Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 109 - Rising Threat and Vulnerability. (Part 3)

Chapter 109 - Rising Threat and Vulnerability. (Part 3)

It wasn't long that they pulled me to the somewhere desolate. The fume and scent that gags my nose and soon force me to hold my breathe and cover my mouth. Looking forward, I see Yoo-Ah and Juha being fine.

(Maybe they have magic to filter it? How neat).

"Hmm? What's wrong Sova?"

"Yeah, is something wrong!?"

"Are you two not sick by the smell!? It makes me nauseous."

Juha turns around folding her hands asking:

"Really? I think the floral scent is pretty natural. This is actually good for even a perfume."


"Come on, It's not like this is the first time you smell one right? I mean seeing how you have a nice smell around you, I thought you use some as well."

"I-I do? But I never wear perfume before."

I tilt my head in daze answering back when Yoo-Ah turns around as well replying:

"Well, suck it up! Or cover your mouth with some cloth! We'll only be here for a while! Oh wait, maybe sunbae have some mask for you to wear. Let's enter!"

Yoo-Ah pulls me in while Juha follows behind when I hear,

"Welcome~! How may I help you?"

Seeing a lady in her late twenties wearing an expensive robe with a white coat stained with a variety of thin colours. She opens her goggles and place the box she's holding to look at us saying:

"Oh! Yoo-Ah! My sweet little sunshine~! Welcome!"


"Huh? Why not just call me Unnie? Like the others?"

"No, sunbae suits you better since you're the worst!"

"What kind of pathetic excuse is that? But anyways, c'mere!"

The lady creeps to us and hug Yoo-Ah and she hugs her back reluctantly. The smell seem to grow stronger as she gets close.


"Oh? You can't stand the smell huh?"

She lets go of Yoo-Ah to rummage behind the counter table and pulls some transparent mask. She hands it to me saying:

"Here, wear this, it'll filter the scent. And you can keep it so no need to return it."

"Oh, thank you so much!"

I quickly grab the mask and wear it as I'm able to breathe again. Taking a deep breathe and siphoned it soon after.

"Phew! Thank you again!"

"No problem! Anything for a cutie like you~! Talking about that, who are they, Yoo-Ah? Where did you find these two cuties? And one of them is even an Owlian too, how rare."

She sits on the counter table as she asks rest her head on her arms.

"Are you looking to give them some makeover? Oh! I can easily hide her scar and give her some nice sunlight smell that suits her blonde hair and that golden brown eyes. Still, I knew you're a social butterfly but you manage to rope in a jade bone goddess is amazing! You go girl~!"

"Hum! No! I think we already agreed on this."

"Aww~ hmm... So are you the Star Child? Joining both the military and the guild huh? Must be pretty free..."

(Ah right, she probably can't tell since I'm pocketing the broken badge).

The lady approach Juha when she folds her arms replying:

"Don't call me by false names! You're looking at the wrong person, you idiot!"

"Ah~! Harsh! But wait? This Owlian? She's the girl you told me that lift all those weights and did those stuff?"

(What stuff?)

She rush and encircle me before holding my arms saying:

"Look at her arms!? Those thin legs! That small body! And that face! This face belongs to those girls auditioning for the idol group!"

Holding each body part as she speaks before grabbing my face and force me to look at Yoo-Ah as she says that.

"Don't judge a book by its cover! And I'm not lying! She may look harmless and meek but I assure you she has the grip strength to crush steel and stop attacks from Expert Martial Artists!"

(Well being harmless is good but do I look that meek?)

The lady press my face which force me to pucker up before pulling them replying:

"She does!? But... But these cheeks... They're so soft like marshmallows~! And these hands are still so smooth! It's impossible she ever hold a sword before!"

She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight while rubbing her cheeks on mine...

(This is similar to what May always do... And is my hands that soft? I'm sure Sis told me they're already pretty rough from all the trainings we did).

"Urgh, this mask is getting in the way."

"Cut it out! And just start explaining already!"

"Aw~ Okay then..."

The lady let's me go and open her arms and continue saying:

"Mhm! Firstly, let me introduce myself! I'm Amethyst Bone, Gaoli Ga-Jung, but you can just call me Clara like her. I'm also the owner of this private little atelier in someone's else's palace! Yay!"

(I don't think that's something you should be happy about).

"You? An amethyst bone? But... I never even heard of you... And the Gaoli family?"

Juha seems perplexed hearing her greetings when she phase out and appear behind her like a mist replying:

"Well, I'm not surprised. I'm part of a secret lineage after all, sniff sniff."

"Hyaa! How dare you!"

Juha squeal as Clara sniff at her ear when she summons her baton and swing at her faster than the last time she strike at Moriz.

(Whoa did she got faster?)

But Clara turns to mist while Juha just blows the fumes away when she reappear beside me replying:

"Humu, humu, you have some great taste, anyways I suppose it's no secret no more when you know it."

She grabs my shoulder and hugs me close saying:

"And you, you're Sova Anmao yes?"


"Sova Anmao... Hmm? Oh right! It fits all the description. Say Yoo-Ah~ mind if I spend some time with her? Pwease~!"

"No! She has to go somewhere after this! First Ji-Hyun Unnie now you!? Stop hoarding her!"

"Oh? She already has some private talk with Ji-Hyun Unnie- woah!"

I forcefully push her to a corner as she still hugs me and softly whisper,

"(Are you going to talk about Taiga again? If so, Ji-Hyun Ssi already told me about it).

"(Hueh? Boo~ she's stealing my bait again! We're suppose to meet in groups! Well, if you already know, don't hesitate to ask for help)."

(So she IS part of whoever this Taiga group is!?)


"(Oh and there's one more person who can help you out here. He's the head branch of the Adventurer Guilds in the northern peninsula. You can meet him at the capital city's guild if you get into some internal trouble, he can easily bail you out. So don't be afraid of him when you met him okay? He's probably just being mean is all)."

"(S-Sure, I'll ask for something when I need it)."

(Who? Head of the Adventurer Guild? Isn't that a pretty high position?)

"Hey! What are you two whispering over there! You better not be telling her anything stupid! You know what, I don't trust you, give her back!"

Yoo-Ah pulls me away and she hugs me now as to shield me away from her. Clara looks at me for a while before making a huge grin as I realize...

(Ah, since she's part of that group, she knows I'm a guy).

She vanish and appears behind the counter saying:

"Well, anyways, I'm the person you come to when you need any potions, elixirs, pills, and any tincture for alchemy and enhancement."

She pulls out each item and do what she described before taking out a phial and continue saying:

"I'm the person who puts enchantments to anything! Even that granny's magic clothes and that old man's enchanted gears come from me! So don't be afraid to visit me! But..."

She walks past the counter and makes an ok sign saying:

"Just for you sweet little... Girl! I'll make it 80% discount! I still gotta makes something after all."

"80 percent!? That's 4 times higher than what we agree-"

"Shhh~ Don't worry, just think of it as investment. Just for her."

Clara place her finger on Yoo-Ah's lips as she cuts her off when Yoo-Ah slaps her hand away and hugs me tight replying:

"No! I don't trust you! You'll probably make her do something that'll scar her heart forever! And she already suffered enough!"

"Aww~ you're scarring my heart."

Hearing them speak, I suppose this is a right time to ask,

"I've been wondering but I thought you said the items here are free? Why is there still something else we gotta pay?"

"Oh? Well, that's because-"

"I'll be the one to explain! So listen up!"

Yoo-Ah cuts Clara before she looks at me close saying:

"When I said all the items the guild provide is free is true! But! Like I said, only the guild! They are already paid by the guild to fix and maintain so those stuff will always be free! Only when you ask for more and personal items then you must pay! For example, making a new weapon, enhancing them, or brewing something outside the list, and et cetera. So basically when you ask for something out of their paycheck you gotta make it even!"

"Yay! That's a good enough explanation. As she said you gotta pay for something not in our contract but don't worry, we still follow the rules for the prices. But like what I told you about discounts-"

"No! I'm still gonna be the one to explain! So anyways! Money isn't the only way you can acquire extra service. You could barter or maybe do favours! Though maybe she has some intentions by giving you favourable deals, so don't trust her!"

Juha pulls me away as she says that and Clara sighs replying:

"Oh, c'mon, I never tricked you have I? Unlike Ji-Hyun Unnie."

"Hrrmmm...! Still, No!"

"Well even if you don't agree, I'll still give her the 80%. And since you're an Owlian I guess you can have this salves. Take it as a beginners gift! If you need more made just ask me since it's still in my paycheck. Though if you want better ones just bring me some of the ingredients and I'll make it for ya with 80% discount like I said."


Clara rummage around the shelves with glass doors and hands me some salves. I look at at Yoo-Ah saying:

"Um, mind letting me go?"

"Mmm... Okay..."

Yoo-Ah reluctantly lets me go while I pull out my bag to stuff the salves. Looking at each I realize they're pretty good salves with the same quality Nicole and Sis Rubeca usually brings. Sadly, unlike the ones Nicole usually brings this thing isn't made of plastic but wood which is good enough."

(I still gotta be careful not to break them).

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem! Oh! If you're looking for beauty products you can always come visit, I'll gladly give you for free! You'll be a good influencer with just your looks alone."

(Influencer? What's that?)

Yoo-Ah pulls me away again replying:

"No! That's enough here! Let's go to the other shops! Thank you for the service!"

"You're welcome~!"

"I'll let you get away since you're an amethyst bone! Do that again and I'll cripple you!"

"Ah~ you're so merciful, Jade Goddess... Tres bien and adieu."

Clara waves at us while Juha leaves alongside us a bit confused when we finally exit the place.

"Now that the worse is out of the way! We can visit the last two! Just make sure you don't visit her much okay!?"

"Hmph! I agree with you this time, she is a disgrace to the bloodline nobles for acting like that! It's better you see her less, Sova."


(But that's kind harsh no?)


"Oh my! We greet the jade Goddess once more. May this mortal help you with anything?"

After keeping the mask she gave, we visited the clothing shop once more. Juha shakes her head in response saying:

"No, I'm merely accompanying her."

"Yeah! What she said! Stand up granny! Do what we agreed on!"

The granny raise her head replying:

"Yoo-Ah? Oh my! To think you would know these two. They're my frequent customers lately. Very well."

The granny stands up brushing her knees before she pockets her hand on her sleeves and bow down saying:

"Welcome to the Guild's private clothing store. This lowly one is named, Ja. And this store will provide you with the necessary tools to fix or make the clothes you want."

"Oh! Wait... If you'll provide the tools... Does that mean we can actually make the clothes ourselves?"

"Oh! You catch on quickly, young one. That's right."

"Wait! Granny! Let me explain that one!"

Yoo-Ah cuts her one more time before she stands beside the granny explaining:

"Mhm! So, just like what I explained before. As long as its in their paycheck they'll gladly provide it. And that includes free lessons and tools! So you can ask the granny to teach you how to sew and fix your clothes or even make one!

And don't worry! Granny Ja is the best tailor I know off! And she teaches very well! I learn from her too!"

"Oh, Yoo-Ah, you make this granny feel happy. Since you've already bought a few of my products I think that would give you a rough idea of my abilities. So please don't hesitate to come for me for some lessons."

"Oh, o-okay! Thank you Granny Ja!"

"No problem, and please do visit us again... Oh right! Deary!"

"Yes, granny! Oh! Yoo-Ah!"

"Oh, Lil Ra!"

"Don't call me little anymore! I'm the same height as you now! Wait, I might even be taller!"


"Eep! Sorry granny! Oh? Um, welcome!"

She bows to greet us when the granny holds her shoulders saying:

"Let me introduce you to my disciple, Lil Ja-Ra. If I'm not around, you can ask her in my place."

"Um, I'm Ja-Ra pleasure making your acquaintance! And also thank you for always using our store!"

"Oh, no problem!"

I answer back when Yoo-Ah approach us saying:

"Well, that's all for this store! Onto the next one! Thanks granny and Lil Ra!"

"(Mumble mumble, I'm not so little no more!)"

"No problem, come again. And following Yoo-Ah's suggestion you'll recieve 20% discounts everytime you shop here, take care!"

"Oh! Thank you. Will do."

As we exit, I wonder,

(Hmm... Since I can use the tools and learn for free, does that mean all the stores are the same? Even Clara's atelier?)


"Oh? Welcome- Oh my! It's you two again. Do you perhaps need something, Jade Goddess and Lord Sova?"

(Welp, he said it. I mean we're still pretending right?)

Seeing the old man again, it seems he's cleaning on some items with magic as the tools move by itself while he personally wipes some gems.

"And Yoo-Ah as well. Oh! Could this be the explanation thing?"

"Glad you catch on quick gramps!"

"Hum! Hum! I see, hol on..."

He puts down the gems as the gloating tools moves twice quickly before hiding themselves.

"Mhm, welcome to the Guild's armoury! I'm... Well, it seems we already introduce ourself back then so let's keep this short."

"Eh!? You did!? But he said you didn't explain anything!"

Yoo-Ah rushes beside the gramps as he tries to calm her down replying:

"I didn't Lil Yoo-Ah! Just some name exchange is all!"

"Hrrmmm... Okay then, continue!"

"Sheesh, you're pushy even to these old bones. Mhm! Anyways! This will be your go-to place when you need any maintenance or repairs. Though of course some of your weapons need special items to be repaired them. I hope you could bring such items and hopefully it's in my expertise as well."

"Oh, I see..."

"Of course you could always try to make some new weapons or buy one from the stocks I have. Though in your case, we can always barter something. Ah! I remember your question last time. Even though most items here are free there are some items you need to pay."

(Ah, is he going to explain what Yoo-Ah explain before?)

"Gramps, I already explain that to him!"

"Eh? I-I see. Hum! Hum! Well, if that's the case, since you now know I hope we can continue our cooperation."


"And since you have shown me such fine masterpiece, please do request something more of me. Seeing such beauty has reignite my passion once more."

"O-Oh no! That would be asking too much when you already gave me this cape for free."

"Nonsense! I learn more in that one minute examining that sword compare to my last 40 years of grinding! It is just that wonderful so I hope you don't underestimate the value! It's a disrespect to the creator as well who has poured so much soul and love to that craft!"

The gramps scold me with a very harsh tone as I can only lower my head replying:

"I-I see! Sorry!"

"Eeeh!? I know that sword looks super amazing but is it that amazing, gramps?"

Yoo-Ah asks when the old man snickers and walk back to the counter to clean his gems again replying:

"Heh! Amazing doesn't even seem to describe it! That thing is made from techniques and technology far beyond surpassing this peninsula or the frontier to our north. So much so that I bet my pearls those Greater Gods from Heaven would probably come down here personally to get it."

"It's that amazing!?"

"I have to agree."

Juha chimes in as she looks at me before continue saying:

"Even the Sealed Sword of the great hero from the Unification Wars would barely compare to that. In fact, the kingdom's treasured sword, the Star Ocean Sword would pale in comparison from comparing the hidden energy emitting from both blades."

(Okay, now I'm scared. I should've buried this sword alongside the Owlian Spear...)

Juha folds her arms and looks away saying:

"Well, there's no point in asking about where that sword comes now. And I'll respect the privacy of my savior for now. So just finish your business!"

"Oh? Thank you, Juha."

(Hmm, then again, Sis Yuwei's dad, Uncle Shihuang is the previous Segementum Lord so I suppose this sword would be very powerful... But calling a bladeless sword powerful is kinda ironic... Wait did I just make a pun? Nice!)

"True! Hey, Lord Sova!"


The gramps called me out as he finish cleaning one gem and rest his arm on the table saying:

"Following Yoo-Ah's deal I'm suppose to give you a 20% discounts for my extra service but screw that! You can ask for my service for FREE! I'm not a man who discard such precious favours even for an Owlian. So don't hesitate to come to me! I'll gladly offer my skills to you!"



"Of course! Though I suppose I'm a bit useless if you wish to perform maintenance on that weapon. Forgive me hahaha!"

(Hmm... Maybe this could do).

"Say, Yoo-Ah, you trust the gramps right?"

Yoo-Ah faces me and rest her arms on her sides replying:

"Hmm!? Of course! Unlike Clara-Sunbae this gramps is like the seaweed of the sea!"

(Seaweed of the sea?)

"Geez Yoo-Ah, no need to give me such praise. Beside lil Jung is a pretty nice girl who helps me with both Ja and my aging problems. She even provides and help with Ji-Hyun."

"Don't be fooled gramps! She's definitely just trying to benefit herself! She's a sea urchin!"

"Oh, Yoo-Ah. I hope you're still not mad from her-"


Yoo-Ah face reddened as she covers his mouth and cutting him off saying:

"Don't say it with Sova around! (I still have seniority to show!)"

(Oh? Now I'm curious to what she did to her? Well anyways since I'm not going out of the city).

"Here, gramps, can I ask you to keep this blade for a while?"


I place the sword down on the table as he stands replying:

"Are you sure, Lord Sova?"

"If Yoo-Ah trusts you this much I think I think I will too. You can study it all you want while it's here."

"L-Lord Sova, w-what are you after? My soul? My sweet grandkids? No, my family? Sadly I won't accept such demands!"

He push the sword back at me with anger and I quickly shake my head and pish it back replying:

"No! Nothing of the sort! It's just that as you can see or guess, having an Owlian like me holding and hiding such sword is pretty troublesome and it already caused some trouble for both me and Yoo-Ah. Plus as of me right now... I can't seem to use it after all."

Yoo-Ah gasps as she then frown from probably remembering the time we entered the city.

"So I hope maybe you can help store it is all I ask. At least a craftsman like you would know how to keep such weapon."

(Unlike me who just hid it under the bed).

Yoo-Ah looks at me with sympathy when the old man folds his arm and nods replying:

"I can see and I understand where you're coming from. But sadly I'm afraid of keeping such a prized treasure as well..."

He answer back I hang my head as I realize this is probably asking too much as well. As I was about to take the sword back, the gramps stops me saying:

"Say kid, forgive me for asking but would you please at least tell me your story with this sword?"

(Huh? Wait... Is he perhaps trying to sympathize!?)


I hesitate for a moment before I sigh thinking,

(No, right having an armourer would be the best to keep the weapon. Well, if not him it's Juha but I'm afraid of her family member so... Let's mix some things up!)

"I... To be honest it was a bit of an accident."




The three of them looks at me confused before I continue explaining:

"At first I thought this sword was just some decorative sword since I'm an Owlian and can't tell the magic or energy within. So I just carry it around randomly. It was only when I lost it and a good friend of mine help me find it and told me the truth. Only then I realize this is a very precious sword belonging to my uncle. It seems my Sister gave me this sword without explaining as to not worry me.

She knows I'm not the type to pick fights so she knows that a decoration blade would be a perfect fit for me. And I agree, but ironically it seems this blade is bringing in more trouble than it is protecting me. But as I tried to rid it... This sword is the only thing left to remind me of home as I wash ashore here. And... it's also a reminder for me to keep asking how is my Sis doing out there? And that I still have somewhere to go."

(Not counting the headband on my head which is also precious... I wonder is that's good enough? I know my acting sucks and my face is easy to read but by sweet rolls I just hope it works!)

I try to act mournful as I speak and caress the sword. I then clench my fist and look ahead saying:

"But don't worry Yoo-Ah! Since you've done so much for a stranger like me, I'll do my best to make you proud and not waste all this effort!"

I look at the them who's seems to be crying out a dam as the gramps soon jumps out to hug me replying:

"I see! So that's why! Very well! I'll gladly take good care of this!"

Yoo-Ah seems to jump in hugging me as well saying:

"I see! I don't know what happened for you to end up here but you must have it rough huh, Sova!? And you just gotta end up in such turbulent times too!"

Juha meanwhile just her back to me, trying to ignore this commotion.

(Yea, I guess that didn't affect her).

I look at gramps asking:

"Are you sure gramps? When I think I'm exploiting your emotions, this makes me feel pretty guilty."

"Nonsense! I'll gladly help you keep this blade and since you have permitted me to study it as well, I'll gladly learn how to maintain the sword! Especially since you're an Owlian, keeping this away from the eyes of those Immortals would be even harder, so please, let me take care of it!"

"I-I see, than thank you very much."

"Sova, getting your treasure safe is good and all but I hope you don't forget you're now unarmed right? I can't believe you're actually carrying a bladeless weapon when we head out."

"Oh! You're right!"

Juha approaches me as asks and the gramps lets me go saying:

"Sniff, yeah, she's right! We can't let you go out unarmed. Tell me what weapon do you need? I'll gladly provide you with the best one in the arsenal!"

(Wait I just realize but is he under the pretense I'm keeping this sword here for as long as I can right? Well, I guess that's fine).

"Okay, it would be great for something like a halberd or specifically, a pole axe with a maul would be wonderful, but a spear will do just fine as well!"

Gramps wipe his face with his apron before scratching his chin replying:

"Well, a pole axe is a pretty unique weapon here in this kingdom, but spears... That's a different story! Follow me, Lord Sova!"

"O-Oh! Okay!"

As the old man grabs my sword and heads to the back, I look at Yoo-Ah who's still hugging me on my waist saying:

"Um, mind letting me go?"

"Just a moment..."

Yoo-Ah answers back before she lets me go and pump her fist to the air shouting:

"Okay! Don't worry, Sova! You can always count on me! Let's go!"

As we follow, Juha looks at me with a sharp gaze saying:

"I think I can understand why you didn't ask me to keep it. After all I heard what happen from the Colonel when you first enter. It was the nobles who tried to steal it back then right?"

"Ah! Wait, I know not all nobles are-"

"No, your deduction is right, even if I trust my direct family to keep it safe and hidden. But I doubt the servants and other branch of the family would do the same especially when we live in the same house. So don't feel so downtrodden it's just how it is right now."


(Ah, now I feel a bit bad).


We enter the back of the store as the place is dark with only the soft glow of the furnace at the end.


And with a single sound, lights turns on one by one to reveal the one weapon after another in a showcase of perfect timing and epicness.

"So cool..."

"I am truly grateful for that praise. But follow me, the best spears are deeper inside."

As I look around at the display, Juha seems to appreciate them as well saying:

"Very impressive, all of the ones in display are all magic enchanted weapons. And is self-sufficient as well."

"That's right, but now they're nothing but proof I need to improve."

We went so far that I can't see where we enter from, the gramps finally stops in an empty corner. With a single wave of a hand, I could hear gears turning and something moving below us. Emerging from our feat is a giant display case. And within it, is a abyssal blue spear with a height more than 2 meters, with a black edge and blades coated with even an aura that even I could see which makes me wonder what that is since I can't see magic.

"This... Did you really made this?"

Juha looks at the spear covering her mouth in surprise. But the gramps simply shake his head replying:

"Yeah, it's my most greatest creation yet also my biggest failure. It boast the strongest firepower in my arsenal and sharper than any edges I could think of."

"Heh! More like do you have permission making such a weapon?"

"Of course! The reason you never heard of it is because this spear is the weapon of the Retired War God 50 years ago. Last he returned it it was triple in size when I had to shrunk it."

"Don't tell me... I only ever heard of him in the history books. He's really a real person? And this is... His weapon?"

Hearing them makes me lost myself as I wonder who and what is going on?

"Well, one of his weapon as he wield an entire arsenal of weapons, him being a War God and all. But enough about that, Sova can you try wielding this?"

"Eh? S-Sure I guess..."

As he open the case, the aura around the spear runs wild and a large gust of wind blows our way. Yoo-Ah, gramps and Juha tries their best to hold on when I can easily approach it since to be honest this gust is naught but a tiny wind compared to my Sector's yearly typhoon and that time when I broke out the Reliquary. Yoo-Ah holding for dear life shouts,

"What's happening!?"

"I don't know! This never happened before!"

"Are you all okay!?"

"Just hurry it up, Sova!"

I ask only for Juha to shout back. I continue forth when it is in arms reach. Weirdly enough I can tell the state the spear is in from how the aura around it moves.

(It's hostile and most of all... Afraid).

As my hand reach out to it, the wind blows even harder until Yoo-Ah grips weaken and she flew away.



(How strong is this wind!?)

I scream to go back but Juha jumps in to save the day grabbing her saying:

"I got her! You two hurry up and stop this!"

"Sova! Quickly grab the spear!"

The gramps shouted and I nod quickly grabbing it.


As my hand get a feel of it, my vision darkens and I was greeted to a little girl shouting:

"Go away! Let me go!"

Having already experienced so many of this dream sequence, I simply approach her when she backs away only to trip down.

"Eep! No! Seo-Yong, save me!"

(Why's she so afraid?)

I shake my head replying:

"Sigh, I'm not here to hurt you, so please, quiet down!"

I reach my hand out when the terror in her eyes seems to break her,

*Crack* *crack* *shatter*


The entire vision starts to crack and shatters as I'm brought back to the real world. When I return to, the spear has lost its aura and luster and I can only be worried asking:

"Ah! Sorry! Did I break it?"

I look back seeing the gramps slowly walking to me asking:

"Hmm, no not at all. More like can you tell me what happened? What did you see?"

I recall to the scared little girl replying:

"A little girl, screaming to go away and let her go before asking to be saved by a guy named... Seo-Yong."

"Huh!? Damn bastard! Did he awaken a sentience to this weapon without me knowing!? Damn ungrateful creation! To think it dares to keep secret from its own creator. And more like how did I not know of this!"

The old man scratches his head bewildered before he looks at me saying:

"Well, whatever, just use that spear for now."

"Wait really!? I mean what about what happened!?"

"It's fine, first try lifting it, Lord Sova."


With his approval, I grip the spear tightly and lift it up with one hand. I can feel the weight and burden this spear has. The motion as it moves under the sharp light make it seems like it's cutting through the air and matter I see.

(Even I can tell this thing is beyond sharp... Does it need a sheathe?)

"A-Amazing, Lord Sova. Especially for an Owlian. I could barely lift that thing with strength enchantments and here you are lifting it with one arm like it's nothing. Hol on, even without it's magic it still has one function."

The old man inspect the weapon in my hand one more time before saying:

"And with the conscious within seems to have sealed itself. It's now simply a very sturdy, heavy, and sharp spear, perfect for Owlian use. And it can retract as well. Try it."

"Wait really? How!?"

The old man flips a thin switch saying:

"Now just try to push it in."


I push the spear to the ground as it got shorter and shorter and when I flip the switch back, it stopped retracting.

"Very nice! This is perfect! But... Are you sure I can have this?"

"Hum! Hum! Of course! If you're that worried, you can think of it as a weapons exchange, as I help you keep this sword of yours, I'll let you borrow my greatest creation- Pfff! Heh, well I feel a bit ashame calling that with this in my hands. Don't worry I'll take good care of it. And I won't let anyone get near it either!"

"I-I see, thank you very much! I'll test out this spear then!"

"Sure! Sure! If it doesn't suit you, you're welcome to come back and replace it. I doubt the owner would come to reclaim it. Plus, without the aura and with the conscious sealing itself, that spear is nothing but a very heavy and not a good-looking spear. So you have no worries of people trying to mug you."

"I-I see, that helps a lot."

(Not goo-looking? I thought this spear looks pretty cool).

As I nod, Juha appears shouldering Yoo-Ah saying:

"I'm surprised you have it within you to suppress a conscious weapon."

Yoo-Ah stands on her own and fixes her coothes saying:

"Yeah! You're amazing! Even Zerians with master over magic find it almost impossible. And here an Owlian done it... Star child indeed! Hum! Hum!"

Yoo-Ah gives a thumbs up and I reply back the same and with a smile.


As I inspect the spear that had lost its will, Yoo-Ah approaches the old man asking:

"By the way, gramps you keep saying that the sword is super amazing and all that but can you explain or show why?"

"Well, seeing as how you're still an apprentice craftsman yourself Yoo-Ah, I doubt my words would make sense and I doubt I can explain properly either. I suppose if I have to summarize is that this weapon is as good as any Bloodline Deity's weapon."

"Don't know what that is but it must be pretty amazing."

Juha walks to her saying:

"Then let me show you something. Can I borrow that weapon? I have a gut feeling on how to use it."

"You do!? Well..."

As the gramps looks at me, I quickly nod while he hands her the sword saying:

"Knock yourself out."

"Thanks it's just a gut feeling the Colonel once shown me something..."

Wondering what Juha's going to do with it, she unshethes the sword and starts forming a thin single edge blade.

"Woah! How did you do that!?"

Yoo-Ah exclaims in shock and back away as she says that while I think,

(Oh? So she can weave swords too? Well, if she can summon soul weapons then that isn't a surprise).

"Back then I've only heard Qi sword are things of legends and myth and that only the Gods from Heaven can wield them. Now I can see why, it usually takes a lot of effort to materialize a weapon but this thing helps out a ton."

"Hey, answer me!"

Juha takes a stance I've never seen and starts showing some techniques different than any Martial Arts I've ever seen.

(Are those Martial Arts from the Peninsula? It seems there are more to learn).

"Oh? Interesting."

That's when the sword on her hand starts to shine and golden flames engulf Juha.

"Oh no! Juha!"

"Hey! Gramps! Get the water!"

"No, no, keep watching, the flames doesn't actually burn anything either, I've seen this before with the Star Ocean Sword. Difference is she can probably make the flame volatile."

The golden flames swirls around before turning green and warping into a vortex before exploding. Swallowing the entire room in burning glory and jade sheen, forcing me to close my eyes.

When I opened them, I could see Juha holding what seems to be a glaive with the same theme as the sword as her body is covered in decor and deep green glow. Sprouting jade wings on her back and on her shoulders similar to how Sis Fei and Yuwei did back then but with different colours. Feathers, locks, a thin scale armour, transparent claws on her arms and feat and other parts that makes her look like the phoenix.

(What the fudge! That's so awesome!)

Juha takes another stance and swings her weapons around before taking a closer look at the glaive saying:

"This is... Simply beyond imaginable! It has end-tier enhancement too!"

Juha who seems to be hiding behind me appear shouting:

"Woah! The hell! That's freaking awesome! So you've become a bird now!? Either way! Swords can do that!?"

"No! No! No! No way! Never in my experience I've ever heard such a thing!"

(Wait if she said a similar weapon, does that the Colonel has something similar?)

"Well, now you see, Yoo-Ah? I think I understand why Sova doesn't wield this blade much. But what I show you... I think it's probably just a few of its function. I can already do this by simply injecting a bit of my magic in it and I'm but a novice in magic. I can only imagine what if those Grand Masters got a hold of this like the New Governor. There's no telling what he could do with it."

Seeing Juha flapping her wings while changing the shape of the blade to a sword blade and swirl it around, dispersing the qi blade before shortening the the grip and change the shape to look like a rifle without a barrel.

"Amazing! So not only does it has magic properties this weapon is also perfect for anyone who wish to inherit it! Heh, not even the Colonel's Glaive could match this."

Juha comment one more time before she disperse all those extra limbs and armour while the sword move on its own to recover. She hands it back to gramps saying:

"This weapon is also perfect to give to your descendants... Since you can convert it to whatever weapon you are proficient with."

(Yea, I can see that).

The old man grabs it replying:

"Yeah, and just like the Star Ocean Blade, it grows stronger with each generation."

(It does!? Isn't that too overpowered!?)

Juha looks at me saying:

"From your face I can guess you probably don't even know all of that right? Though I suppose that's understandable for an Owlian like you dealing with a magic blade."

(Well, she's right).

Yoo-Ah pokes her head out from behind me saying:

"If all you said is true, that blade is just beyond legendary!"


I nod along as I see the gramps making a place for the sword.

(Alright! That's it! When I'm done here, I'm taking that sword back with me! And I'm gonna try injecting some of my mysterious magic into it as well! Hmm, wonder why I never thought of that? Right, I'm an Owlian who just gotten some unknown power using magic as my first method isn't really my thing... Maybe I should change my methods... And also grab another notebook that won't be easily destroyed and hopefully doesn't separate so easily so I can write my findings and not forget!)