Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 115 - In Truth and Deceit. (Part 1)

Chapter 115 - In Truth and Deceit. (Part 1)

"So you're late because you got lost in a store you frequently went? And you had to involve the staff to find her because you can't hold her right!? This is beyond shameful! You're not kids anymore, you know that right!"



(I am so not ready!)

Juha seems to let down the thunder as she berate us while we head home on the train. The moon is over pur heads as the street lights glow all over us in this dim lighted train.

"And you realize I had to stand in the cold with heavy equipment as I wait upon hours for you while being watch by everyone like I'm being punished?! And all you had to say was sorry and this piece of garbage! Is this what I get for having a goodwill!?!?"

Juha pulls out a staff with a star at the end and a towel as she yells and Yoo-Ah when Yoo-Ah is about to say something, I lower my head replying:

"I'm sorry! Since I'm going to be late anyways, I thought I might use the time to pick you some gifts."

"What makes you think an adult like me would want a kid's toy! Haaah!?"

"I-I thought being a martial artists means you like weapons and a towel for after activities? I mean you can pull the rod and turn it into a sword that lights up and even make cool sounds. I thought it was pretty cool."

"Arrgh! Whatever! Hmph! You stupid, idiot! But you're lucky I'm ordered to watch over you or else I'll be chewing you out, Sova!"


Juha seems to drills her finger at my cheek by how much she is nudging her finger at my face. She then looks at the items I gave her and sigh whispering:

"(I suppose the towel is fine and I could give this toy to my brother or my younger cousins... And she did spend her money on it... Arrgh!) Stupid! Stupid!"

Her voice leaks out at the end as I realize,

(I didn't told her it was a free gift, bow I feel even bad).

"Hey! Don't be mad at her! She even brought you a gift!"

Juha scratches her head through her hat before shouting:

"And you!"

Juha nows looks at Yoo-Ah who seems to be defending me. Juha points her baton at her saying:

"The one who suggested it in the first place! Aren't you an adult by now!? Where's you responsibility! What are you doing!?"

"I understand I'm the one who's wrong! So stop getting mad at her!"

"Riiight... Haaah..."

Juha seemingly out of steam takes a seat across us and slouch over as she seems to be really tired. And I can understand. Seeing all this chaos and the results of events. I look at outside and see the station we're about to arrive is close. I grab the huge bags Juha's been carrying and say,

"Sorry, I'll be the one carrying the stuff now. If you're that tired you can go home first, Juha."


Juha looks at me livid and I try to stay calm saying:

"I'm sorry for all the trouble. I'll carry all the stuff carefully, so don't worry. And thanks, I'll be heading back to the guild to wash up and rest. I assure you that."

Juha sighs and slouch even more as she opens her hat and rest her head on the soft part of the chair replying:

"(Stupid, idiot, Gogijalu owlian wench...) So you got all the stuff you need for tommorow's promotion quest right?"


I nod to Juha's concern and Yoo-Ah chimes in saying:

"Don't worry even if she doesn't I'll be there to fill it up!"

Juha sighs and puts the newly bought towel on her face before saying:

"I see... Well, rest up then. And after you're done, the Colonel wants to see you too. I'm telling you in advance."

"I-I see... Sure, remind me again when we're done."


The night have been long for me, and I'm sure for Juha as well... My eyes falls outside as I rest, with the station near the outside looks bright and pretty from the glimmering lights the kinda fogged window brings. After everything, my eyes felt more heavier than all the battles I went through, the soft shaking, coldness, and dim lighting and sparkling view outside just makes me...


And when the train finally stops, I ready perk myself up and pull the stuffs up. Thinking that it's all about to be done, I went outside the empty station with Yoo-Ah following along still pretty energetic it seems and Juha follows along a bit weary it seems.

"Well, move on."

Juha comments as she walks first and I follow along with Yoo-Ah beside me saying:

"Woah, you seem so out! Sheesh and it's not even that late yet. And we haven't even had dinner too!"

"Ah yeah, that's right!"

(But with all the food I eat while I wait I think I'm actually quite full and the time spent with him is just... Exhausting for some reason).

"But I'm just gonna eat a little. I actually had quite a meal when waiting. Didn't know what I ate but it's good."

"Oh? Now I'm curious, I mean where did you end up getting lost and who did you meet? I even got to be escorted to the waiting room deep inside. And then when they bring you to me, they even told us we could pick 2 of whatever we want! Even the limited exclusive items and product that's not sold to public yet!"

"Hmm M-Me? W-Well, no one much if I have to say."

"Hmm...!? You know... I heard not even the Tower Master could authorize things like that on their own. And even more suspicious is that staff! That star staff sword can cost around 3000 Wu you know!?"

"Prrffd! Sorry what?"

"And the price isn't even the problem, it is literally a limited and real magic item from a very rare line and belonging to one of the merchandise of the legendary 13 idols that started everything! They only have 1000 of them in the whole world and the limited stock can make the price skyrocket to over 10,000 Wu! So good luck finding another one!"

"I'm sorry, WHAT!?"

Fully awake now with the sudden info bomb and feeling like I had a brick thrown to my head, I can't help but look at her thinking,

(It does!? I didn't know it to that extend! I mean I thought I saw the thing in some shelf and casing at the corner of the storage. Well the staff did say I have some special eye but not this much! More like why are toys so damn expensive! Wait, take that, Moriz! See who's laughing now! But... I still feel bad of making someone burn their money especially when I know how hard it is just to get a single Riaz).

I could even see Juha jolts as her hat and twin tails comes a bit off hearing the price while I wonder what face she makes, I see her still holding the staff with quivering hands. Yoo-Ah looks at me a bit more suspicious before I try to change the subject and look at the stuff she bought asking:

"I really don't know myself! I mean, anyways! What did you get?"

Yoo-Ah still looks at me suspiciously replying:

"Well, I just grab one thing."

Before she smugly open her plastic bag to show me a transparent box with a figure inside. I may not recognize it at first but looking at its face I soon realize she's,


"Hum! Hum! That's right! I can't believe I actually got this! It's her when she first debuted! We promised to buy each other's figurine when we become idols during our recruit days. Well, I never become one but I still try my best to hold it."

(Wait, the way she says it feels like she knows her that personally. I mean she did say she knows her back at the first time I ride the train here... And recruit days?)

Yoo-Ah raise the box and place it where the light seems to shine inside before saying:

"This thing is just a bitch to find since it came out when she first debuted in the stage. Back then I didn't have a job and savings been tough, so it's hard to buy it when the price keep rising and since they didn't make it no more. Plus, her popularity boom means the price just keeps skyrocketing. So, when I was told I could take it, I agree in a heartbeat. I may not know what you said to who, but..."

She keeps the box and walks ahead, turning around with a skip before saying:


Yoo-Ah smiles widely that seems to make my heart skip a beat again. But...

(I really don't know how to feel about that guy helping me make her this happy... Hmm why do I see a pattern here with all their products? And... I wonder if Moriz' wallet is okay? Paying all of those?)

"Hmph! Hurry it up, you're lagging behind! We'll part ways when we arrive at the gate."

Juha turns around to scold us again holding the items I brought tightly. I nod and catch up pace beside them replying:


(The idol industry is crazy with prices).


*Rustle* *Rustle*

Finishing our baths, dinner, laundry, meeting with her friends along the way, and more. I tug deep to my bed as I see Yoo-Ah gazing happily at the miniature she got recently with one small lamp. I may not know what time it is but seeing her wave her foot back and forth as she just seems to enjoy looking at it makes me feel happy I suppose.

Before going to bed, I prepared my bags, items, tools and clothes for tommorow. So now, I'm preparing to sleep early so I get more energy tommorow...

"Hey, Sova, you still awake?"

"Huh? Y-Yea?"

Yoo-Ah looks at me since it's dark, maybe she can't see me opening my eyes. Yoo-Ah puts the figure back at the transparent box saying:

"You know, Sova, about why I helped you so much despite being complete strangers back then..."


Hearing her not shouting this time kinda taken me by surprise.


Yoo-Ah leans back at her chair before standing up saying:

"Never mind. I really don't know what to say about it either. Or that it'll reach this far... Good night, and do your best on the Promotion quest tommorow!"


(Well, whatever that was, I'm sure she has her reasons. I mean so far it's all been pretty beneficial).


Yoo-Ah closes the last light leaving only the weird lamp she just brought and the light from outside seeping through the curtain being the dim source of light.

"By the way!"


Being called once again, I try to look at her in the dark when I notice the slim shades show she hasn't even lay down yet.

"Do you know the partner of that hunter we met? This morning?"

"Huh? Ah you mean the female mage?"

"Yup! It seems she's also taking the promotion quest tommorow! Alongside you!"

"Prfff! Wait what!? Where did you learn this?"

"Ah, Bai-Sumi Ssi told me when we were in the laundry!"


(I didn't hear nothing when we're washing our clothes! More like I guess I'm too occupied looking at our clothes going round and round).

"She told me after your sudden rise to prominence and given promotion quest, many of the famous wanderes across the peninsula decided to pull their acts together and rush to get the promotion quest!"


"So...! In that few days you didn't get the promotion quest, many wanderers probably pulled everything they have to get recommended and legitimize for the promotion quest! Out of the hundreds that is qualified, only 8 of them manage to get them including that mage girl! It seems she's busy doing quests while the other stays!"

"Woah... I... Don't know what to say."

(Or what am I suppose to do with this information? Ah! Right! I still need to capture that girl alongside... What's his name again? Anyways! Everything is just a mess! I need to reschedule this!)

"It seems the news of you getting recommended by Jin-Yeon for a promotion quest in the first day got everyone riled up! As expected of the star child!"

"R-Right... Say, the promotion quest you told me. I just need to either survive for 2 days or beat the boss at some dungeon for early finish, right?"

"That's right! You only need to survive! So even if you got defeated or hurt, as long as you can still continue on you WILL complete the quest!"

"I-I see... Wait, why are they all taking the promotion quest tommorow? I mean it's not like we need to take it all the same time right?"

"Hum! Hum! Jin-Yeon Unnie tip them off it seems. With the help of the northern guild master too... (And I guess I told Jin-Yeon Unnie about it too about when you'll take it yesterday it seems)."

(Why!? And news sure travelled fast!)

"I guess they just want to have some spectacle tomorrow! It's been a while since something so eventful it happening."

"Why did they have to make it hard... C-Can I just take the quest the day after-"


"W-Why? Isn't it more safer-"

"I won't let you! It's time you prove your worth to the crowd!"

"I'm sure safety is a much more better priority than-"

"Nuh uh! Don't be such a wuss! You're the star child! And with your skills, I doubt many of those rushed Wanderers could take you on! Except for probably those two."

(You know my life is at stakes here right?)

"Say, why did you have to raise the stakes?"

"Hum! Hum! To make you shine! Well the two is definitely the mage girl, Kim Ye-Hua and the western kingdom's most prominent newbie... I don't know his name. But don't worry! You stopped an attack from an proper adventurer and even a expert martial artist! Those two are probably not much!"

"I think you shouldn't underestimate them. Or I shouldn't either."

"Nah! You'll be fine! I mean you also got the best equipment the guild could offer too!"

"Oh, yea..."

"So go get'em, Sova!"

"Hmm... Shouldn't you say that tommorow?"

"Nah! No harm in saying it twice! Or thrice!"

Yoo-Ah finally snuck in her bed as my eyes adjusted to the dark. She seems to look my way saying:

"Hum! Hum! Time to rest early! Gotta need all the energy tommorow!"


"Good night!"


I decided to look up at the ceiling before closing my eyes. Wondering which to finish first when I realize...

"I only need to beat him up and she would follow me if what she said is true."

"You said something?!"


(I said that out loud... Well, maybe if I can do something to gate his attention... Like maybe cathing the mage girl first? Wait! What an I thinking!? Now I sound like some evil person!

Either way, I wonder what will happen after the mission and I hand her over? I mean... All it does is just prove my worth over something I probably not worth much... I think? Now that I think about it, how's Saya doing? I wonder why she sent Abe instead of her? Like what is both Saya and Sis Fei are doing after the ship crash? I hope they are doing fine...)

"Sorry, good night."

"Okay, night! I'll cook you something special before you leave."

"Really? Thanks!"

"Ah, yeah! One more thing, I almost forgot about them!"

"Don't tell me it's more competitors?"

"It IS more competitors!"

"Well, I think that just means more to the fold. Good night."

"Yup! They're just stupid Hunters! I guess the adventurers are more of a threat anyways!"

(Wait a second! Why the hell are Hunters doing in a ln adventurer's promotion quest!? Ah whatever!)

"Good night."

"Yup good night! For real this time!"


*Chomp* *Chomp* *Munch* *Gulp*

Eating the "Special" meal cooked by Yoo-Ah I can't help but feel hurt by how much I'm smiling too much. The sweet, sour, and lingering deep aftertaste as I chew one food after another. I don't even know when I'll stop to drink from all the goodness!

"This is so good! Yoo-Ah you sure you don't want to be a cook?"

(Cause I sure as hell don't mind if she cook for me everyday!)

Arriving and waking up early for today's quest, we went to the canteen sooner for the best ingredients. I mean, nobody told me they would even prepared living sea creatures here, there's actually aquariums to look at. Yoo-Ah wearing a huge smug on her face and apron too today eats her portion a bit before replying:

"Hum! Hum! Glad you enjoyed it but I'm fine with my occupation! So what do you think? Of the special Fins of stingrays!? Today they seem to be extra thick and juicy too."

"Yummy~! I didn't know what else to say! This thing is still considered fish? Now I have to reevaluate about how much I hate seafood."

(I mean, I may not be a gourmet but even I can tell this is more delish than the seafood made in Rana's diner and especially more than the ones back at the palace... I wonder if Saya who's also a cook would be interested with meeting Yoo-Ah?)

*Munch!* *Munch!* *Gulp*

"I feel like I've been reborn!"

"Alright! It's said this dish helps with Owlians too! So you'll be unstoppable!"

"Will you two, shut up! You're so annoying in the morning!"

Juha who also arrive early to watch me leave seems to cooked her own breakfast. And hearing her words it seems the few adventurers that's still around is looking at our large serving with drool and desire. Before I knew it, I had already finished my third serving yet my stomach doesn't even seem to be full... But I suppose I'm satisfied for now.

"Wow, you sure have a bottomless stomach. I couldn't even eat a quarter of what you have."

Juha comments as she slowly eats her meal and looks at at the pile of plates and bowls I stack. I nod tapping my tummy replying:

"Mhm! To be honest this isn't enough but having too much isn't good either."

"W-Well, glad you understand. Now wipe your mouth and wash your hands when you're done. Cause you better clean all the plates."

"Ah, right... Well, then I'll go wash it first. Thanks again Yoo-Ah. I really don't mind you cooking everyday for me if you can make dishes like this."

Yoo-Ah's face reddened a little replying:

"Heh~! Here you've been ignoring my proposal but you're proposing yourself now?"

"What are you talking about?"

(Did I? Propose her what? Is it weird to ask someone to cook?)

Yoo-Ah brushes her nose and gives a smug and thumbs up replying:

"Heh! No problem then! Just go get'em!"


As I pick up the stacks of plates and bowls away, trying to balance myself, I brought the whole stack to the dishwasher when I notice someone beside me. Looking at my right, I see the mage girl and the target side by side washing their dish as well... Well, the target is more like just watching her wash it all alone. I nod to greet them before looking away when,

"Hey, you're the one that stopped San-Min yesterday right?"

"H-Huh? Y-Yea...?"

The target speaks asks me as I answer back a bit nervous. She bows her head down saying:

"You're the one who also stopped him from receiving anything worse too right? Thank you."

"O-Oh! No problem!

(Wait, this might be the one chance I have! Need to at least know...)

As I continue to wash the plates, I look at her asking:

"Say, can I know your name? My name's Sova Anmao."

The mage girls seems to raise her guard when the target tilt her head with a smile replying:

"Hoh? Well..."

She kneels a bit as to take a posture and bow saying:

"I'm Geom Si-Jana."

(Geom? Sounds... Familiar).

"Jana Ssi!"

The mage girl seem to be in trouble by her introducing herself when Jana herself seems to not mind and looks at me asking:

"And might I ask, why you wish for a name exchange?"

(Sova... Let's roll with it. The best way is to be honest, like always... Let's just say what I want).


I stopped washing my plates and wash my hand clean of soap before facing her. And since I left all my equipment back at the room, she can definitely see my hand shaking a bit.

(Wait, why am I nervous? I mean... Let's roll with it! I just need to bring her with me!)

"I know we just met and... That..."

"And... That...?"

Jana looks at me a bit bewildered yet smiling cheerfully as she expects something. I move closer to her and bow my head saying:

"I mean... W-Would you please go out with me!"

"H-Huh!? Eeeeh!?"

"Oh my!"

(Wait... What did I just say!?)

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