Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 118 - In Truth and Deceit. (Part 4)

Chapter 118 - In Truth and Deceit. (Part 4)

Time seems to be none existent now with how much I crawl, my knees and elbows start to feel numb as my body too is sore from all this limited space and movement.

(Sis Rubeca train me in the mud crawl for when I move in the rain but not this. This is just... Torture).

I continue to crawl, and feel the wind getting stronger, And before long, the darken tunnels soon brighten up as I see some light source at the end.


Motivated by the goal at the end in reach, I crawl faster and soon see it's a hole beside me but barred with wood.

(Did I enter some sort of vent?)

Using my strength, I punch open the tree bars with my bare hands.

*Crack* *Smash*

Poking my head out a little to see the surrounding. It's a two way tunnel made of wood but bigger this time with an actual light source made from some kind of glowing green moss, and big enough for a group to enter.

(Woah, pretty!)

I drag my bags close enough for my hand to grab later and pull myself out. Looking around I wonder,

(Did I just ended up in another tunnel those Hunter enter? If so, I will be crawling for nothing. And lucky enough that no one is waiting at the end here, especially if someone is with a map...)

I took a deep breath in and out, feeling where the wind comes from while I heightened my hearing senses to see if I could catch something or sense some traps. I can't really hear anything or is my echo location picking up any traps but I could feel the wind coming from the right.

"Alright, let's go there."

I went in the vent to grab my bag and soldier on! Taking some water to drink first, I decided to wear the bag this time with the retracted spear at hand.

(No point in using my soul weapon now. If only I could find the people with a map...)

*Clang* *Clang* *Crash*


Picking up the sound of fighting at the end of the way, I decided to rush at it.

*Clang* *Shatter*

"Argh! They're stronger than usual! Did the adventurers being here make the Forest Guardian Changed them!?"

"Focus on your- Ugh!"

"Brother! Damn you!"

Hearing people's voice now speaking in Hwansea, I slow down and start to stride my way across. The light outside is gold now as I realize I've probably been crawling for hours. With the sound so close and seeing a fork in the road I notice the light comes from the right. Sticking to the walls, slowly I approach when I heard,

"Shit, drag him and enter the Temple quick! There should be a resting room deep within before the boss room!"

"Damn! I guess, we can't wait here with the Door Guard around."

(Wait they're entering!? And wait this temple have the boss room!?)

I extend my spear and ready myself for combat as I realize this would be the fastest choice.

(It'll be but a quick knock out strike. And once I'm done I'll drag them away and use this "Safe Room" they talk about to plan ahead? Or maybe my base of operation... Heh, luck haven't fail me yet).

Hearing footsteps getting close, I see a shadow appear at the wall as it grows bigger and bigger and their footsteps close...

"Don't worry bro, it'll be safe now. Now where did I put that potion."



I turn around the corner swinging my back arm to strike. Catching them in surprise, I pummel the Hunter through his helmet with my back hand, bending its shape and smashing his head into the wall as I hear,

*Crack* *Splatter* *Crash*

(Hopefully that didn't kill him).

"Holy shit! Kijaaa!"

I realize I just smash the head of the Hunter dragging a wounded Hunter.

"There wasn't suppose to be a golem in here! Dammit, bro, hang in... There..."

As the damaged hunter let him go and I saw the wounded sprawl at the ground, he slowly notice my presence and look up slowly at me.

"You...! How did you get here-"

"Say, do you have a map?"

"Huh!? Like hell I would tell-"


I kick him in the chin from below-Up, knocking him out probably as I hear something snap and his neck bend backward.

(He's fine... Probably. I mean all the enemies I fought till now could withstand much more punishing strikes, this is nothing. Yea, I shouldn't expect them to answer it seems).

I look ahead, feeling the wind blowing at my way. The smell of forests and blood is apparent as I hear their group is probably fighting outside... Hearing more closely it seems from the steps,

(There's around 3 more people outside. Or should it be 2 since there's a golem? Or is it two golem and one more people? Either way...)

I approach the exit with my spear ready when I hear someone running my way. It seems, he decided to escape in here as I hear two more things chasing him.

(I guess it was two golems then).

The wooden corridor is big enough for me to swing my spear which is good. I look back and realize the deeper the darker it seems. Walking back, taking a stance a low stance, I wait... Before long the sound of his steps gets louder and his silhouette appear,

[Immortal Tormentor Crane Technique: One pierce, one Kill].

I dash ahead by tensing my leg and as I kneel down to pump it all together and using my whole body to push.

*Pierce* *Rip*

"Aaaargh! Fuuck!"

But contrary to its name, I aim at his leg while he runs. With skill and speed, I cleanly pierce and rip his leg off as he crash down the floor missing one lower limb and dropping his weapon.

"Fuck... Dammit! What the hell was that!? There wasn't suppose to be enemies here- wait! What happened to San-Kija and San-Cho? Dammit! Dammit! I have to stop the bleeding!"

Ignoring him, the two golems that chase him finally appear as I see them for once. Looking like some thin yet built-up mannequin wearing expensive robes, they have no face but some kind of word written where their face is supposed to be.

The both of them strikes at me with their coordinated and precise twin sword. Seeing how slow it was compared to most enemies I faced before, I easily parried and counter back thrusting once and using the first momentum to make a quick swipe to the second in quick succession at their head as I miss how good it feels to use a spear. My attack shatter the first mannequin's head and slice the head of the other, rending them asunder. Falling like a puppet whose string has been cut...

(Now I remember, if they're puppets being controlled doesn't that mean someone is watching all of this? Does that mean they can hear me as well? Schnitzel! I almost mutter about my secret techniques! Close! Too close!)

I look back and approach the cursing Hunter who's been render immovable by me. He curse loudly as he tighten a bandage around his missing leg when he notice me.

(Here I thought, I could practice my secret techniques and the regret of refusing Ye-Hua is becoming more and more apparent).

"You... Heh, hahaha! Die!"

He throws a rain of needles from his hands bit I twirl my spear and repel most of it easily before catching the last one that manage to slip and dodge the rest. Looking close, I realize the needle's been tip by poison...

(Sigh... I guess they really are for hunting humans. I mean if all the enemies here are golems why would they need poison?)

"Haha... I almost forgot thanks to the huge reward. About how strong Proper "Adventurers" are. Well, what are you waiting for, bitch! Finish me off!"

"What? No!"


I raise my spear and aim the blunt pummel at the back replying:

"I'm just gonna knock you out. I'm not that vicious. So... Good night?"


I pummel his head with the back of my spear and changed it shape but I'm sure its fine.

"Alright, time to loot the spoils! Let's see if they have any map... Wait..."

(I just realize this but... Is there any rules? I mean this is not the wilds. So is there any rule of how we can fight or survive? Or can we loot or steal!? I should've read the quest paper!)

"Hol on..."

(Right! Since they probably use magic items Owlians like me can't use then I'll just have to lure on others who can! If I saw them loot their body that means its all game and if they somehow pull out some map I can swipe in for the finish! Seeing how quick these people got here and I saw no one else, there's high chance they have one! Heh, sometimes I'm surprised by myself... Or is this something people can easily thought?)

"Either way, time to drag their bodies out and survey the surrounding. And hopefully, I can find Ye-Hua. Hope she's okay... Don't you lose now."


*Rustle* *Rustle*

At the corner where even the moon don't shine, a head poke out from the bushes. Surveying the surrounding, his hand emerge and makes a sign. Soon enough, one more figures burst out one after another.

"Secure the area!"

One jumps down from the trees saying:


While the one from the bush emerge out from the other side saying:

"Clear! The Temple is in sight and no signs of enemies."

The one who ordered them all, the leader of the group, the only mid-rank among them, and a man in his mid thirties named Jun-Rai looks around estranged as he open the visors to his helm saying:

"Huh? Weird... Usually the San brothers should've arrived by now."

The scout of the team, a man in his late twenties named Hae-Wu opens his goggles and ruffle the leaves off his clothes replying:

"Maybe because the puppets are much stronger now? When it comes to power, they lack far behind than us. We almost got defeated by two of them."

"Hmph! Don't be stupid! Sure the puppets are stronger now but that doesn't change that not many can defeat them in formation. Stronger but not smarter. Besides, the younger San may still be Low-Rank but the eldest are one of the strongest Mid-Rank among us."

The trapper and sword of the group named Tae, who's been looking at the temple points at it saying:

"They're probably in the temple setting up traps for those Adventurers. I mean, look the temple guardian is not there anymore."

The three gather around and look, surely enough there was no one at the gate.

"Why, you're right!"

"Alright then! Split off, and scan the surroundings for the trap placement. I'll go inside and see if I can meet them."

"Aye aye, Boss!"

"Consider it done!"

Before they split, Rai makes a gesture as he's holding a bowl saying:

"And when we're done we can enjoy some Soju to warm up from the cold snow in the Safe Room."

"HoHo! Be done in a snap, Boss!"

Hae-Wu pumps his arm high in excitement when Tae holds his shoulder replying:

"And You owe me an extra, who saved your ass from those mannequin?"

"Ah, piss off!"

"Don't worry, I brought extra for this occasion. The direct and indirect reward we get for disqualifying that Star Child is a fortune. So drink till your piss turn white!"

" "Hell Yeah!" "

The three split into two groups, one check around the temple while the leader enters the temple. But before he enters, Rai notice the footprints and the remains of the battle at the entrance with needles and the foot placing still there. Convinced that the San brothers have dispatched of the Temple Guards, he enters casually only wary of some traps but knowing the San brothers he doubt they probably set anything but needle bombs which ain't a problem for Rai's thick armour.

And maybe with the chance of some other hunter group the only one getting here this fast is the third full 5 member full mid-rank party, but they are tasked with foraging in the forest so in conclusion...

"San-Ju! You there! Oy!"

As he proceed he notice footsteps left from the mud outside tracing it to be on a path in.

"San-Cho! San-Kija! Hey! Stop pissing me off! We're here to set up the traps!"

As he enter deeper, he realize it's getting dark and decided to cast some simple light orbs since the glow moss at the wall is still not enough.

"Haah! Fine! Be that way! If you got hurt it's not our problem!"

As he enter, he notice the two mannequin laying down with their heads missing and smiled merrily approaching it saying:

"Heh! Guess Tae's right! Damn they outdone themselves again. Alright, maybe they're at the safe room? Those are too deep to listen. But shouldn't they at least place some look-out?"

As he head deeper, Rai's nose pick up the smell of blood and his alertness rise. Keeping close to the wooden walls, he hides the orbs and slowly approach the smell... Quiet, it was too quiet, ready for the worst he place his hand near his sword. Seeing a fork in the road the smell comes from the left. Wondering if he should return and call the others or approach alone, he decided to scout ahead worried foe his friends.


His mind went to high alert as to what he saw. The San brothers leaning and laying down at the wall and floor. Missing limbs, caved in helmets, and sprained parts he check the surrounding and check if its safe before rushing to them shouting:

"Hey! Hey! Hang in there! Dammit! They're breathing but barely!"

He look at the youngest, San-Kija and remembering he's the one who carry the healing items for their group, he check the storage space and pull out multiple healing items. Bringing out the orbs to look more clearly Rai performed quick and emergency treatment. Removing the old rushed treatment, Cutting open the helmets that caved in, straightening the neck with support, stopping the bleeding, and closing the wounds and accelerate the healing time with their best potions and some healing spells to see their head return shape. Before long they finally stabilize somehow...

"Phew! Dammit! What the hell happened, here! You three are lucky I'm a medic in the army before. From their wounds it appears to be a few hours ago... Damn... Anyways, gotta call in the rest first."

Leaving the stabilized three alone. He rush outside when the two seems to be done as they wait.

"Ah, boss, perfect timing! Area's clear!"

"Yeah! And I found the perfect place for the traps-"

"Talk later! Tae and Wu, help me bring the San brothers to the safe room! They're badly hurt."

"What!", "How!?"

"Just come with me!"

Rai rushed inside again followed by the two. The tension between them is high as their worry rise.

What or who could have hurt them like this? Or is this just an accident?

If not... Where is it now?

It's definitely not the Hunters for they have sign for a truce and armistice agreement to share the profit that benefit everyone. So it would be a loss to destroy that trust... It can only be those Adventurers.

Rai clench his fist in fury for their transgressions and soon loosen his hands as he realize that since they're doing this to ruin their promotion quest, he has no qualms to complain that they gor hurt. But the sight of friends and comrades getting hurts still fills him with rage.

There are only 8 and so far, they have found all 7 and disqualified 5 of them in the day for their teamwork. The two seems to have escape our grasp as we soon realize how powerful they are and distance ourselves for now. So the only one left is...

The Star Child!

They say she entered the snake's way located at the ceiling! We couldn't find her anywhere the snake way usually leads out, so we plan by encircling the training ground before we close in tommorow. It won't be a stretch to say she's here and the San brothers must be defeated by her!

Passing through the mannequin, Rai suspend his thought and quickly rush ahead, going left from the fork the two catch up and saw it for the first time gasps in shock.

"What the!?"

"Damn! What happened to them!?"

"Tae you're the strongest, carry San-Kija and San-Ju. I'll carry San-Cho since he has the most vulnerable wound."


"Wu scout and keep watch! And tell us if there's anything coming."

"Aye! Aye! Like a marble head!"

The three knowing the risks carry their friends away to safety as they can only wonder and be filled with fear that the one that did this to them could still be near. Slowly and carefully they traverse the temple in high alert hoping that there wouldn't be any puppets inside. And it seems their camaraderie and good-will is rewarded for they arrived with no hiccups to the safe room. Unlike the other part of the temple which is dark, the entrance to the safe room is bright and unique with its green double door surrounded by green bricks.

Wu scouts ahead and tries to check if anyone's inside or if there's any traps as he enter... Before long he comes out giving a thumbs up and the two rush in putting the three at the floor.

"Haaah! Damn! The San brothers owe us for this!"

"They sure do! Haaah! Damn I'm tired!"

"You can say that again! We've been running around since we enter."

The Rest Room, a safe space for any people training in the trial grounds to rest or heal their wounds before they enter the Boss Room. It is a spacious empty hall of wood and moss, with a giant healing fountain made from the green brick and twisting wood at the centre surrounded by a lower ladder forming a square. Just like the lobby where they first arrive this place is also a non-hostile zone so no one could hurt each other here.

With a small open ceiling at the top, to give light, snow slowly pours in at the fountain which doesn't seem to affect it at all. Tae and Wu takes a sit near the fountain as they lay on the fountain. Rai on the other hand pull out a water skin and fill his fill with the healing water at the fountain. Looking at the light yellowish green water the fountain produce he saw his own reflection and decided to reflect on the events. Tae who carried both plunge his head to the fountain to drink before pulling out shouting:

"Delish! I don't know how they make it but damn it if only I can bring some out!"

Everyone who spent time more than once here knew even if someone throws a corpse inside the magic water would still be fine, and it might actually be better. Wu brushes the leaves off his head probably from the leaves that lands on the fountain as he then hands him a towel saying:

"Just enjoy it while we're still here. And think of the fortune we'll make tommorow! We already got 5 of the Adventurers that means 2000 shì for each of us that just participated not counting the ones that defeated them."

Seeing their relation reminded him of himself with his brothers, not saying much to help but showing. Rai can understand how they're trying to bring their heads out of what happened to the San brothers but...

"Don't celebrate just yet you two, not until we got the money in our hands."

Rai continues to tend to the three as he helps them drink the fountain water through his water skin but Wu sighs replying:

"C'mon boss! I think that's enough about treating them no? They're already stabilized and they'll be brought out anyways when this is done. So we can leave them here."

"Haah, right. Just making sure here after all. They could destabilize any time."

"Don't worry! We still got our new insurance policy no?"

"Why, you're right!"

"Right!? Those three will get their limbs back and healed up in no time! Haha! The Guild Master at Heaven seems to be a pretty nice gal. I mean universal High Healing insurance once a year with only 5% of our yearly pay? Why the fuck not! That gramps proved it by getting his hand lobbed off and restored it the next day!"

"Just like a starfish!"

"Right! Right! And I heard you got the monthly deal since you're a mid-rank!"

"Haha, yeah... I almost forgot. With how much everything is so new... It's just hard to believe is all."

(Are these 3 trying to try out the new insurance policy? They're not that stupid...)

"Ah shit! Now I remember something!"

"W-What is it?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I almost forgot since its been so long anyone had been defeated by a these dolls. But if they've been defeated by the puppets shouldn't they be brought out already? Especially in this condition? The dolls would usually just stop when they are already in a weakened state let alone critical. It was already bad, there's no Guardians in the area but..."

Rai stands up putting his water skin back while the two follow suit asking:

"Now that you said that..."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, now I'm convinced the star child are the one who done those three. Probably after the three of them took care of the Temple Guards and strikes them at their weakest."

"Even so, what do we do?"

"Yeah, I say staying here would be the safest bet. After all anyone who's in the Safe Room is protected by the blessing of the Forest Sage. And besides I find something amiss."

"Huh? You do?"

"What is it, Tae?"

Tae who said the idea sits again at the fountain before saying:

"If that's true, where is she? Or more like why isn't she here? Shouldn't she be fighting the Golem by now to finish the quest? If she finish early be a benefit for ALL adventurers. So here's what I thought, she must have either lost or not fight at all. The siren haven't ring off to signal the end of the trial grounds and when Wu checked, nobody's here too."

"Why, you're right!"

"Damn didn't know you could think that far. Maybe you do have potential for Mid-Rank."

"Heh! Hear that? Better start treating me dinner every night then Wu, who knows, maybe I'll let you in my wing?"

"Piss off!"

Seeing the two joke around and lighten the mood a little. I smiled and calm down as we have a general idea of our main target.

"Alright, alright, you two settle down. Here's a plan... Teo, stay here and watch over the temple along with setting up the traps. If what you said is true maybe we should check on the entrance of the boss room before we separate by the spirits kiss let's hope she's injured there or maybe even disqualified already!"

"Got it!"

"After that, Wu and I will inform the others we have found trace and general wereabout of the Star Child. And with that, we got all 3 remaining adventurers in our radar so we can rest for the night. Tommorow, we'll be tightened the noose on them all."

"Aye Aye Boss! Let's go!"

Before leaving Rai turns around asking:

"Everyone, your com cards still works right?"

The both of them check at their cards and nod with a huge smile. Rai the last one checks his and confirm its working as he raise his hand and take a deep breathe, he chops down shouting:

"Team Cross Bones dispatched!"

"Aye! Aye!"


The scout head first scanning the area and when it's all safe three of them barge out of the safe room and head into the opposite direction they enter.

Into the boss room's entrance.

The way leading to the entrance is one long and tight underground ladder going down. There's only one way in and one way out so she's either at the stairs or resting near the entrance. One more thing that will guarantee their information is the giant board list at the entrance of the boss room. It is the same board at the starting lobby which tells the remaining participants that are still left.

The scout Wu goes first followed by Rai and Tae last. Knowing that this is the perfect place for a trap, Wu scans the area ahead of the two for traps and signal for clear. Yet, the three can't feel at ease knowing that the Star Child is out there and she hasn't even shown or make her moves on them yet. And they all know they'll suffer the at least the same damage as the San Brothers or maybe worse death.

Even though the trial grounds are one of the safest place for newbies to train, it is still a place where death is apparent. Accidents CAN and WILL happen. But every Hunter knows that, and this is a perfect reminder since Hunters will soon go out of their shell and face rule defying monsters and protect what they cherish the most.

The three soon arrives at the end of the road, the finish line, the climax of their mission. Awaiting for them is one massive board above a gigantic twin door. Made of wood and some kind of yellow crystals, this place is the second most brightest place only to the Safe Room. The scout survey the area for traces of life while the remaining 2 stare intensely at the screen. And soon see...

[ - Sova Anmao | Wanderer | Qualified ]

"Qualified huh? Shame. Any traces of her, Wu?"

"None Boss! It seems she haven't even been down here! We're the first!"

"Bloody hell, then where the hell is she!?"

"Either way, follow you orders! Tae stay here and set the traps, Wu come with me. Two warriors and a mage they might make a good party but it seems their independent nature will be their downfall."

"Aye! Aye!"

"Roger! Man, can't wait to get hold of her relics we could make ourselves a fortune."

Wu goes ahead first to the stairs and turn around saying:

"Tommorow will be their day! I can taste victory-"

*CRACK* *Smash*

From put of nowhere the sound of something broke echo around the entrance as Wu smashes to the wall. Seeing his limp body and bleeding back, Rai realize his entire spine has been shattered and broke a sweat.


"Hae-Wu! Damn you show yourself! I'll show you the to not underestimate a Low-Rank!"

Rai who immediately went to Wu to stabilize his situation, Tae yells doesn't seem to help when... From our only exit, a small gap in reality appear as something or someone is entering the entrance, from the small movement that same gap comes out a thin arm holding an ugly blue weapon.


With a single sound, the same ugly weapon extends to a spear. She came with no sound, so footsteps or even a sign. As if she's waiting just for this moment before striking...

"There you are! Raaagh! For Hae-Wu!"

"Tae! Stop-"

*Pierce* *Rip*

"Aaaargh- ugh!"

Understanding Tae's rage, it seems even powered by fury Tae's attack can't make a difference. Attacking with his special low angle ring strike with his curve dagger, the invisible figure suddenly appear infront of him as Rai could barely keep up his eyes to folloe. It was now that Rai realize that even though they had known where she are and who does what, they never asked or wonder hows did she even did such a thing. Or what could she do or account for if she had any magic items even though she's an Owlian.

Before Tae could strike, she pierce his shoulders and with a single swing cutting his entire right arm holding the dagger and parts of his shoulder. Before finally ending it with swiping his feet and kicking him at the stomach. Flinging him close beside me.

(Shit! Shit! She's more than we thought! Just like the two no, she's even worse! Wu, Tae... They're still alive. But both of them are in critical! I need to- I need to!)

Before he knew it, the same figure have appeared before Rai himself, towering over him while he's still at his knees, maybe its him knowing it's over but he look up at his death to finally see her face... That cold stare, yet innocent stare as if she's seeing a harmless cattle. And with that, the memory of him with his family flash before his mind, seeing his wife and remembering their times together...

(Ah... It seems even death seems beautiful. And for someone so strong, she doesn't look that older than my daughter).


"Boss... Rai- Ahack! R-Run away..."

With his last strength, Wu seems to push him for a moment before his hand fell limp. And hearing Wu's last spirit, Rai conscious and spirit returns back as he soon realize,

(No! I can't die here!)

Seeing the Star Child raising her spear Rai raise his arm shouting:

"I surrender!"

"Huh? R-Really?"

For once hearing her soft voice and a question, Rai quickly respond with,

"Yes! Please! My companions! They are already in critical condition! I'm merely a medic in charge of healing the team! I beg of you, I'll leave you alone, and stay at the safe room, so please let me help my partner! I won't be participating anymore! I promise! If I say otherwise may the spirits curse me and my family! And you can see me after this as well!"

If there is one thing Rai notice in such occasion is that pride and is never a thing to hold at a moment where you wish to live. The one crucial lesson his brother have thought him on how to survive a world of monsters is to cast aside your self worth and pride. And as if heaven is hearing my plea, the Star Child lower her spear slowly saying:

"Well... Fine..."


Rai never felt thankful for his brother's teaching and as he prepare to move Wu,


(Too soon..!)

With an innocent face the Star Child places the tip of her spear at Rai's neck asking:

"After you tell and cooperate with me with a few more things first."

"A-Ah fine! Okay! What do you want! Money? Information about the boss? I'll tell you anything! But please hurry!"



Pushing the tip a bit deeper, blood seems to come out a bit which cause Rai's heart to beat so fast it'll explode if it goes faster. Her calm demeanour change as she glares at him, he probably realize he have angered her.

"I... I'm the one making the... Time here."

"Y-Yes o-of course!"

She finally pulls her spear away as her body finally takes form. She hides her entire figure under the white coat we saw when she first entered here. As if she's not seeing me a threat anymore, she looks at the large panel asking:

"First thing first, tell me of the two remaining Adventurers. Who are they?"

"Oh! The other two! Right! One is the infamous Amethyst Demon named Zenon! And the other is the unexpected black horse and master of the high Arts! Um... Kim Ye-Hua?"

Rai look at the screen again and confirm it before he nods shouting:

"Yes! Kim Ye-Hua! It seems both of them have survived our first initial attack."

"I see... So she's still here? Haha, good..."

She sounds happy to hear about that. Rai use this chance to stabilize Wu with his back problem. Hoping this is her last request, she then starts walking to Tae who seems to be writhing silently in pain as he grit his teeth trying to cover his missing limb with his remaining arm. Seeing Tae's situation got worse, Rai screams:

"Are we done here!? Please, I have to bring-"


"Not yet."

Suddenly appearing before me again with her shortened spear at my chin. Slowly pulling her tip up, I follow along as to not get cut when I see face one more time. Her eyes, sharpen as she says,

"Give me your map of the training grounds and mark where they are on that map. After that, you can leave."

(The map? As in the training ground? Did she lost hers? After all, one can easily get one in the training building beside the gate. But no matter the reason, if she wants it!)

"Aah! Of course! Of course!"

(Then she can have it! Just be quick!)

And so Rai think in his desperate last attempt. Pulling out a map for the Owlian to use, he open it up and starts marking the place where the remaining 2 adventurer have set up camp or last seen with a red mark made from smothering some red herbs. As he looks up he can see her smile joyfully as if her plans have come in fruition. The look of a Hunter finding its prey...

(By the spirit lord, what are we hunting? Is she perhaps trying to hunt her own kin? She didn't even ask about the Hunters that's hunting them, does she not see them as a threat?)

Seeing her skill, he too realize deep down she's probably the one who defeated the San brothers along with the Temple Guardians. As Rai drifted among his thought, The Star Child swipe the map off the floor and walks away. Stopping as she reach the stairs and look back with glee saying:

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Before she pops out of existence with a huge gust of wind. It's at this moment, Rai realize something, that this world is truly filled with monsters even among his own kind and something else.

The way she pounce only at the end, when our hopes are at its peak and vulnerable. Isn't that more like a Hunter's tactic than an adventurer!? I should've realize sooner she's not trying to clear it as quick as possible! And going down the records, All of the strongest participant are never satisfied with just a quick finish. An apex would only enjoy its hunt to its end).

"Is she really an owlian? If so, is she a Martial Artist? I never seen one like that. I can only imagine what their world is like... Whatever it is, by the spirit Lord... I never want to meet her again."

Seeing his family flash before his eyes just now, he can't help but smile seeing how they're away from this and why he's a Hunter in the first place but...

(And maybe, I should watch over so my daughter doesn't turn into a monster like her. When I got the reward, It's best I retire from monster hunts, and maybe open a clinic with my family. My talents are perhaps best serve somewhere else and honestly. Even with the insurance, I don't want to experience the pain. But first!)

"Wu! Tae! Hold on! I ain't letting you two die before I gave you those Soju! You hear me!"