Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 99 - Stranded, Broke, and Fulfilled. (Epilogue).

Chapter 99 - Stranded, Broke, and Fulfilled. (Epilogue).

Exiting the guild, feeling the chilling winds blowing. Getting an earful of Juha's yelling I can't help but feel a headache after it all finally stops...


(We didn't get to play the game section...)

I approach Juha who's infront of me but she turns around with a dissatisfied face before I could speak saying:

"Hmph! It seems I put too much faith in your family name. I'm such a fool! Well, let's get you clean up and return you to your room!"

"Okay... And I also hope this meal is enough for Yoo-Ah."

I held out a metal box Sumi gave me. I was lucky enough to meet her in the middle of being yelled at and ask her if she saw her but she didn't know herself and just told me to prepare her a meal just in case and gave me this metal box to keep her meal. With the help of Juha's supervision, I picked a "balanced" meal for Yoo-Ah.

"Hmph! That's more than enough, idiot! More like I'm surprised you would do so much, she must be your best friend or something. Now let's get you to your room quick!"

Juha starts to walk and I follow beside her asking:

"Say, where will you be staying?"

"Me? At my own quarters of course! But don't think you're safe just because I'm not accompanying you! And you're not allowed to leave the guild without my supervision! Got it!?"

I nod so she would at least calm down replying:

"Of course..."

"Hmph! Glad you understand! But don't worry I will arrive here pretty early so don't you worry!"

"I see..."

We both continue walking beside each other as the soft snow falls beneath the yellow glow and the stars above. Juha looks at me again asking:

"Say, you wanna borrow my gloves again?"

"Oh, no thanks, holding this box is warm enough."

"Really? Suit yourself then, hmph!"

She turns away and walks faster while I follow behind her. It's quiet on this snowy night, with only her footsteps and cold winds. I want to break the silence but I don't know what to ask without getting berated again...

"What do you want? You've been staring at me all this time."

Juha looks back at me with a glare and I quickly reply saying:

"Ah! Sorry! It's nothing-"

"Don't lie!"

"I-I mean, I was thinking what to say to break the silence!"

"Sigh... Just be quiet if you have nothing to speak. There's rarely any peace and quiet like this so enjoy it."

She turns her back at me again and I look down in defeat replying:

"Ah... Okay..."



The wooden double doors open louder with barely anyone around. Wondering where the adventurers who eat on the second floor went the lobby is almost empty with only the two receptionist before taking a break. When they saw us they quickly hide the snacks on their table and stand up on standby...

(Is it already break time? I've been seeing all the stuff here taking a break until we enter).

*stomp* *stomp* *stomp*

Someone's footsteps echo loudly in the quiet lobby while we enter and,


Someone soon burst in from the other side.

"Excuse me! Min-Young!"

It's none other Yoo-Ah appearing coupled with a loud voice while running to the reception desk yelling probably one of the girl's name.

"Yoo-Ah, quiet down! Someone important is here!"

One of the receptionist answer back with a loud whisper and gesturing her to be quiet but Yoo-Ah brush it off replying:

"Yeah, right! You're enjoying some chips when I last come here! Besides, all the important people already returned to their homes or families by now. Plus getting the reception job is the same as getting a break now!

The receptionist doesn't answer back and just look at us who walks closer to them. Yoo-Ah then slams the table shouting:

"By the way have you seen Sova? She's the Owlian girl with blonde hair I told you about! I saw her casket in the room already so you see her right!?"

"I'm here Yoo-Ah Unnie."

I make my presence known which makes Yoo-Ah turn her head faster than gears to a clock.

"Sova, there you are!"

Yoo-Ah runs to me with a huge smile but hits the brakes as she sees Juha standing before us. Her smile turns to a pout saying:

"What do you want now? It's already late just go home!"

"I was planning to, I just thought such an irresponsible clerk like you who abandoned her client lost wouldn't be around."


Juha looks at me and walks away asking:

"You said you're heading to your room right? Then see you tomorrow. Here's your key."

Juha slips in the room key to my pocket and walks away quietly outside. Yoo-Ah then stomps repeatedly shouting:

"What's with her attitude! Well, so you already had dinner huh, Sova?"

I nod replying:

"Yea, but... I also got something for you prepared since you're not there. I hope this is enough."

I hand her the meal and Yoo-Ah looks at me surprised before hiding her face behind her hands and,


She then jumps and hugs me tightly before continue shouting:

"Oh, you're sooo Kind and so cute! Please marry me~!"

She hugs me even more tightly before I push her gently replying:

"What are you saying? Still, better thank Sumi-Ssi too since she's the one who let me borrow this box."

Yoo-Ah finally lets me go with a huge smile on her face and backs away grabbing the box replying:

"Really? I suppose I should help return the box then."

"Mhm! Oh! Also, Juha-Ssi as well since she's the one who helped cooked and picks a balanced ingredient for you."

Yoo-Ah places her hands on her waist in a triumphant pose saying:

"Who? Well, I guess say thanks to whoever she is! Aah~! Today is a blessed day!"

(Ah right! They never even exchange greetings with each other. But didn't she hear me call her name before?)

"Sigh... Still, the surprise is probably ruined since you already enter the room right?"

Yoo-Ah sighs at something and I can't help but tilt my head asking:

"What surprise?"

"Eh? You didn't see it?"

I shake my head replying:

"The room was dark when I enter so I just put the casket in and leave quickly."

Yoo-Ah's smiles from ear to ear and raise her hands above shouting:

"Lucky me! I'm on a roll today! Then quickly follow me upstairs!"

Yoo-Ah grabs my hand and pulls me along as I wonder what she's planning:

"H-Hold on."


As we arrive on the second floor, Yoo-Ah places her hand upon my eyes saying:

"Alright just follow me and close your eyes."

"But your hand's already-"

"Just close it!"


(I wonder what she prepared? I mean why did she even do this?)

She slowly pushes me ahead as move little by little as it feels like an eternity as we just take a tiny step each time as I wonder why can't she just cover my eyes when we reach the door? But soon enough we finally arrive as she stops me.

(That's a pretty long journey).

"Alright! Close your eyes still! Um, where did I put my card..."

Feeling Yoo-Ah removes her hands as I follow her words to close my eyes.

*click* *creak*

"Alright slowly walk in..."

Yoo-Ah pushes me in as I hear her turn the light switch.

"Now open it!"

With her instructions, I open my eyes and,


Yoo-Ah runs in to spread her arms open while wielding her retractable baton to produce sparks of flames erupted in the middle of the room turning to beautiful fireworks while a banner that says,


My mouth wide, shocked as my voice leaks out saying:

"Woah! W-What's with this?"

"Hehe! It's to congratulate you of course! It's a tradition to congratulate someone when they succeed in becoming an adventurer! And what do you know! I took a peek and you are accepted! Hoorah!"

"What? Tradition? Huh?"

"It's hard becoming an adventurer you know! Especially for an owlian! Usually, we ask family members to do this but since you don't have one close by I decided to do it myself!"

"I see... Thank you, Yoo-Ah. This is just so sweet."

I can't help but tear up a bit from her actions.

(So you get celebrated huh?)

"I was planning on bringing in extra food or inviting my friends but I was called for emergency work plus they're also all tired and don't know you. But, that means that I'll just have to act like multiple people! Yes! That will do!"

Yoo-Ah places her meal on a table as she opens the cabinet below to rummage her bag. She then pulls out a long white thing wrapped in transparent something.

"Ta-Dah! Sweet rice cakes!"


"Come in! Let's party!"

Yoo-Ah pulls me in and pushes me to sit on the bed which is softer than the ones at their inn. This room pretty huge as they place a single bed on the corner each and windows beside them. Along with each side getting a table, chair, a box that exudes cold air, shelf, and closet for clothes. There's even a kitchen here and the toilet near the door.

(This place is complete with everything!)

"Wait, you said you peak and see I succeeded? Does that mean I'm an adventurer? But I didn't even get my adventurer card or something."

"I couldn't wait to hear your results! Plus with your approval ratings, you'll probably get your license tomorrow!"

Yoo-Ah grabs her meal and takes a sit on the chair and table below my bed saying:

"I was worried since you're an Owlian but you blew my expectations away!"

She then opens the box and gawks at the food that still lets out its steam shouting:

"This looks delish! Thank you again!"

Before chowing down. I lay down on the bed looking at her enjoying her meal.

(Aah~! This bed reminds me of the one back at the palace).

"Hoh? Evoying yur ved?"

Yoo-Ah speaks with her mouth full but I was still able to discern it replying:

"Mhm! This so so nice! This room is so complete! I can't believe adventurers get to enjoy rooms like this."

"Puh! Dis ish vus je shus ron! Rel avebtwa vets fansha rune!"

"Oh? Really? Hard to imagine a room fancier than this, but I think you should swallow first."


"Heh! Then you haven't seen the ones Void Explorers lived in! They got their mansions! Castles! And Museums!"

Yoo-Ah proclaims before grabbing a drink from the cold box that I just realize is a fridge filled with unique drinks.

"Really!? But don't you think that's too big for one person?"

(I mean even the palace I'm staying before looks so empty and abandoned even with multiple people there).

"Not really for me! And better try that rice cake now! It's made from the same baker!"

"Right, let's eat!"

I proclaim as we both enjoy the night and warmth of the room... Remembering something disturbing, I peek outside the window's curtains. Seeing the cliffs where we come from wondering,

(How will those people outside the walls handle the winter?)


[Extras] A Meeting For Promotion

With the sounds of scribbling echoing over the chambers, chains moves from the ceiling as light soon enter the darkness. Shining down upon the bright yellow light, an elderly man in seen alone in the room as he continues to write ignoring the commotion around him. Silhouettes appear from the open doors, entering the large chamber calmly like a morning stroll. These people gather around the huge round table where the old man scribbles.

"Old man, how long have you been here?"

A lady in her late twenties asks as she takes a seat beside him. Raising her foot on the table while leaning back with her hands behind her head. She laughs cheerfully, picking up her expensive robe and loosening her black tight suit around her U part before continue saying:

"Haha... Either way, it's so desolate here."

A man in a black suit soon sits across her with style and elegance that fitted his expensive coat replying:

"Can you blame the management? This is too inland and too close to the Hunter Main Headquarters for comfort. If you want a crowded guild, go to the edges like the Eclipse Empire, Jidan Suguka, Ewaru king-"

"Sheesh, we know that already. Can't you take a joke?"

The one who answers back was a man who mirrors him to every nook and wrinkle. If one wears black, the other wears white. And if the other is slim, the other would be built.

"Sigh... Anyways, I have other matters to attend to, so spit the news quickly Gramps. The adventurers guild is busy, unlike the hunters guild."

The man in suit adjusts his tie as he speaks while the other twin glares at him replying:

"I hope you can keep the insults to none brother. They are still doing whatever they can."

He shakes his head and smirks replying:

"Right, whatever."

The old man hearing their banter slips in papers for the three to see like a printer. Unlike light stones, this means the participant in question is likely an Owlian. While the two starts to reach for it, the lady leaves it there saying:

"Hoh? You really are the best administrator! She just entered this noon!"

"Hmm? Someone who has piqued the interest of THE Storm Walker?"

The one in black flips the paper and reads it. Not only finding out it's written in the common tongue which is rare here but cold sweat starts to drip from his neck as he adjusts the black tight suit he wears inside his black coat with the U opening on his neck.

"Sigh... I see..."

He locks eyes with the lady to communicate uniquely before she responds shaking her head and winks. He sighs heavily and shakes his head in confusion before putting the paper down, the one in white who doesn't wear such a weird outfit with his suit, he who feels left out of the situation slams the table shouting:

"What are the two of you hiding!"

He quickly skims through it as his eyes shot wide shouting:

"What is this statistic! Is she really an Owlian!? And no qi!? Gramps! Are you sure you're not wrong? Don't you think we need to reassess this?"

The lady lowers her legs and rests her elbow on the round table as she asks,

"Are you saying my testimony mean farts to you? Sir white knight? Or are you so blind you cannot see my seal of approval and testimony?"

"I'm talking common sense here!"

"Common sense? Where Owlians uses magic from what I heard from that new United States?"

"Damn you! Fine!"

He slams the paper down and raises his hand saying:

"Then let's simply "Test" this girl? If she's so special I hope you don't mind that?"

His anger calms down as he smirks over the two thinking he has the upper hand. The one in black looks at the lady and seeing her calm demeanour, he leans back folding his arms replying:

"Sure, but you know the deal."

"Of course IF she succeeds then she will jump to be a proper adventurer immediately."

The lady nods pouring tea from nowhere for the elder saying:

"As long as you know. Here gramps, have some of your favourite southern tea."

He nods holding her hands replying:

"Thank you," softly.

Before taking the cup and she continues saying:

"To be honest, why am I even needed here? I may be the highest rank here but I have no administrative or executive power you know."

The man in black shakes his head replying:

"We would need the insight of the strongest adventure here after all."

"Then I wonder where the other higher ranks? Shouldn't there be 2 more Pioneers in the twin peninsula right now? Didn't they hear the call to return?"

They both look at the man in white and he slams the table shouting:

"I haven't done anything! I'm more suspicious about the both of you wearing the same clothes and speaking in secrets!"

The lady shakes her head and looks at the guy with pitiful eyes replying:

"Never heard of the United States new invention? Or you jealous no ladies are interested in you?"

"That's beside the point!"

"Okay, okay, it's the magic resistant suit used by their mage hybrid. What are you doing all this time? Get with the times, even the gramps know more than you."


"More like how did both of you get your hands in the black line!?"

"Sigh... Enough of this rabble, like I said, I'm busy. Just tell the gramps what mission it is and we'll see if we approve."

"Tch! I suppose exploring the Witch's Forest would be appropriate no?"

The lady chuckles and pours another cup for herself before the man in black glared at him replying:

"Really? To the Hunter's Maw? Say which side are you on, Han-Bin?"

"I'm on neither side, Brother! You should stops making sides in the first place!"

"Say that to your best friend's boss. I heard he turned to a Special Rank recently no? I'm sure his word would influence that old bastard."

The two glares at each other releasing their qi as if they're ready for a brawl. The man in white pulls his sleeves up and continue saying:

"Well what do you know, it seems the old tradition is still alive. Beating you up and forcing my choice should be faster."

The lady stops them with an even greater pressure saying:

"Calm down, you two can bicker elsewhere, since this is a rare occasion for us meeting each other, why not accept it anyway? She does need some experience. You have my approval."


He stops mid-word before taking in a deep breath as she signals him something and he calmly replies:

"So be it, if hi-er abilities are so great. Then go ahead, though I am curious myself on what she can do. You have my approval. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have some situation to untangle. The northern coalition against the Geom kingdom is now even larger and the problems keeps exasperating. See you never."

(Why did you have to call us for this? They could just send the paper to my office... Oh, I see... Is she making her moves already? And he's... Damn why can't they just spit it outright!)

The man on black leaves mumbling with fury to himself. Shutting his door which dims the room while the one in white leaves the opposite direction making it even darker. Leaving only the two behind, the lady pours in the old man's empty cup again before saying:

"Don't forget to take a break okay, gramps? See you whenever!"

She leaves, leaving the old man alone in darkness when his purple eyes glow like candles in this darkness. He continues to scribble before his pen stops to look at the person in question...

"Sova Anmao... Sigh, what has the states become when they can't keep their pillars home. Glad to see he's doing alright, though I suppose he's in his rebellious phase to make himself look like a girl? What did they teach him in that city?"

The old man speaks in Owlian as he picks up the paper to look at it closer saying:

"Either way Urva and Sheva would be joyful to know Page kept her promise. And their son grown up nice and healthy... Wait, is he? He looks skinny in the drawings... He should at least have cheeks like my grandson at least."