sea.

"Ah! Mary!"

I turn around to see the familiar set-up of an open house near the beach trees and run towards it. Seeing her blanket bed, the excessive amounts of unopened snack at the table beside it, a parasol, and with that box that I finally know it's called a TV. Looking around wondering where she went I shout out to the sky asking:

"Mary! Where are you!"


My voice seems to drowned over the crashing waves under the bright sunny day... Taking this chance, I lay down on her bed and look up at the leaf frame. Seeing the bright blue sky after the darkness and snowy darkness seems so refreshing. Being on an small island, surrounded by nothing but water. A sense of comfiness, and accompanied the tree shades over my body while the sea breeze blows, I can understand why Mary like this sort of place.

Mary... The girl that suddenly appear to help me, appearing as some blood sludge with human silhouette, before finally turning into girl with my face but actually makes me looks a lot more like a girl... when I turn and roll around her bed to make myself more comfy, I notice a note left behind some bowl.


Standing on my feet, I pick up the note and read it,

[Dear Sawyer Ovalon, it is me, Mary!-]


I bring the paper close and

[I know you're very confused with our lack of contact and despite I previously told you to leave me alone, you still visits anyways which I guess makes me happy... Now I'll miss that. Anyways, I'll be quick with this.

It seem after your certain friend forcefully awaken me and sealed my consciousness in some magic jar. The only thing left in your body is nothing but a defensive protocol. I left this message by splitting a disintegrating sense so don't expect any more than this long note.

For one thing, I'm sorry that I can't help you teach magic like I promised. But then again, if you manage to arrive in this conscious realm again means you have definitely somehow able to control your unknown magic powers somehow so all is good. This is where I shall tell you all I know.

The power in your body to be honest is not so special since many people especially those that know the truth of the world exploited the fudge out of these forbidden magic. But it's how you use it is what makes it special.

Its name is [Origin] just like the name implies it is the source of everything. The space, the time, the sense of "living" and prove of existence along with our current understanding of reality. Well, that's what I know or what your great grandfather times 100 knows about. You can use this vacation spot for your training recreation and it'll be the same as training in real life. I'm telling you this so that you don't attract the ire of those that wish to keep the status quo.

Why? Because this power is very dangerous, in the hands of the wrong person it could cause the end to "Everything" since unlike magic, this magic doesn't need "Logic" or even "Reality" to exist. So please, use it well okay? Or maybe save the world by defeating those that abuse it! And know that I miss you very much.

Sign, Duke Mary...]

"[Origin] Huh? Wait... [Origin] um... Why does it everytime I speak that word there's those bracket popping up? And a certain friend sealed her? Who could it be!? Um... Maybe I'll think about it when I got better or awake...

Still, Mary's not here no more huh? I've had a friend to meet when sleeping so it's a bit lonely now that it's gone. I guess I should be happy some things are returning normal?"

I let the note go and enjoy myself some of her favourite meals. I approach the TV located under a parasol and turn it on with the button she told me. That weird almost finish circle with a line in that gap.


Waiting for something to show up, I take a sit at the edge of bed-

"Woah oh wah!"

I almost lost my balance and fall, and almost losing the snack as well. Deciding to sit and lean under a tree while I start opening the bags as I enjoy the view wondering when I'll wake up...

*Bzzzz* *Click*

"Oh? Something actually shows?"

Seeing the screen from afar, the blurry vision starts to form into something and I could see someone... No... Lips?

I could see someone's lips close to my face when that person finally backs away I realize it's... Jin-Hyun Ssi who seems to be writing something on a board to my left. Noticing how I am now lying down on bed, I notice Clara at my right plugging in some equipments and suddenly move in close bringing her breast close and covering my whole view with her cleavage but not really since her skin is covered with the black tight suit with U opening on her neck...

"Right... What's so special to look at it? And how am I even seeing all this? Am I opening my eyes? More like why am not that surprised?"

As I continue to watch, Clara finally moved away as I see they both gather at the end of the bed. A silhouette appear before them and, takes form of a man wearing a black suit over his black tight suit with the U shape on their necks...

"Ah, he must be another one of Taiga's or whatever their group is called."

The man stands between them as he takes out a blank panel and fiddle with it. The two looks at him seemingly asking something and I realize I can't hear them. The man seems to explain something and the two sighs a breathe a relief when Clara smiles gleefully saying something to the two that makes them frown and the man lifts his finger and flick her head...

"Donut rabbits! I can't hear what their talking about... Wait a minute!"

I focus at their lips and clear my throat before saying:

"And now, we return to another episode of Los Kiwi Li Hwa. Previously, Los Kiwi has been bewitched and entrapped by Li Hwa's love rival, He Pesa."

The man, Los Kiwi looks down at Clara or Li Hwa shouting:

"Away, you seducing swine! You who have have choked me, burned me, and prepared me an undercooked meal have caused trouble to my beloved He Pesa!"

Li Hwa, heartbroken and saddened to see her love fell to such depravity fell to her knees and grab him by the edge of his suit, begging him with tears replying:

"Please, my love! Snap out of it! Can't you see He Pesa is controlling you!? Everything you said is what she did to you! Is our love so shallow that you would forget all our time with a mere spell!?"

Ji-Hyun, or lady He Pesa with a bewitching smile gaze down upon our heroine with a victorious cheer. Hugging the arm of the one she love proclaiming:

"Oh, dear, poor little Li Hwa. Did you see what happens when you mess with me? Now begone with you, sow! Los Kiwi is mine now!"


Li Hwa raise her arns to the heavens as she cries out her tears. With swollen eyes and bitter lips Li Hwa slowly stand with the support of my bed. Hugging her weakened body she turns away as to keep her feeling from bursting. Li Hwa looks back at Los Kiwi saying:

"If this is truly what it is, then you leave me no choice, my love! I will return to the arms of Alpaca!"

Running away from the view as she screams her heart out,


As if something broken inside Los Kiwi, the eyes filled with so much passion fades away to emptiness. Maybe in a moment of realization, he pushes He Pesa away in anger.

"Will Los Kiwi be able to stop Li Hwa from meeting the e~vil Alpaca? Or will Li Hwa forgive Los Kiwi? Find out next episode in... Los Kiwi Li Hwa- Hahahaha!"

Saying all that, I can't help but burst in laughter as I haven't had that much fun doing something so stupid. And making all that act, I can't help but wonder what happen to the Opera Studio back at my district? Never really visited again after I moved since it closed already. Did it got destroyed in the monster emergence?

"And I gotta admit what in the world are they talking about for that dubbing to fit?"

Realizing that the skies have turn gold when I look away from the screen, I wonder how in the world did those Soap Operas sucked away all my time before I knew it? It's truly a magical experience...

Also realizing I haven't eaten any of the snacks as I've been dubbing them, I took one big bite and fill my mouth. Feeling the surge of salt and spice, I lean back looking at the golden sky. Hearing the sea wind breeze, birds chirping, the sound of crashing waves again I stretch my arms and legs to stand and move to the bed. Finishing my snacks and lay down on the bed-


(Right, I usually tie it up, now that it's not I was reminded by how easy my hair got stuck in something).

I adjust my long hair and pull it to find the note again and realize...

"Hmm? What's this at the end?"

Pulling my hair away and feeling the short sting, I realize there's secret note folded at the end, ironed so fine and thin it feels like it's still one paper. Taking the node it reads,

[P.S, since we never really got a time to hang about I should tell you something about me...

I fucking hate myself! And I love secret things!

So screw what I said not being able to teach you nothing! I'm gonna tell you your first lesson.... But just this only one... My final lesson if we never meet again.

{ Lesson 1, Learning the Basics }

[Origin] magic is simply... Origin. Simply put, nothing. So, to use it you MUST make a rule so that it can form in "this" reality or your body's gonna suffer, like you did many times. You know the black cracks and all that? What you're basically doing is disintegrating those things you touch to... Nothing or [Origin].

So, there's actually a basic manual from the people of the past that has been tried and true, they mix [Origin] with what is already there as a first step. For example... The [Origin] of mine or my creator is called,

[Origin] of Life

It is the power to imbue life at vessels and dead things and make sure it stays alive. For example... Well, you. If I had a nickel for every time you lost your head, I would have 3. Which is not much but it's weird that it happens 3 times. To me or my creator, to be alive is to move, to breathe, to think and feel. Most of all, to choose. So even if you heart don't beat, as long as your blood still flows, brain functions, and your muscles react, technically speaking... You're alive! ...]

"By the sirloin rare barbeque steak, is that why my heart don't beat!? But isn't the point of the heart so the blood flow!? Then how does it flow!?"

[You must be wondering how your blood flow yeah? Well, let me answer that...]

"Woah, how did she know?"

[Like I said, [Origin] is a very unique thing. So say what if I make your entire hemoglobin into some kind of virus that moves on its own? Combining them into a group or a coalition of sorts that is tasked with always grow, multiply, work together, heal each other inside some kind of meat sack so they don't crystalized with contact of outside? And also with each and everyone of them carrying memory shards of me to your brain to help you with remembering stuffs or techniques you never learned.

And now since every single cell in your body is alive now, I followed the rule of the [Origin] of life by giving "life" to every non-living creature, albeit by breaking the rules of reality a bit. Well, viruses are considered dead thing as well since they can crystalize which is what they usually do when exposed to dangerous hazards like when your blood spills out of your body but, if you want proof, you can try to cut your arm and soon you'll see them by themselves to reattach itself, that's what's been happening with your head.

Also, sometimes to protect your body, I move your brain near your spine and your heart in your knees so your body can still move with your head missing or how I move your lungs to your arms when your chest got caved in so you cans till speak, or when you lose your mouth I turn your belly button and convert some meat into tongue and connect your lungs air pipe so you can speak, but right now it's all in the original place when the Defensive Protocols are turned off...

It may sound ridiculous to Owlians but it's true and you're the living proof of it. And now hopefully you get the picture, I'm running out of space to explain so let's see what you can come up with? Or maybe you already have one in mind since you seem to have been using some spells and technique involving the [Origin] magic. Plus, you got MY [Origin] of life. If you mastered it you can do what I did and move your organs anywhere or even turn into a monster with wings!

So... Good luck! But don't use it too much cause you're gonna crack, literally.]

"Talk about being over the top... And what's a hemoglobin? Does that mean I'm some kind of carrier of some Virus? And... What kind of monster have I become? Am I a monster king vessel? What did she do to my body!? And more of that... I guess I should thank her for saving my life."

I push aside those thoughts and take a deep breath in and out before saying:

"No, Maybe I should ask someone who knows to explain it to me? But who? Still, I wonder what would happen if I never actually realize the folded page? Or that this note flew of course and landed on the ocean around us?"


I lay down and close my eyes trying to pass time as I took my break from that grand battle. When I open my eyes again, time here seems to pass as day turn to night and stars comes with flight. The twin moons appearing before the frames.

"Alright! Enough procrastinating and thinking about things I don't understand yet! Time to train!"

Standing beneath the twin moons, I gather whatever energy I had and summon my weapon...

"Hopefully it's still okay."

Slowly forming, it takes shape and turns into something a bit different. Unlike the usual regal, expensive, and royal halberd this time, it looks more... Evil? With spikes on the hammer, the axe looks wider and has chips that makes it look jagged, and the spear at the tip is... Curved like a hook... It's not really my usual weapon and honestly... Cursed.

"But the symbol my mother showed me is still there and well, this is the perfect time to get use to it."

Seeing the emblem my mother left me expending, curving, and turning to something much cooler, I left it be. Looking for an open space far away from the resting place, I did some stretches as well. Alright, let's test this out.


Swinging my weapon, feeling the different balance, I usually adapt fast with a mid range weapons-

*Poke* *Poke*


Feeling someone poking my cheeks. I look around wondering what's happening and see no one.

"Haaah! Hup! Hah!"

Unleashing a devastating combo Sis Rubeca used on me, I push aside that weird feeling and continue on.


*Squish* *Squish*

Feeling someone pushing my cheeks together. I swing my halberd in full circle shouting:

"Who are you! Show yourself! Mary? Is that you!"



Feeling someone pinching my nose, I felt the air in my lungs pulls out. The whole world soon crumbles around me as the island cracks and the ocean rises. Waves form and rises higher than the trees.

"Hurrrk! A...."

My voice doesn't comes out as I look around wondering what happened when I notice. I haven't turn off the TV and I could see someone's hand at my face, and the green blazer on his arm...

(No way...!)



Feeling someone pinching my nose, I move my arm and grab the arm on my face, trying to rip hos arm off!

"Hrrek! Hah!"

With all my strength, I still can't do nothing as even trying to wist the arm feel like twisting an iron bar. That's when I hear,

"Ah, finally awake."


Hearing a familiar voice, the feeling of oppression over my nose disappears and finally I open my eyes... Seeing a giant towering over me, with his green blazers, and overall opulent and expensive clothing. He comb his black hair aside and brings his face close to mine, staring deep with his sharp emerald green eyes.

"Well, it seems you're okay. And I forgive you for your past transgressions since you're still half awake. Now, then... Remember our deal, Sova?"

Realizing who it was, I clean my eyes and back away. Pulling my blanket ad to shield me shouting:


Moriz backs away, seeing the curtains at the open window blow in the cold winter winds and bright moonlight shines the unlit room, he raise his hand as the light reflects upon him saying:

"Hmm!? Do you perhaps need some memory shaking?"

"No, wait! Ah right! Da Shifu!"

Hearing that, Moriz smiles and puts his hand down replying:

"It seems you haven't forgotten. Good. Man, you got recked at that training ground but anyways... Time for you to fulfill your bargain!"

"Oh right... Gathering of the boys yea? Um... Da Shifu?

(Hmm, feels quite happy to know I'm treated like one of the guys!)

I look around seeing the complex equipment set up around me while the rest of the room is empty. I remembered about the doctors and quickly asks,

"By the way, are you sure I could leave? Seems I'm in critical condition-"


Moriz covers my mouth as he takes a fruit from the table beside me replying:

"Don't worry. I helped you fasten your healing with my Qi. Now, you are fully healed physically. And that's all an Owlian need. Don't worry! We won't be doing anything dangerous! Just us boys gathering to play some video games even you Owlian can play. Heck it's created from the Aologi Empire before the company moved away to another Frontier, I guarantee you'll love it!"

"I see... I have no idea what that is but about me leaving... What will the others that put me here say? Da Shifu?"

"Heh, that's your problem. I'm just here for the bargain."

I inch away throwing my blanket at him knowing my fate. But I still stall shouting:

"Da Shifu, w-wait! What about my clothes!?"

(Right, what am I wearing?)

Looking down, I realize I'm wearing the same long dress outfit I wear back at Ptelophy's underground place, but much longer as it looks more like a one piece dress with long sleeves.

(At least I'm wearing something...)

Placing my hand on my head, I realize...

(My headband! Where is it!?)

While Moriz easily grab the blanket that couldn't even cover half his huge body, I grab my headband and wear it as he then grins replying:

"Have no fear. Did you forget where we're gathering?"

"The tower- oh..."

(They probably have the best clothes there).

"That's right! I'll forgive that line since calling me that makes it awkward. Now, time to go!"

"W-Wait a little longeeeeeeeee-"

"Scarlet Angel, Change!"

Grabbing me like a sack, he jumps as he shines brighter than the morning sun out of the window fighting against the winds. And as I close my eyes to avoid looking down or mostly blinded by his spell, I think to myself,

(I need some break and peace time just for training... I feel really lagging behind. Plus, I'm a bit sad nobody waited for me beside my bed. Then again, this is a foreign land so I guess that's still a long road to go before I made some close friends... And since he already came to pick me up, does that mean I'm out for quite a long time? So many questions need to be answered).