The night Sea breeze seems to blow as the party went on. Music playing between the winds, joy and chatter echoing throughout. Yet tensions ran high between the two when Cole pays my head asking:
"So, what do you wanna eat? Something light or heavy?"
"I'll take what you have to order."
(Hmm since we're at ports and beaches does that mean we'll have seafood? Sure the one's Rana made is great but I prefer not to eat one of possible).
"Oh? Then what about paye-"
Cole jolts in shock and freezes when I quickly responded to her before she could finish her sentence.
"Um, it's just paye-"
"NO! N.O, NO!"
Even without finishing her word my body and mind sync together so fast I replied before even realizing it. Seeing my reaction, Qiyue and Sis Fei stops arguing and looks at me, Sis Cole probably confused ask again saying:
"What's wrong with them? They're great-"
"I would rather eat spicy seafood for a whole year straight or even traverse the Reliquary labyrinth again and get cursed than eat a single one of that fruit!"
(Just hearing half of its name already cause me nausea...)
"Again? Fei, you know what's her problem?"
Qiyue leans away asking Sis Fei and Sis merely shrug her shoulders replying:
"Sorry, nope. This is the first time I see Suowa being so... Defiant."
Feeling someone pat my head I look back seeing Kali with a smile asking:
"Well, what about some meat and chips? I just ate them before you got here and they're my personal favourite."
"Meat and chips? What's that?"
"Oh, it's a food from beyond the black line filled with crunchiness, grease, and a blast of flavours."
My mind quickly pulls away from that accursed thing and quickly asks,
"Oh, then I'll gladly have that!"
"Sure! And don't worry, there are none of those things you hate."
"T-Thanks, Sis Kali!"
She pinches my cheeks again with her long gold nails saying:
"Hehe, you can be pretty childish. Say, how old are you anyway? You don't look that much different than us."
"Yea, I'm 16."
"Really now? T-The same as us?"
She then looks down once more at the servants below saying:
"Anyway, hey, you! Bring her the same thing I ordered."
My mind soon clicks and I look back at Cole saying:
"Um... Sorry for my outburst."
She pats my head and hugs me closer replying:
"It's fine! Since I get to know something more about my kin!"
Sis grabs a chair and squeezes between Qiyue's and Cole's seat saying:
"This is the first time I see you so feisty. I mean you don't even fight that half as much when I tease you."
"Sis! Don't say that!"
"Fufufu", "Hahaha!" "Heh!"
The tense situation turns to laughter at my expense but maybe it's not so bad. As I waited for my food to arrive, the other seems to resume what they were doing and Qiyue looks at Sis Fei saying:
"All things aside, I'm glad you came."
"Heh, you can thank Suowa for that. She looked so down I just had to do something."
"I can guess that already."
"Well, aren't you smart?"
Sis Fei then looks at Laola asking:
"Laola, you still following her everywhere?"
"Of course! Wherever she goes, I'll follow!"
Sis Fei tilts her head replying:
"Really? I don't seem to see you with her during the graduation festival."
Laola clenches the cloth on the table tightly responding:
"T-That's... I didn't know she returned okay!?"
"Sure, sure! So loyal yet so uninformative. Glad to meet you again."
"I don't share the same sentiment."
Sis Fei then turns toward Nuvali saying:
"Nuvali... To be honest, I have nothing to say to you."
"Same here, now go bother someone else."
"Tch, you're as cold as your homeland. No wonder your uncle sent you to an all-girls school. You'll break every heart of the guys you meet."
Sis Fei grins and continues saying:
"Well great seeing you again."
"... Me too."
Nuvali nods as she replies and Sis Fei looks at Kali, Kali looks back at her with the same smile. And as they stare at each other for a while. The breeze flew by, music plays behind and the sound of chatter could be heard from the neighbouring tables but not here.
They seem to stare at each other for a long time and I could see Laola being confused as I to share her sentiment. Sis Fei then nods asking:
"Ever skip on Sword Day?"
"Fuck you~"
(Is this how girls interact? I don't remember May talk like that with her friends... Maybe this is just how Sis Fei do?)
Kali curse back at her but Sis Fei then continues to look at Cole saying:
"So, how are you fairing in these turbulent times?"
"Pretty great actually, this place is way better than other sectors when it comes to how they treat Owlians. And seeing how someone like Suowa is so close to you, I guess the rumours about your sector is just rumours huh?"
"I wouldn't bet on it. Hi-er circumstance IS a special situation after all. Still, it's not like you to talk about rumours."
(Wait, did she almost called me a guy? But... Why am I relieved she did not? This mixed feeling I'm experiencing is so complicated!)
Cole places her hand on her waist and pumps her chest forward replying:
"Well, just like how you changed, I too change to be ladylike!"
"Says the girl who wears socks and sandals."
"They're comfy okay!?"
"If you want to be ladylike, shouldn't you wear a dress like Qiyue?"
"Robes are a bit hard to wear if they're not resized for personal wear."
"Basically, calling yourself fat now?"
"Am not! Those days are way past! Can't you see this toned build? You agree right, Suowa?"
Cole flex her arms as she asks and I nod along quickly saying:
Cole stands in triumphant and cuddles me close shouting:
"Hah! In your face! Even your Lil Sis is on my side!"
Seeing Sis talk about Cole's wear, I start to look at Cole more closely seeing her wearing a jacket over a casual shirt and skirt with spats underneath. Looking even lower I could see what Sis is saying as I see Cole wearing leather sandals over socks.
(That does look quite comfy...)
"Come now, she's just being nice. Still, good to see you again."
"Hmph, me too..."
Cole lets me go and takes a sit again. This time, Sis Fei looks at Qiyue and she justs smirks and raises her hand and curls it to a fist saying:
"Got nothing to say but good to see ya."
Qiyue responds the same and bumps their fists replying:
"Same here."
"Heh... And you gotta remove your gloves when you do that, you know it's sharp don't you?"
"Come now, your fists could pummel through Sermite refined blades, what can some unchanted steel do to you?"
"Yeah, yeah."
As they continue chatting, a servant moves beside me and places the tray with probably my meal in it. A large plate filled with what seems to be fried, crunchy meat cut in half to show the perfectly cooked insides filled with layers of different folded meat. And surrounding it is those rare thing called potato fries accompanied by a small bowl filled with some brown goo.
"Wow! I can eat all of this!?"
"Yup! Just make sure to finish it okay?"
"Yes, thank you!"
"Here is your fork and knife, enjoy."
The servant brings forth both knife and fork wrapped together by napkins and I nod saying:
"Oh, thanks."
She bows and leaves quietly when I start grabbing the utensils saying:
"Let's eat!"
"Oh again? Sure."
"Please, enjoy."
"Sure eat, up!"
"Yes... Eat."
"Sure, eat, eat!"
"Oh, yeah, sure. Try dipping between bites with the sauce as well."
Hearing the response, I plunge my fork on the meat and cut a piece to taste it. Taking it in, I start to eat the fries as well. Hearing Sis' suggestion I dip the meat and fries to the brown thing and experience a whole new flavour.
*chomp* *chomp* *chomp* *gulp*
Kali tilts her head and holds her cheek and smile saying:
"Fufu! You sure eat like a champ."
Then Cole pats my shoulder saying:
"Slow down, Suowa, you might choke."
"Sorry, this is so good!"
Qiyue looks at Sis Fei asking:
"Are you really that happy with meat and chips? What kind of meal have you been feeding her, Fei?"
"Oh, she's been eating healthy mind you, she just rarely ever go out of the sector to taste different food or the like. In fact, she's going on a tour discovering new things now with her new job."
She then looks at me saying:
"I see, Suowa, my offer of helping you out still stands. Just say the word and I'll bring you to my household."
I gulp down the food still in my mouth before replying:
"Sorry, but I don't want to leave my family for anything."
As I drink the milkshake Qiyue hangs her head saying:
As I continue to eat I start to wonder,
"Say, is this what parties are like? Just people gathering to eat and talk? Last I heard there are people dancing and doing other things. Or maybe this is like pyjama parties where we have pillow fights?"
"Prrfff! Haha! Oh! Sorry, she must be pretty sheltered, Fei. Wait do you play with her?"
"Not anymore and trust me, she's not sheltered. Just that she doesn't live as lavishly or as modern as any of you."
Laola hearing her explanation replies,
"A noble living an honest and common life? That's quite rare to find nowadays, a commendable effort even."
"Fufufufu! Pillow fights? Such barbaric and boorish act yet so fun... Ah~ if only my siblings would still play with me..."
"Hahaha, you would send your siblings to the hospitals even with your hold back padded soft blows. And those are entirely different parties, Suowa.
"Eh? It is?"
Hearing Cole's answer, I look back at her and she pats my head replying:
"Yeah, one is only done in the bedroom and the others well, generally speaking outside like this. As for dancing... I don't think any of us want to. Or for me personally, I'm just not good at dancing."
"Ah! I see... Parties are more complicated than I thought."
"Just be honest and say, you're embarrassed."
"No am not! What about you? Miss, I refuse to dance?"
Sis Fei interjects and Cole responds immediately as they start to argue when Qiyue sighs and chimes in to say,
"Through this all, I think it's the simple things that make it great. After all, parties come from the simple need to share your happiness and wisdom. Like in form of foods, dancing, or maybe storytelling and ideas or maybe your own recreational events... Well, that's how parties originate here in this sector at least."
"I see! Getting to eat and drink meals like this is great!"
Qiyue nods replying:
"Sure is."
Feeling someone grabbing my arm I look to see Kali smiling and then pulls me over to share seats with her while Cole is busy with Sis Fei...
(Why do I feel so... Small? I mean, am I that light and... Small? to carry and move around?)
While still in the middle of my thoughts, Kali pats my head and continue saying:
"Got you, close, oh! And speaking of parties, there are multiple kinds of parties. For one, is like what you said, pyjama parties and then there's like tea parties, and costume parties and even my personal favourite, pool parties."
"Pools? You mean the big one where people gather to swim or the small balloon one where we just seemingly dip?"
"It's a party, so the big one of course!"
"So... So everyone swims while eating and talking? How is that even possible!?"
"Pfffufufufu! Geez, I laugh more today than I did at other gatherings. Or more like when was the last time I meet someone so bold as you?"
"Yeah, well I guess most of us here know each other to not talk with synonyms and roundabout ways but not as forward as you. So I guess seeing you is like a breath of fresh air..."
Hearing her words, I tilt my head a bit confused replying:
"T-Thank you? I suppose?"
She pats my head and soon ruffles my head as she shows a sweet smile saying:
"No, thank you, Suowa. Now finish your meal, don't want it to get cold do you?"
As I answer that the food I thought I need to pull over seems to be infront of me already. As I continue to eat, I could hear her softly whispering,
"(Hard to believe she's the same age as me...)"
As I continue to eat my ears soon pick up a large gust of wind stronger and opposite of the ocean breeze. Swallowing the last bite dipped with that delicious brown sauce, a shadow looms over and I can't help but turn around to look. Seeing a long bird's leg standing on the chair's back, I continue to look up as I soon see a rare sight as beautiful dark blue feathers fall from the sky and into my luckily empty plate.
With the wings of a bird as arms, a custom-made uniform to fit her unique build and long blonde hair with deep emerald eyes shining beneath her happy smile. She seems enchanting with the full moon behind her. She folds her long wings as to bow down while still on top of everyone saying:
"Good evening everyone, and look at here, if it isn't the bird of fortune? Surprise to see you show up."
Sis Fei leans forth to place her elbows on the table and rest her head on her arms saying:
"And if it isn't the right hand of the OH SO GREAT, Xiwang showing herself? More like shouldn't you get your feathers in check? You're dirtying this place and making the food here not edible. I wonder how much did you pay to clean up those feathers all day I wonder?"
"Ohoho! You~ that's not so kind of you to say."
(Seeing her close, isn't she a bird-kin? But last I saw them they're supposed to have their wings and arms separated, their legs are supposed to be human as well... I wonder what kind of bird is she?)
The newcomer flaps her wings and lands on one of the empty seats making herself comfortable beside Nuvali. Laola looks at her with hostile intentions as she places her hand on her blade saying:
"If you can come here, that means you've must be close this whole time. Where are Xiwang and the other of her lackeys?"
"Better watch what you say, 10th rank. Or some accidents might happen to that pretty face of yours."
Laola grits her teeth in anger and was ready to get up when Qiyue hold her shoulder to settle her down. Qiyue then sighs and asks:
"Then mind telling us why Xiwang and the others didn't come? This table feels quite empty without her."
The bird-girl tilts her head and taps her chin with one of her claws saying:
"It is? I'm sure the other feels lonely as well, no? The all-boys missing their favourite platinum behemoth, the mixed school missing the twin moons and the cute goldfish along with his elegant servant? You sure this place is lonely? For me, I think it's pretty stable.
Oh, sorry! I guess you wouldn't care anything that involves men, do you? Then again, maybe it's because the one inviting her is the 9th rank? I mean it might be a different story if the 3rd rank sitting beside Fei or the 4th rank beside Collete is the one extending the invitation. Who knows?"
She raises both her shoulders and shakes her head with the last sentence.
(9th rank? Didn't Sis Fei tell me she and Qiyue were competing for the 1st place? How did she get 9th rank? Could the things I hear about she just returned effect it?)
Qiyue hides her anger behind her smile as she curls her hand to a fist replying:
"I see, then what about you? Why did you come here so late to the party?"
"Oh, me? Well, I saw the shining armour below and saw Fei alongside it and thought... Why not make a flashier entrance than her? Am I honest now, oh dear heaven's blade daughter?"
"You fucking bird brain."
She then hides her smile behind her wings like a fan and continues saying:
"Oh, I am~ a bird brain."
"If you just wanna cause trouble you better not attend at all, Gangyi."
Nuvali finally speaks after her long silence and she bends backwards till her head is low enough to look at Nuvali but also looking her from below replying:
"Eh? And what are you going to do about it?"
Seeing all the commotion she cause I decided to take a drastic measure. With no one holding me back and the others busy looking at her, I stand and walk close to her with my silent steps saying:
"T-That's enough! Parties are supposed to be happy! You're making everyone angry."
Everyone shows a surprise face and the bird-kin probably hearing me returns posture and not stopping there, she leans forward till her face got so close our nose almost touch before saying:
"Well, I am pretty happy! Cause someone gotta be enjoying all this agony ya know? Oh, wait, what's this? Could you perhaps have an idea what I should do perhaps, little dolly?"
Letting the gears in my brain to grind as I thought for an answer, I quickly answer with,
With a huge grin from ear to ear she moves back rubbing her chin with her claws replying:
"Oh, then please do tell. Oh, wait! Could it be, you wish to stab me in the back when I'm not looking? Shame on you!"
"I would never do that! I..."
(Wait... Talking about faces, didn't Saya said something about them valuing faces? Well I don't know what faces are but...)
"I would just stab your face headon till you have no face!"
Her grin fades as her eyes open wide when,
She bursts out laughing maniacally with a bigger smile, wiping the tears with her claws she soon spread her wings which I soon realize expands more than twice her body and darkness envelopes me before I could react.
(No, wait! What did I say!? I'm supposed to avoid fights!)
"Kakaka, that's a good line, little dolly. Sorry, but I'm stealing your phrase now."
The light shines above when I realize she's hugging me close as I could see her looking at me from above as I'm being embraced deep in her wings. Maybe her wings are thick and warm along with the soft and fluffy surface I'm laying on but this is actually pretty comfortable-
(No, get your head together! You're in danger!)
I close my eyes and struggle when she tightens her hug and push me up as I could feel her breathe down my neck and soon my ears. I start smelling something sweet and I open my eyes which are getting heavier and my vision blurry when she softly whispers,
"Hey, are you actually enjoy this?"
My body jolt in surprise as I hear her asks when she continues asking:
"Kaka, say, won't you tell me your name, little dolly?"
"S-Sawyer Ovalon."
(H-Huh? W-What did I just say that!?)
Losing my senses and control of my body she soon continues saying:
"Sawyer? Pretty boyish for a girl's name is it not?"
"I... I'm not a- urgh!"
Before I could finish my sentence I felt a strong force pulling me back from both my shirt and neck, when my vision cleared I could see Qiyue and Fei close as I seem to rest in Fei's arms.
"You okay?"
I muster my strength and nod slightly replying:
From the distance I could see her smiling pleasantly saying:
"Hey, since your name kinda sucks. I'm just gonna call you Dolly, kay? And as for me, my name's Gangyi Lanhe, the 1st rank among these pathetic scrubs. I'm very pleased to meet a girl like you."
(1st? Isn't she someone's right hand? Wait, did I get the meaning of being right hand wrong?)
As my vision begins to clear and still being confused, Qiyue steps forward tucking her black gloves asking:
"What do you want coming here, you harp!? I'm not gonna tolerate your actions any longer."
"Akakaka! Oh, since I'm in a pretty good mood, I'll shine some light on ya questions."
She opens her wings saying
"I'm merely here to watch the events unfolding. It seems some shadowy figure bearing white masks and a blue dragon emblem is quickly surrounding this place, do you might know why?"
"You... Fucking bitch. I'm done watching your charade."
"Yeah, don't get cocky just because you're just rank 1 in a branch school."
An elegant and majestic girl with silver hair wearing the green uniform comes forth to curse her and a guy with a green uniform and his distinctive large tattoo on his face comes forth as he folds his long sleeves back to show his burly arms filled with runes.
"Speak another drivel and I will chain your fate to the ground."
"I think what he meant is he will turn you to those exotic penguins or maybe you prefer those weird things called ostricecks? Or is it os-tree sons, Diaoshi?"
"Goddammit, Jimmy, shut up!"
"Again, names Juagos, how do you like it when I suddenly call you, Dishes huh?"
Followed by two more where one has long crimson hair that seems to emit a brilliant blaze which pairs well with his white uniform and his long sanguine sword while the other one carries with him a regal posture and noble air around him as he wears his white uniform and readies his platinum sword with no blade while a certain compass emblem is burned on its crossguard.
Ganyi seeing the situation not turning in her favour ascends by flapping her wings once which cause a huge gust that blows the foods and cloth on the table away. Ascending high she looks down on us shouting:
"Kakaka, just a tip, maybe it has to do with a certain playboy prince and Big bad green man missing that they're here to take the cute baby drag-"
"Hey, get down here and talk to us face to face when speaking!"
The silver hair screams as she throws a bright chain that extends from her shoulders.
Her chain quickly straps to her long bird leg and soon pulls her down but as she falls Ganyi spins around and disappears with the hail of her dark blue feathers.
"You gotta try better than that. Kaka! Oh, I'm and definitely going to come back for you, Dolly, see you next time! You'll be good entertainment for big mean Sis and me."
Appearing from the corner of our eyes, she makes a huge distance and soon joins the stars with a twinkle...
(What have I gotten myself into? Is this what parties- no... Is this what school life is about? No wonder May, Aunt and Sis keep refusing. Now I understand, it is a lot of hard work and troubles... And I doubt this has anything to do with what's inside the school too if my guess is correct).
Sis helps me get up and feeling a bit wobbly, I quickly get my balance when I finally see the ones gathering. I bow my head saying:
"Sorry! And thank you for helping me..."
Qiyue pats my head saying:
"Don't think much, I'm just glad you're okay."
"Yeah, I'm surprised you would interfere at all."
Sis Fei chimes in and soon the other who joins to help walks closer to me. The silver-haired girl nods and returns to the middle table accompanied by the guy with the tattoos. The crimson hair glances at me then walk away quickly when the noble person walks to me with an energetic smile replying:
"No problem! I'm glad you take a stand little one. We who are blessed gotta help each other after all."
(Blessed? Wait, is he from the... I wonder is this what I'm missing? I wonder if I'm just running around doing nothing? I mean I know I must find my family but why is it feel so empty?)
I smack both my cheeks at the same time, as I feel the burn, I soon push aside those thoughts away saying:
"Sorry, just have to get my mind straight."
"Good, cause I think shit is about to hit the fan."
Hearing Qiyue replies to me as she folds up her sleeves above her shoulders and I could see the other students who were on the neighbouring table shouting and announcing that something is coming and we need to be prepared for an emergency situation to the people below. I look at where Sis Fei is and see her missing, wondering where she goes, I look around and soon find Sis Fei jumping down the stage. I approach and found her stretching as she looks at the grand night sea.
"Sis, do you think it's time to move? Or do something?"
Even if I try to hamper my hearing, I could start hearing panic among the people around and the students near us trying to calm them down.
"Hmm, well she may be a bitch but she is always true when it comes to causing trouble. This may sound a bit weird but just relax, Sova."
Sis continues to talk while walking to behind the platform where no one can usually see and I can't but ask,
Sis nods and pulls out a steel bottle she usually uses and starts to sit on the beach saying:
"Yup just wear your armour, sit down, and let it all fall in for now. I'm betting on something and I'm gonna cash all in on that moment, cause this is all too familiar to know where it is going with those blue bearded losers."
(Blue bearded losers?)
The music stops playing, chaos seems to ensue as the people start to scream and the lights behind me soon went off... I can't help but ask her,
"Say, Sis, isn't this suppose to be a party where you want to help me cheer me up?"
She looks back at me replying:
"Hahaha, geez, when did you learn how to burn. Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry..."
Sis Fei scratches her head with a wry smile and continues saying:
"Just wear your armour and come down here, I want to say something."
"O-Oh, hold on."
Getting to my armour, having my vision stripped for a while, I soon regain my sight and saw the chaos gotten even worse as I see someone's trying to break the doors, windows and even more as the further they are from the platform the more order they have. Making some of the students in this platform to be dispatch forward to probably quell the unrest.
As I descend, my feet soon sink to the sand, and I sit alongside Sis and she looks at me saying:
"Open your visors too."
I open my visor saying:
"R-Right, and Sis, I want to ask but this is like one of the most important places in this district right? But I just realize this but where are those security and guardians or something?"
"Heh, now you realize. The enemy seems to have either planned this or maybe just striking while it's still hot. Cause the timing is just too good. Choosing to attack after the graduation means almost no teacher or staffs, and after a few weeks after the festivals which means even less surveillance, and even then the principal will always be present so they're probably sending their best fighters to hold her back when she notices or tries to do something. Coupled with the opportunity when that Moriz guy is now in trial and his friends not here just make it even more tempting to attack, and-"
"Sis, why do I have a feeling you know this would happen?"
She looks at me surprised and the more time she looks at me the more disappointed I feel. She scratches her head again replying:
"Yeah, I'll be lying if I say no but it's more of a gut feeling. Like intuition sort of thing. And I just had it like when I arrive here."
"I see..."
Sis sits closer to me and continues saying:
"But that's what I want to talk about, Sova."
"Say, Sova, seeing and hearing you talk about responsibility, future and the like. And see how much you've grown scared me."
"H-Hold on, what?"
"I'm afraid that you too will move on and leave me behind. And it's made even worse when I saw them again."
As the chaos behind us grows even worse, I could now hear gunshots, steel clashing, scream of pain and more, I can't help but look at her saying:
"Sis, I know what you're saying is serious and all but don't you think there is a more appropriate time to say that?"
(Like back in the train?)
"I know, but I have to say this now or I won't know when I'll be able to say it again."
Seeing her become so hesitant and meek, I can't help but remember the time we reunited underground or the fist in a long time we spend under the tree.
"What's so funny, Sova? Here I am talking serious things and you laugh at it? When did you start becoming so mean? Did their influence reach that deep? You just met them twice."
"No, no, no, Sis. It's just that ever since I live you again you've always been so pushy, mean, strong caring, and yet so bright. So seeing you reduce to this is just... Weird."
"Sova... You fucking bitch, now you've ruined the mood."
Sis starts to smile as she curse me and I can't help but laugh replying:
"Hahaha! Yeah, I guess parties are where we smile. But listen, Sis, I admit that I too soon will separate, everyone will like Sis Rubeca, Aunt, and May disappearing to wherever they are now after some freak accident. And I too will probably go somewhere far very soon (like tomorrow) but no matter where I am or what happened, just send me a message and I'll gladly return to you when you need me or just whenever when you want to see me."
Sis seems to hold back her laughter and soon burst out with a huge smile saying:
"Pfff, hahaha! Sure!"
Sis then leans closer to me and place her lips close to where my ear suppose to be whispering:
"And you better watch what you say, Sova. Cause you just admit being something more."
Sis gulps the bottle down in mere moments before standing up. Stretching her legs and soon her body glows brightly. When the light dims, she now wears the armour I saw back when I first reunited with her. A twisted mirror of what Sis Yuwei is wearing but this time, not as twisted and fixed while something new is added where some of the purple shade becomes gold now.
"Alright, Sova, follow me."
Sis starts to jump onto one of the tallest places close to us, which is the light tower, sis grows wings similar to Sis Yuwei and flew over the tower and arriving on top in mere seconds. I close my visor and tried following her, thanks to my training I was able to follow her and soon see the whole situation more clearly. I look beside us and soon realize we're not the only one here. Seeing the mint hair lady and the one wearing foreign clothing here as well. The mint hair girl waves at us saying:
"Well lookie here, haven't seen you in that get-up for a long time, Fei. What's the occasion?"
"Oh, well I thought I might reap some benefit out of this. What about you? I don't remember you being a strategist?"
"Me? Well-"
"If you people have no reason being up here can you please go find another place to talk! I'm trying to coordinate and help here!"
The one wearing foreign clothing yells at us as he soon starts ordering through the crystal and the jade haired girl makes a mouth puppet out of her hands and pucker her lips out replying:
" "I'm trying to coordinate and help here," bah like most of them will listen to you. Just go down there and help kill those shadows will you?"
Hearing her, a vein seems to pop in his head when she then jumps down shouting:
"Anyway, I've seen enough and have another business to attend to, see ya next time, if you survive!"
The mint hair girl jumps over the fence and I could hear the one wearing foreign clothes whispering:
"Just drop dead you bitch."
Before he continues ordering around and Sis leans on the steel fence and look below saying:
"Mhm, mhm, keep going."
Nodding her head along as I wonder what's going on, I soon realize...
(Wait, did I just climb up one the highest point in the highest point in the entire place!? And more like when have I been okay climbing so high!?)
My hand soon grips at the bar far back and try to stay clear of the edge. As I wait for Sis' words I decided to just enter inside and maybe go down saying:
"Sis, I'm just gonna wait downstairs okay?"
"Oh, wait, wait, hold on, Sova! And Merik, let them capture Qizheng."
"What? Are you hearing what you're saying!?"
"I am! Just think of it, their leader hasn't even shown his or her shadow, let them take him and I'll follow them to their leader. Plus, you realize already but they're here to take someone and if they have their target they would then switch to the defensive and try to retreat which would give you the momentum you want right?
And if you're so worried just send someone after me or something but I already have my escort that will follow me. And I'm sure they're running out of time with this commotion both Hunters and The Guardian Forces are definitely being dispatch here."
He looks at me for a while before looking down shouting:
"Tch! Fine! Group 23 fall back to the rear and let them take him! And just do as I say! I have a plan! After that, support Group 22 and help them push afterwards with them! Dammit, how did this many enemies even get here!? Did they blend with the students?"
As I wait, Sis soon shouts:
"Alright! He's putting a valiant resistant and... They got him! Geez, he's weaker than I thought. Like hundred times weaker than his debaucherous brother. Oh, Sova get ready!"
Walking closer to Sis, she grabs my hand shouting:
"Alright, they're far enough, here we go! Hold tight!"
Before long, my feet can't feel the ground. Knowing what's happening, I try not to look down and found myself flying beside her. Even if my eyes are focus on the stars above, my ears still hear the ensuing battle below us.
*smash* *clang* *clang* *shatter*
It seems we broke through a giant window and Sis soon forcefully release me from her and fling me far. I found myself rolling around mid-air. Controlling my balance I was able to land safely on my feet and thought,
(Whew, that was close! How I miss my feet touching the ground-)
*stomp* *stomp* *stomp*
With a loud sound of numerous stomps and footsteps coming closer to me, I raise my head ans was soon greeted by a whole large open space coupled by multiple floors filled with people in black wearing white masks. The one close to me quickly pulls out their sword and clad it in qi,
(Weird, this is the first time I see so many qi users in one place or more like displaying their powers I mean).
While the farthest and on the higher floor grab the body of the sword and cast as if they're holding a staff.
(Sis, what were you thinking when you throw me?)