Chereads / Liberum Mundi / Chapter 79 - Gathering Beneath the Storm. (Part 7)

Chapter 79 - Gathering Beneath the Storm. (Part 7)

A day has passed since my short predicament. And I can't help but look away whenever Abe looks at me... I mean, can you blame me!?

She keeps gazing at me as well with a smile on her face making me look away from the meeting. With only the 5 of us in the room, Yui sitting in the corner with Yuria and Libing who's been seeing this going on shakes his head saying:

"I don't know what happened during the process but I finally got news for you, Sova."

"Y-Yes! You can continue, Shifu!"

Libing takes another folder and throws it to the centre of the table as the contents spill. They are pictures of 3 humans and 2 beast-kin, more specifically 1 rat-kin and 1 wolf-kin and with 2 of the human who looks eerily similar to one those Templars Nicole use to show in the books...

(Yup, I'm pretty sure those two are templars. With the symbol of the Theocracy in their coat and armour, there's no doubt- wait! Am I gonna subdue a Templar!?)

Caught in my own thoughts, my mind soon eases a bit by what captures my eyes the most. At the end of the pile of pictures, lies an intriguing picture of the familiar monkey and a beat-up person holding each other's shoulder like comrades after a spar. Raising their arms high in triumph on the cracked image as they stood among the limelight and endless stars.

"Hohoho, how did that get there."

Libing who seems flusters laughs it off as a joke while he takes it back, only to reveal another obscene image. It's a picture of a woman in her underwear striking a pose as it is taken in a hidden angle with black parts all over it. Libing swipes it back with unparalleled speed shouting:

"Damn it, Dave! Check the contents before sealing it!"

Libing shouts with his reddened face when Abe scoff at him saying:

"Really, Libing? Didn't know you're the type to look at that stuff."

"It's not me! I already have a wife to bother with that. Mhm! Anyways, those 5 pictures are the target you need to capture and subdue."

"I see..."

When I was about to memorize their face, Libing looks at Abe asking:

"Say, are you sure you don't want to follow along and convince them? Them being your friends and all. Sure you may not remember them but they still remember you no?"

"Ah... Well, Nah, I'm gonna take a break in a long while. You can try using my name to convince them if you want."

"Oh? Ana Burnside right?"

I chime in while still avoiding her eyes to ask but to my surprise, Abe shakes her head replying:

"No, tell them it's Yui... That's my old name."

"Yui? Isn't that' Chibi's name?"

I cut in to ask and she ponders for a while before nodding once replying:

"Well... Yes..."

"Oh... Wait-"

"Just do it, will you! Or do you want another round!?"

Seeing Abe angry for once, I can't help but remember what happened yesterday and feel my face burn quickly replying:

"Y-Yes, I mean, no! I mean, I'm sorry!"

Abe nods once replying:

"Good, but I doubt they will accept. They being the ally of justice and all."

"Well, I don't understand your reason but I'll try my best to talk first since that's my creed."

"Heh, suit your self."

Memorizing the pictures and taking it so that I won't forget, I look at Libing asking:

"Um, I can keep the pictures right Shifu?"

"Oh, sure they're just copies, so take all of it."

I nod saying:

"Thanks! Wait, shouldn't Mitsuru and Saya be here for your briefing?"

While shoving the pictures in the folder. He nods to my question as he snuck the pictures he swipes before in his sleeves fluidly replying:

"They already received it from Yimu yesterday and is busy preparing."

As I heard his words, I can't help feeling guilt I answer back saying:

"Doesn't that makes me sound late? I'm sorry. I guess I should prepare as well."

I bow my head down and Shifu shakes his head replying:

"It's fine, you were sick and honestly speaking, unstable. And since you're the hammer your job is simply to hit them. But we can't have a cracked hammer, can we? You're okay now right?"

I pump my fist high as I hold my biceps shouting:

"Yes, I'm ready for duty! I won't slow you down!"

(This is the pose Yuria teach me to show my health).

Shifu leans back on his chair and raises his feet to the table replying:

"Good! Gear up and meet them in the palace gate. With how this is an urgent mission, it seems I'm gonna have to teach you at a later date, sorry."

(Oh, is it going to be long?)

He puts the pipe he uses to suck and relax as I stand and clasp my hand shouting:

"Don't worry, Shifu! And by the way, where's Yimu?"

Libing who's eyes has changed colours looks at me saying:

"Oh, him? He finally got his own office or is right now working in mine... But don't worry, he will be here when something important or urgent comes up."

I nod energetically and shake my clasped hands replying:

"Okay then. I'll be leaving now, see you later. May the spirit bless you."

"Yes, may the spirit bless you!"

"Yeah, bless you~"

When I look at Abe who wishes me well, I can't help but feel my cheeks getting warm as I remember what happened yesterday and quickly leave the room with Yuria and the pictures.

(Ugh! Why is it stuck in my head!? Didn't May kiss me back then as well? Yet why didn't it leave so much an impact? Is it because of the wiggly sensation? No maybe because it happened before that... What are you thinking!? That's right, you already have a girlfriend! Get your thinking straight!)

*clap!* *clap!*

I slap my burning cheeks and shake my head to get my thoughts straight.

"S-Sova, are you okay?"

I nod with a smile saying:

"Yea, let's go."

I walk forth trying to forget it as I think,

(Yes, when I start the battle- no! Talk first to avoid battle. And maybe I should train as well!)


Among the pillars of the mirror maze, Ptelophy asks a bit for my hair before I put my armour on. She cuts them with small scissors as she helps to tie them up before she then pulls my sleeves and holds my biceps and triceps with intrigue... She presses them between her long fingers asking:

"Interesting, say, do you feel lighter now perhaps?"


To answer her question, she lets me go and I try some simple monkey fist form combinations along with some open kick and sidekicks as if I'm warming up for training. True to Ptelophy's words, my body does feel lighter, I try to hop up, down, front, back, and my sides while delivering more forms. As my confirmation is proven true, I nod replying:

"Yea, it is lighter. And..."

I close my fingers and tighten my fist as I hear the crisp noise.

"My body feels stronger as well."

(Strong... I wonder if that's meaningful when I keep losing my fights even as I get stronger? I may not be fond of conflict but it's really irritating. I need more experience! No... I can't just get in fights because I want to be stronger... This is confusing...)

"Wonderful indeed... So not only is it maintaining but also improving? Did I misjudge the effectiveness of that virus? Interesting... Or perhaps it has fused well with your powers? You really do deserve the title of Inus V Orbos. Your mother has done it."

"Sorry, what? I've been wondering but do you perhaps know my mother?"

Curious with how she always compare me to my mom, I can't help but satiate my curiosity and to my surprise, she answers saying:

"Yes, but I doubt you would understand any of her research or deeds."

Ptelophy lets me go and points at the ground and pulls her fingers back up as the armour comes out of the darkness. I walk close to her asking:

"Really? You do? So, are you my Mom's friend?"

Hearing my question, Ptelophy walks away looking at her own reflection. She soon caresses her neck as I wonder what my mom did to her when she answers saying:

"Friends... I suppose we are. Till the bitter end."

As I entered my armour and feel my spine tingle, I continue to ask her:

"I may not be able to understand, but can you tell me what my mother was like?"

After all, through my whole life she has always been shrouded in mystery and the moments I did meet her in the past, the only thing I can think of is just spending my time with her. Just like with my dad. And the only last gift I have of them is but my headband with my name written on it. Ptelophy who probably thinking what to answer with looks at her own multiple reflections. The mismatch eyes at all sides stare at me as I wonder what she's going to say next...

(I guess I'm used with her tricks. After all, not being able to find a topic to talk to her as we stayed in silence has been proven to be more discomforting).

"She was foolish and emotional..."

She finally answers and soon points her finger at the mirror and it seems all the fingers point at me when she continues saying:

"Arrogant and Boorish, yet dependable. That's what I see your mother as. And that's what I see part of you as well... Though you're not as arrogant or boorish... Probably."

"I-I see... To be honest, I know nothing much about my mom. I mean Sis told me she's from the Theocracy and I sometimes wonder how did my mom even meet my dad? I mean... You know."

(Since I'm an Owlian one of my parents is bound to be one. If my mom is from the Theocracy, so she is definitely a Zerian so that only leaves my dad who is an Owlian).

I wear my armour and cover my head as darkness envelopes me. A bright white light soon appears and my vision returns as I see Ptelophy appearing before me. She holds my cheeks as she forces me to face her. Her mismatch eyes shine as I keep wondering what's going in her head when she answers saying:

"Your father is another different topic. He is... Unnatural, weak, meek, unsociable, yet somehow... Charismatic. As he seems to bring people under his silent wing."

I nod along at her answer as I got a bit of a picture of what my parents were like before replying:

"Unsociable... So, like you?"

She lets me go and walks away with her arms on her back saying:

"I have no clue why you wish to push my buttons but I prefer the word, discreet. It is you all who view part of you as... Embarrassing."

Not really understanding what she's saying, I just nod along replying:

"I-I see, thank you for telling me about my parents. I... Really appreciate it."

Ptelophy looks at me for a while before she looks at me replying:


"Well, I'll be taking my leave. May the spirit bless you."

Ptelophy nods replying:

"May the spirit bless you as well."

With her goodbyes, she walks through the endless maze that leads beyond the darkness before disappearing like a white speck in the bottomless abyss.

(I wonder where did Sis even found all these people?)

I thought to myself and exits her room with the new armour in tow wondering...

(I wonder if my armour will break this time?)


Leaving Yuria back at the Palace, my phoenix cape flutters with the raging winds. The grey clouds above gather once more as I enter the walls. My medallion shines with the glooming light while the soldiers panic and immediately give way to open the doors inside. With their help and cooperation, I reach the stadium with haste as I found the others waiting for me in the same place as my previous mission.

Standing ready with her newer and much better red gear and battle dress that protects all her body is Saya. Tucking her hair inside and wearing a helm that has two round domes probably to fit her large rat ears. The other is a woman taller than me, folding her arms and showing a dominant stance is Mitsuru. Wearing her demonic samurai armour and the kabuto helm with smiling demon mask, she now also has two malicious looking nodachi as the round guards look like a devil's face as their blades have a different length that fits her height on both shoulders.

(Last time she just wears that armour after going out of the bath. I wonder if she's also doing that now? Now that I think about it, we can just run around naked as long as we have our Soul armour on huh? Should I try it when I get my own soul armour?)

"Hmm... So that's your new armour, took you long enough."

Saya folds her arms as well as she shows her disappointment. Mitsuru who seems content break her stance and lean over to pat my back saying:

"Don't be discouraged, you were sick weren't you? Seriously though you're okay now right? Sorry I can't visit you."

I shake my head replying:

"It's okay, I won't hold any of you back now. I feel stronger after my defeat with weakness."

Saya crosses her arms and nods replying:

"Hoh? You got a change of voice, nice. Though it doesn't suit your attitude."

Mitsuru lifts her hand asking:

"Um... You're still the same girl I met at the bath right? Man, who knew you're the Silencer..."

I nod and open my helm to reassure her saying:

"Yup! Still the same Sova, and in case no one told you, I'm a guy."

Mitsuru tilts her head more confused than ever saying:

"O-Okay...? Oh! I see I see, You can count on me to keep my lips shut!"

Mitsuru seems to reach her own conclusion and gives me a thumbs up while making a gesture she's zipping her lips. Saya checks the inside of her bag once more before going ahead saying:

"Well, since you're saying some confident things, let's go. We don't want to be late."


As I follow Saya, she stops me with her tiny hands saying:

"I think the one to say let's go is you, Sova."

"Huh, really?"

Saya looks at me saying:

"I mean last time you're the one who shouts it too."

I wear my helm with thought before saying:

"I see, then, Phoenix Squad, Set off!"

"That's lame... You should think of a better name, Sova."

"I agree."

"Name huh? You're right. I think I'm gonna think it off when I return."

(Speaking of new things, I should ask Libing for a diary before I forget entirely).


*drip* *drip*

Serenity and stillness, like a soft lull one person to sleep to.

*drip* *drip*

Another falls echoes through the colours of blue and yellow...

Dust floats above the crates with the phoenix emblem, a natural cave light shines like stars over the branching tunnels.

"Haah, haah, I think we lost them."

Saying that is a rat-kin girl with long twin tails wearing a fancy light lamellar chained armour with a mix of steel plates in between.


Following her words, two rat-kin rests the injured they bring to a corner. A female walks to the injured, equipped in holy white full-plated armour with golden trims and exuding white aura as she carries on her waist and a sword that matches her saintly figure. She kneels at the injured asking:

"Does anyone still have any resistance pills or potion? My magic is not doing anything much at this point to the growing curse."

Her voice was desperate as she begs with her arms open but one can only answer:

"Sorry Hitomi, I doubt we have any more of those. If only I learn more healing magic..."

Answering her is one of the people carrying the injured. Wearing a beautifully crafted light armour under a white robe. It's already a desperate situation when one of them takes a seat asking:

"Where do we go now?"

Saying that is a man in his thirties, wearing leather armour with a bare minimum of armour on his body to protect his vitals but contrary to his pessimistic words, he exudes power like no other when you look at him. That is when the only injured person holds the white knight's hand saying:

"Sensei, please... Just leave me here. Wa... Ahack!"

"Misaki, what are you saying!? I won't do that!"

The one laying on the ground is a wolf-kin with her armours stripped to band her open wounds. Even then, the other parts of her limbs that still have her armour still catches the eye, from the cape with fur on the shoulders, her square scaled armour that fits her limbs and fangs hanging on her limbs. The mage pats her head and ruffles her ears to calm her down replying:

"Just because we're now in trouble doesn't mean we'll just abandon you. After all, we already lost too many back there. So all of you, stop being so negative and lets march ahead when we're ready!"

"Yeah, thank you, Takaki, we'll rest for a while but after that, we have to move. We don't want to meet that monster called the Silencer if what those pursuers chasing us says is true..."

Silencer, a being so powerful that its name brings fear to those who have power and unknown to those still below. A being unique only to the southern realms and frontiers of the known world. With enough magic to even overpower the mightiest of Templar-mages from the Theocracy. Maybe it was just a ruse or maybe it's not, but when she said that, they all can't help but remember the first 2 weeks of the crusade to retake their lands back. Especially the one called Hitomi, as she seems to be blaming her self for her incompetence.

(I wonder if my dreams will ever be achieved?)


3 weeks ago, it was a day like any other, the sun was shining, the birds are singing while the people are busy working for the coming end of the year. Parents teaching their children while they prepare for their meals. It may not be the best life but it was a day of peace and harmony... But everything changed when the Phoenix Sector invaded.

A soldier in his final breath brings with him grim tidings. The Phoenix Sector who has been in isolation and quiet all this time had launched a surprise attack at all our 12 food bases located on the Feather-spine mountain straight. But not only that, they slaughtered any civilians that resisted and taking captives of the leftovers to fates worse than death. In response to this, the prophets and the Segmentum Lord ordered for retribution and cause to retake the lands from these savages. This will not only be the national army's duty but also the people's righteous crusade to avenge their fallen brethren!

Drafts were published, rewards posted, conscriptions made to the entire segmentum and families are called for their help and even the royalty will be joining. Speeches and orations announcing the horrendous deeds of the Phoenix and revival of our justice and rights. One by one, young soldiers, retired veterans and even old guards joined in to help those in need and soon an army was form equipped by magic weapons and armour provided by Central and the Sector as they too approve of our cause.

Heroes from all over the Sector joins in and even foreign heroes as well. Famous ones are the two acclaimed Adventurers from the Theocracy, the Roaming Templars by the name of Galitea and her templar-mage, Trianus. Together they are known as the Wondering Saints as they travel the world spreading the word of the Libera church. Another famous Adventurer who joins with the call of his friend from the Rat Sector is Gqjk, from his name alone, he is a person born from the Northern Hyuran Frontier and is known as the World Scholar. Then there is someone with a familiar title, the World Hunter group, led a by a rat-kin hero who slew a tyrannical dragon lord and shows what it means to stand up for yourself and fight for what is right no matter who it was. The Hero of the Confederation and the Rat segmentum as a whole, Gorbachev Heisu, who's also known as the Rat Ogre.

Next are famous rat-kin True Martial Artists from Central returning to avenge their fallen kin like Weixia the venom flower, and Huapo the fist grinder, famed for their unparalleled mastery in Martial Arts even in Central's standards. Then there are famed retired Great Generals from home like Yichensha the Eternal Defender, Liukang the Sword Fist Sage and Xanxia the Flower of War. Finally, the famous hero group of this time, the Xuju. And leading those Xuju was the Champion of the People, Kai the Slayer of Immortals and two more famous heroes from a foreign land who just joined her group. Famous Generals of their respective country, the Obsidian Star, Sora Ajisai from the Eclipse Empire and the Crimson butcher, Ana Burnside from the Aologi Empire.

By the end of the week, they manage to muster up an army of all kinds of races. Counting roughly more than 4 million people to march forward and reclaim their lost lands. It will be a 3 prong attack each led by their respective leader in charge. Their spirits were so high and morales are breaking through the Heaven. They were an unstoppable army that only a coalition of triple their size could win.

The first wave with most people with around 2.2 million as the vanguard and led by the famed adventurers, more than half of the Xuju and Great General Xanxia. The second group with the least numbering over 200 thousand young soldiers of tunnelling specialist rat-kins that are led by the elite of the elites for the surprise attack beneath the ground. Leading them was Famous leader of Xuju and the remaining of her group, The royal princess of the Baishu and her Mobile Fortress Temple Guards, and even the World Hunter group too. And the last one leading 1.7 million strong soldiers are led by the famed Martial Artist from Central Huapo, the Great Generals Liukang and Yichensha as reinforcements. And in the case we did succeed in capturing all 12 bases, the noble families and the national guard will send in reinforcements to bolster our defence lead by someone they handpicked themselves.

And so, the first wave of vanguards march forward, days and nights past when they finally reach their intended target. Repaying in kind, the vanguard forces launch a surprise attack of the first base as they all appear from the Rucina walls. Retaking it in just half a day. Thanks to the major contribution of half of the Xuju and the brilliant tactics and strategies employed by the famed Great General Xanxia. The crusaders who thought that the words said by the higher up are exaggerated were proven wrong when they inspect the city. Disturbing things were found the deeper they go. Other than the base being barely occupied by any if all previous occupants of the city, the remaining of those who do were all part of the labour force and "Relief" camps.

Seeing this only enrages and inspired the soldiers to an even more feat of bravery and unite their hearts. For now, they all have one goal in mind,

(Drive out the Phoenixes and free their people! Along with making the Phoenixes Pay for their crimes!)

After sending their people back home with a small detachment, and not wanting to break their momentum, they continue retaking base after base until 6 out of 12 bases were retaken. With each battle, the defending Phoenixes fights a retreating battle after their first defeat. The morale and cheers from the soldiers were getting higher and higher added with their hatred and seeing the inhumane acts inside the bases they captured boosts their spirits beyond normal when they first set out. Now with the third wave of reinforcements bolstering the defences of the bases, they captured the 2nd wave underground assault was not even needed at this point. The victory was now theirs to take as the Phoenix flags burns and the Rat Sector flags flutter high. And with the news spread to home that all the bases captured, they now must wait for reinforcements from the walls to arrive and reinforce the bases.

The noble families, true to their words, delivered reinforcement 2 days later. Arriving at our gates is an army bigger than the crusade numbering around roughly 7 million forces of ground and air from the national wall guards to the personal armies of the noble families. All of them are led by a more famed active Generals from home and even heroes. And the more surprising fact is the greatest asset to arrive and leader of the massive army that has arrived is a very famed Hero of the Confederation of this Era and a Supreme Marshal of the Rat Segmentum, a member of the branch Royal family belonging to the Heisu has arrived. She is none other than Ninel Andao, a famous rat-kin with a particular unique trait since birth that gives her the iconic flag of the nine-tailed rat-wheel. Graduating from the also famous Turtle Academy as the Void ranks and hailed by the name of,

[Rat Empress]

(Though the most surprising thing that caught my eyes is definitely the light of approval lingering around her. The proof that she is someone high who follow Libera has blessed and approve her, she is someone even strangers of Libera can trust among the sea of those who wish to exploit us...)

Even though we haven't heard any news from the second wave. It is no doubt, that after a quick 6 days straight, the crusade was a whapping, success. They have secured all 13 bases, pushed back the Phoenixes out and even got reinforcements from home and a very famed Supreme Marshal to boot. It won't be long that they launch a punitive campaign against the Phoenixes to end the crusade and resist the Phoenixes assault until they give up and sue for peace. Though soon, we notice some few problems with this place.

The first problem was holding a base proves harder than taking it, especially with this bad defending position. After checking the map, the Feather-Spine mountains may be one of the richest places to gather food, resources, minerals and distribute it, but the mountain straight is located in a straight curved line ranging from the walls from whence they came to the deepest part of the enemy territory where multiple major cities are located that's teeming with enemy armies if what the scouts said was true. Coupled with the forest that could also hide armies and plains that is hard to intercept since it is very susceptible to rear assaults when defending. The best chances are to simply wait for a siege battle since there are no bottlenecks other than the bases which no one wants. And the worst problem that simply dwarves the others is that if the first base they entered was captured... They're going to be encircled deep inside enemy territory and face total annihilation.

Moving fast to secure the bases or after analyzing the whole Sector. All the Great Generals in the army have already noticed that one glaring weakness and has moved to reinforce the bases, making the first base the most defended base out of all. And to my surprise, to make sure that they kept the place safe, they started to employ archmages to reinforce the place, covering passes to create bottlenecks, creating small fortresses in formations to make some sort of solid multi-layered defence line, training soldiers for the coming operations and preparing plans in case of some natural disasters and accidents. They built roads to help with reinforcements and strengthening the defence lines, then created waterways by expending river and lakes and deploying those rare and hard to produce air units for scouting purposes with shift schedules in tow. And they even expend the bases, rebuilding the previous walls to a bigger wall, then building an even bigger wall behind it, and then another wall in front of the old wall and then a moat in between the newest and old wall for safety or something, they built an even bigger wall than the one behind the old wall with each wall having huge fortifications, giant watchtowers and wall equipment, in each base. With the first base doubled the fortifications that make it look like it has fused with the Rucina city walls itself. And for extras, they connect each base to the other and build more bases in the process making a total of 38 bases, with the original 12 into some sort of Citadel that also serve as food base as well. By rough estimates, this new renovation would boost our food production by a whopping 3000%!

Even as we help to build this wonder, the sheer ingenuity and competence from the officers leave us all in awe, even to me who was born in the Theocracy was astonished by their sheer diligence and novelty. They turn what seems to be a defective soft underbelly into a Sector sized Fortress to be reckoned with. And with the first problem, the other problems, from securing an escape route, communications, intelligence, and et cetera are all being solved one by one. And this is all being led by a single commander, the Supreme Marshal Nenil Andao.

A week has passed with tomorrow being the third week as we build the fortress even more and the enemies have been in silence all the while. No news from the Phoenixes other than that they've been sending scouts too far for our defenders to retaliate. Even then, my heart can't help but feel how everything was going so well...

As I walk through the outer walls of the base to feel the natural breeze of the mountains, with a couple of soldiers stationed in the towers and the magic stones creating light, I can't help but feel anxious lately. Like something feels, so wrong...

I lean on the stone fence as I look at the fortified mountain pass and soon my eyes are attracted by a sparkle appearing on the edge of my eyes. When I look up, I was greeted by something that was lost with time. No matter how many times I see it, my past life would remember the dark skies where no stars or moon would glow as I was stuck in a small apartment with the heavy smoke of vehicles coming up to my tiny veranda. But before my eyes are the opposite, a sea of stars soars through the blue skies, while the blue moon shines brightly among the sparkling stars... Truly, it was...


Softly I whisper my heartfelt emotion. As my body seems to just stay still and marvel at what God has prepared for me.


A cheerful girl's voice calls to me, and multiple footsteps come in drove. I look at where the voice comes from and soon reply with a smile saying:

"Ah, Komeko, Takaki, and everyone. What are you doing here?"

They were none other than the students in my previous life. The ones who call me is a rat-kin girl, I may call her Komeko but her real name is Kyo. She's probably the youngest in terms of physical age since she is literally still 12 as of now and I can't help but feel worried about her in battle. And unlike us who already has another profession, she's still but a student too.

Gathering behind her small stature with joy and smiles in their face, are none other than my past students... Well, half of them who joins here anyway. And in their hands are boxes of food and drinks they probably acquired from harvesting the food here. Meeting my students in this life feels like... A regretful memory. After all, it was just a normal day like any other when it all happened. With them being my first ever students to ever teach, it pains me to remember that I can't even see them graduate before that happened.

While I was thinking, one of the boys, the ever cheerful and energetic Todoroki gives a peace sign as he raises a bottle shouting:

"Hehe! What's with that sad face, Sensei! Cheer up, we were thinking of having a victory party! That's when we saw you on the walls. You were pretty easy to spot on."


"I guess I can't deny your claims."

I can't help but sigh and shake my head as I answer. After all, my white shining armour is pretty eye-catching, even among the Great Generals who's wearing a pretty unique-looking armour. But I can't say that my students are not eye-catching as well. Todoroki wears a fancy full plate armour of bronze that could easily make people mistake him for the commanding officer with his decorations and brooms on his head, coupled with his tall muscular figure. Well, he is a commander but still...

"I suggest you do that when we return to the Rat Sector."

"Geez Sensei! Stop being a party pooper! And let's just have fun! Wahoo!"

Rejecting my offer with a wild puffy tail wag and a howl at the end used to be a quiet girl in class. Maybe from her upbringing and birthplace, Misaki has become a better person or entirely different person since she is a different species as well, so maybe genetics play a part in it? I heard she was a teacher like me before she joins us in this war.

"Hitomi, here, take it. You need it after a hard day of physical labour."

"Ah, t-thanks..."

The one who calls me by name and offers me a drink is also one of my students. But unlike the others who I met on my journey, Takaki has been with me since the beginning. As I took the path of the Templar he too wishes to take the same path as I, but knowing his talent is somewhere else, I encourage him to not give up and soon he became a Mage-Templar and my Partner. And of course... As a side effect, he is also... My boyfriend...

"Well, if you don't want to join it's okay, Hitomi. I can accompany you-"

"N-No! I'll join in as well. I need to supervise you all, after all."

"Geez~ sensei~ you've been with him for a long time, right? Stop being so flustered. How will you even handle your nightlife? Wahoo~ Wahoo~"

"Don't speak of that!"

I mean, how can I not! When one day in an eventful night and under a tree. He wouldn't say no when I reject him all the time until he grabs my arms and hugs me shouting:

{"I am a man too, Sensei!"}

I hold my flushed cheeks as I remembered him that night and now with him this night as well...

(Aaah~! Thinking about it just makes me scream!)

Takaki wraps his arm around me as he supports me with a smile saying:

"I think you need to understand as well that we're all past the of drinking age Sensei. You don't need to supervise us, in fact, do you know the boys in the Theocracy learn how to drink wine at the age of 5?"

My hands grab the collar of his robe with my quick reflex as I scream asking:


But he just nods confidently with a huge smile replying:

"Yup! Girls do it too. I think they all think you're weird for not drinking... Probably because you prefer learning at the Scriptorium."

"How could you keep a secret from me, Takaki~!"

"Woah Woah Woah!"

" "Hahahaha!" "

I shake Takaki wildly with my brute strength causing him to move around violently while the other seems to laugh at his misery. I can't help but smile as well as seeing the cheerful yet not so joyous moment before me. As the time past, most of my students who I've been separated with for more than decades has somehow become more of an... Old friends.

When I finally sort my feelings out and travelling alongside them to their party site, I see Komeko silently trying to drink and swipe it off her.

"Hey! Sensei, no fair!"

With a smile, I wiggle my finger and keep the bottle back saying:

"The others may drink but you can't."

"Why not! I'm old enough too you know!"

"Na-ah, you may be old enough mentally, but your body is not. Go wait for another 6 years."

"Sensei! But I wanna drink too! Please give it to me...!"

Komeko latch on to me as she begs but with sheer will I shake her off answering:


"Waaah! But didn't Takaki also drink when he's 5! I'm like more than double his kid age!"

Komeko latches on to me again when Takaki once again tried to convince me saying:

"Hitomi, just let her drink for tonight. I mean it's not like there's any age restriction for drinking in the Confederation."


"And besides, remember what he said, our old world values will only bring ruin to this world. The Aologi Empire Yui told us can't say it any better."

Right, the only reason we were only allowed to keep our old memories in the Theocracy is that we promise to not bring our old world problems here. I don't know how the other student's circumstance was but... I can't help sighing and hand her a bottle saying:

"Haah, fine, just keep it in moderation okay? Even if we can use magic, getting addicted is a different thing."

"Yay! I love you, Takaki! Let me give you a smooch! Mwah mwah mwah!"

Before I could stop her for stealing my boyfriend's lips, Takaki pushes her away and distance her with his arm replying:

"Sorry, Komeko, but I'm already taken."

"Heeh! I wonder when did you become such a player?"

"Who knows."

Takaki answers with a sweet smile. But I agree what Komeko has said, Takaki was once a timid child who would always stay in his chair, and not socialize at all. He would also fluster when a girl speaks to him while panicking when anyone approaches him. Now, he seems to have gain more height, more confidence, muscular body and most of all, a pretty ikemen face and long hair that falls to his shoulders while tied in a knot over the crown of the head with braids which look perfect with his square face. If he grows a beard, he would look like those handsome old dudes in his late thirties or forties. As to assert he's mine, and make him prove his words, I cuddled him and of course, he returns the gesture.

(Ah~ this is bliss!)

"Geez Sensei~ stop flexing your relationship. Aren't you embarrassed just moments ago? Most of all, you're making me feel lonely, Wahoo..."

"Well, too bad, I'm gonna hold him like this for longer..."

"Haah, Sensei can be childish at times."

Todoroki commented on my actions but who cares! He's my boyfriend after all.

"Oh! They're back, and they got Sensei with them, Hey! Over here!"

Shouting as he waves his steel kebab in the air is of course another one of my students. He's a man of immense size standing above 2 meters in length and having the body of a muscle builder. Wearing a thick armour with multiple layers, Leo is what we call him but his name is Jin, and he's probably easily mistaken as a monster outside if he wears his full armour that has horns and faces. Back then he's a lazy bum who refuses to move. I don't know what kind of place he grew up in but it seems it makes him train hard for his body and the only lazy trait left to him is how he takes the job of defender since he doesn't want to move much... Even though he is a chef before he joins this war... Hold on,

"Leo! Aren't you suppose to be on the 12th base? When did you get here?"

This is the 3rd base and the fact he needs to pass through 9 bases to get here by transport would take days not to mention by foot.


Leo points at the corner of the pass at a rogue hiding his face with a hood as he eats. When he saw us, he gulps down the steak and kebab in moments when he fades and appears behind us saying:

"Welcome, Sensei! Didn't think a Saint and Assassin would be aquatinted did you?"

"Well, as long you use your blade for good I won't complain, Yosuke. For I too rest lives with my blade."

"This world sure changed us..."

Wearing the attire of phantoms from the Indara Frontier he is no doubt an assassin, with 4 daggers hanging on his waist and more hidden blades inside his deep blue clothes. Surprising enough, I only met Yosuke during this crusade when Leo recommend him to come. That makes it 3 students are finally found out of the missing 9, so 6 left.

Yosuke... He was once a photographer back at school, and a pacifist who would agree to end any conflict as fast as possible. I wonder if that trait is the one that inspired him to take that job?

"Hey~! Stop being so emotional. We're here to party! Oh wait, that is being emotional... Well don't be so down then or I'll stick my spear up your butts!"

"Sheesh Juzou, you've been wasted already. If you fall asleep, I'm just gonna leave you here okay?"

"Don't be so cold! You... You... hehehe!"

Approaching from another side is a man in his rough thirties, growing a dark blue beard and messy crimson hair, he wears leather armour with a bare minimum of armour on his body to protect his vitals. One thing to say, he is very eye-catchy and hard to believe is one of the wisest people in the Known World. Leo, who's trying his best to convince him in his own ways seems to find it hard to even speak or make rhyme and reason. Another one of my students I met when I was adventuring, unreliable as he maybe now, in the previous life Juzou was... He was... Nice. Yea, even as a teacher I can't tell what he likes since he always finds a new hobby every week. Not a master one but definitely a pleb of a hundred. And apparently, he's a very famous adventurer in this world too so I can only be happy that he's successful. I smiled and sigh as I approach those three to say:

"Okay, I want some thick steak, give me a big one, Leo. Show me those BBQ skills you're so proud of!"

"Oh! Coming right up, Sensei! Gather around, everyone and distribute the drinks please!"

Leo confirms my order while I follow his word and help distribute the drinks. Time passes as we all gather around a campfire made of fire gems to avoid smoke as I give the drinks one by one to them, I started to count from Komeko, Todoroki, Misaki, Takaki, Leo, Yosuke, Juzou, and me... I guess the other 2 are still in their post huh? But to be safe,

"Does anyone see, Kaga and Miyamoto?"

I ask the students who are already digging in on the bbq and most of them shake their head when Yosuke walks over to me and hand me my order saying:

"Kaga is doing her usual antics at the 2nd base and Miyamoto is training by himself in the 1st base training grounds."

Taking the plate from him, I nod saying:

"Ah, I see, thanks Yosuke... Say, what meat is this anyway? More like where did you guys get them?"

Leo points at the steaks he's barbequing saying:

"Oh, these? Those are the native animals in this Sector that live in these mountains. Long story short, it's one of the main reason this entire sector is a food base."

"I-I see, that's surprising..."

While I pick it up and observe the brown perfectly cooked meat with dripping juices. Yosuke sits across and takes a bite before saying:

"I'm just more surprise you still remember each of our names even after so long. I was starting to forget my old name too."

"Yeah, what he said, Sensei! I'm glad to have a teacher like you, wahoo!"

Misaki and Yusuke chimes in to praise me but I can't help but feel how wrong that statement is as I reply saying:

"Please, I'm not that great. I actually wanted to say... I'm sorry I let you all down by not even letting you graduate."

Resting beneath the countless stars above when everyone looks at me with shock. Takaki especially who holds my shoulder saying:

"Hitomi, the fact that you're still worried about us and tried looking for us knowing that we might not remember our past while still supporting us after death is what I call, true dedication."

"Yeah! If it's was me, I would've probably forgotten all of you and just be on my merry way. I say we're the one who doesn't deserve you Sensei. I mean it's not like I'm that kind of person, okay!"

"That's true! That's true! You manage to turn us rejects into a proper student after all. I can't thank you enough Sensei."

"Yeah, you're great... Murmur, hmm? Somebody stole my lighter!"

"Dammit, Juzou! Don't ruin the mood. But I have to agree with everyone Sensei, back then you personally took your extra hours and personally teach me so that I can pass my mid-term exams and make my parents happy back then. I can't express how thankful I am when I show them I passed and that I'm still allowed to go to school."

Hearing the praises the students give me one by one. I can't help but smile and before I knew it, tears have flown from my eyes. I try to wipe it but it just won't stop...

*sob* *sob*

"Everyone... Thank you, for still calling me your teacher. *sob* *sob*"

" "Sensei!" "

"Hitomi... It's fine, just let it all out."

"Uwaah! I'm grateful for having students like you all!"

As my feelings burst like an open dam, we all partied overnight till the moon is right over our heads... Resting my head on Takaki's shoulder I take a sip of the cold drink as I begin to think,

(17 out of the 23 students of my class Have been found. Not counting Kaoru, Sora, Yui, Sumire, Ren, Junpei, Shana and Unagi who's on the second wave. I hope you're all safe and return alive).

When I see everyone finally relax and sit down to just talk and catch up with each other. I stand on my feet and call everyone to my attention with my drink raised high.

"Everyone, listen up! The teacher is speaking!"

"What's wrong Sensei? Have you finally gotten wasted?"

"Hey, don't be rude. And besides, can those templars even get intoxicated?"

"I am keen to try with my blades once. But I got my ass woop... Literally."

I shake my head to clear their misunderstanding and continue explaining:

"No, it's not that everyone. It's just a goal I wish to achieve here for everyone and my wish as well."

"What is it Hitomi? It's rare for you to demand something so big."

"Heh! Then listen close. As of today, I have finally gathered more than half of our class or at least know who and where they are. This may be selfish of me but I wish to gather all students once again. And when that happens... Let's have a farewell Graduation, for each and every one of you before we finally accept our new lives."

Yes, I swear this upon the stars and Libera that I will make this wish come true! No matter how long it takes. Everyone looks at me with shock and awe before they nod saying:

"I guess that doesn't sound so bad."

"Yeah, maybe we could help find them."

Leo and Todoroki chime in as they toast their drinks.

"The master of all is here to solve your... Plebdoms..."

"The other missing 6 huh? I wonder where they could be? Or what they've become?"

Komeko asks back while pushing Juzou away while pinching her nose.

"Hmm, maybe I should check the bars. They might have some info."

"I may not be good at finding random people, but when you got the scent I never forget. We probably gotta tell the others as well about this."

"Hitomi, I'm always beside you to help. So count on me anytime."

Misaki and Todoroki ensure and cheer me up as well.

"Thank you, everyone..."

Everyone seems to agree as they chime in to support... When my sword starts shines, I realize what's happening. Libera has given me her blessing...

(Truly I'm blessed, thank you for giving me one more chance my Goddess).


When the moon above has finally subsided, the stars replace it once more and just like the moon, each of us has already returned to our respective resting place. Leaving me alone once again in the dead of night, even with the others cheers and joyful moments the unrest deep inside of me just won't rest in peace... Something inside of me is telling me something is wrong here... So occupied was my mine I found my self wondering around the base once again.

Even in the dead of night or safe to say before daybreak, the entire base was still active as we are now. Still... In a lack of a better term, in war. Wondering from one room to the next, that's when I notice something on the floor. Thanks to learning a skill or two from my students, this time it was Yosuke and Komeko's advice that helps me here. Noticing a hidden mechanism on the floor and some traps as well, I use this chance to sense any individual on the other side first and around me before I use levitation magic like per Yosuke's advice to feel the shape of the mechanism inside before disabling all of it. Pulling a cord and opening the hidden door, the path inside was dark. I was surprised to find this since this path is not even on the map and is located in the new section of the base that's just created. This time I followed Komeko's advice to not use night visibility magic but my own eye's natural skill so that I don't get detected in case someone might be inside. And that's easily doable since I am a Templar, someone at the peak of their mortal form.

I heard from those two that in this day and age where magic detection ability is so advanced and revolutionary thanks to a certain famous Emperor dying in his own bed. Many spy-related jobs have simply become harder as if you don't have a skill, gift or blessing to hide your magic, then you will get detected immediately after using your spells. That's why the selection process has become tougher since they're now choosing base on your physical and non-magic performance and the magic they learn has been reduced to specific skills that can only be used at a specific time. And I also heard that what makes the process of spy work in the Confederation one of the hardest in the world is that you also must be able to hide your qi and even stop your heartbeat if you have to.

But thanks to Komeko and Yusuke, it was the student's turn to teach me and I learn many beginner spy techniques to help me traverse this tunnel. Firstly, unequipping my armour for better mobility, controlling my steps, watch my surroundings, heighten my hearing, and even controlling my breathing. When I went inside, I start by closing the door and activate the traps to avoid suspicion. I was surprised by things I never saw here. From the glowing algae Komeko told me about that acts as a natural source of light, weird beetles specialise in digging and coated by the algae, magic stones of unknown use and so much more. Using them to determine the way out since they grow to the way where the wind is blowing when I found a branching path. I decided to go to a place with no algae since if my logic is correct, this will lead me to a dead-end and perhaps, a room.

And just as I suspected, there's a room in the end. Since Todoroki and Miyamoto, another student of mine said that I have no qi at all for some reason, I don't need to worry about hiding my qi and just continue onward carefully... Rather than leaning on the door, you usually lean on the open cracks the door makes when they install it on an uneven hole. So leaning on the wall where the rivets are placed is a good start. I could hear voices thanks to super my heightened sense of hearing.

"-today the phoenixes will launch their attack is it not?"

"Yes, if what their saying is true. We have to act as well."

One of the more common mistakes they told me new spies make is not hearing the conversation till the end, this could lead to massive repercussion and misunderstanding. So if you're still in no danger and well hidden, listen to the end to avoid any complication.

"Dammit that Xanxia, she just had to fall for this. Can't she just accept her retirement already? There's a reason why her own blood brother used his connections in the bureaucracy to force her to retire... I too don't want her life to end."

"Yi-Ge, calm down. We already warn her and she still chooses to come, at least respect her choices."

*slam* *clang* *crack*

"Tch! I doubt she understands what the warning is about! I hate this, Xiao-Liu... Why can't we just do this normally?"

Yelling with a monotone voice... I heard them before during the gathering of the high ranking officer. Great General Yichensha and if he's here then the other must be Liukang. What are they talking about?

"That's because it will jeopardize our employer's plans. When the time comes today, we will soon take over the bases per their orders. The only regrettable thing is those crusaders getting tricked by the propaganda machine. 11 million... They could really use that force somewhere else than this corrupted shit hole. They never even bother sending half of the food they harvest back home and the Nobles still grovel at his feet."

"At least we can thank those phoenixes for one good thing, killing that bloated rat. And soon, if all goes to plan, the entire rat segmentum will be theirs as well..."

"That's why we're here to prevent that, remember the plan?"

"Of course, the first base first and bring Ninel along with them as well when we finish the first wave."

"Good, I'll try to bring as many to our fold till the plan is set in motion."

"Xanxia... It seems I have to use more effort for this."

"Say... If-"

Hearing a conspiracy already in motion, I found my self choosing between running away now to notify this to the higher-ups or continue listening to their plan. But knowing that the time is short and that it will happen today, I choose to leave as soon as possible. Making sure no one is around again, I get out of the hidden door.


Founding myself running, dashing with my full enchantment to get to the first base as I went pass multiple passages and ascending the grand stairs that seem to touch the clouds with haste. The dawn has arrived when I finally reach the 1st base HQ where Ninel is residing. Thanks to my reputation, and standing, I was immediately allowed entry and was surprised to know that I can just visit her anytime since she is always ready to receive the words of someone important like me in case of emergencies.

Thanking the heavens, I quickly went to her office. Seeing her own Honour Guards, the female soldier with a helmet that has horns that look like a spiralling rat tail guarding the door. When they see me, they salute by making way and clasping their hands, one of them knocks on the door saying:

"Your majesty, you have a guest. It's the Templar."

A sultry voice answer back saying:

"Let her in."

With her consent, they open the door and let me inside. Her room right now is none other than the war room that is used for the whole base of operations.

"Excuse me, it is I, Galitea. Forgive me for intruding so early in the morning, Lord Ninel."

Waiting for me at the end of the room is a girl in her teenage years. Wearing an expensive robe under a military long coat, she also wears a military cap that seems to protrude only one side. Seeing Ninel in person once again, I was still amazed at her presence. For someone so young, she has achieved something even I took 2 lives couldn't accomplish. And most of all, her 9 tails that move with a mind of its own. But to me, I guess the most important thing I've been focusing on is the Light of Approval she has which means a she is a friend you could trust.

"Ohoho, didn't I told you to call me just Ninel. I don't deserve to be called Lord by the likes of a Templar."

Templars... In the eyes of many, they are the perfect warrior. But to me who is one herself, they are still filled with flaws if you remove their overwhelming might. For they are still a living being after all.

"Forgive me, it was just a force of habit."

"A habit to be polite huh? Well, take a sit. What do you wish to discuss about alone like this, Lord Galitea?"

Following her instruction, I take a sit on one of the chairs in the war room and start telling my findings. Hearing my every word, Ninel nods as her face becomes pale... She folds her hands as one of her tail strokes her chin before she replies to me saying:

"I see, so those two huh? I had my suspicion they were hiding something... And it's all happening today as well? That would explain the mass mobilization our spies picked up."

"Yes, I'm sorry that I was only able to find it today. If what they say is true, there might be more on their side and the entire Sector here could be in danger."

"I see, don't worry Lord Galitea, I'm more than thankful none the less since an outsider like you are going so far. Still, it is better to be late than sorry. I'll arrange a plan so you don't need to bother. Just make sure you can keep contributing to this effort, I can trust you on that one right?"

"Yes, You can count on me!"

Ninel smiles at my word and opens her arms while hastily using her tails to get the papers in her table saying:

"Very well, dismissed. If what they say is true and the phoenix is making their move today, then we need to get ready."

"Yes, I'll be taking my leave now. Thank you for listening, Ninel."

She starts jolting down on her paper as if she's readying for work immediately replying:

"Thank you as well, I'm more surprised that you have a wide array of skills. I hope you can use that to help those in need. Say before you leave, I have a curious question to you. If you wouldn't mind."

"Yes? What is it?"

Halted by her curiosity, I too am curious by her actions. It was when she stretches her tails on all side while she sits asking:

"Are you not disgusted of me?"


Shocked by her weird question, I start to realize what she meant. A normal person would be freaked out or scared by her abnormal number of tails but... Knowing my students and their weird antics, I started to look at the person not from their appearance but their heart. So to her question, I shake my head replying:

"Not at all, I was thinking how convenient it is if you can control so many tails at once. And for me, I say that tail makes you a very special person."

Ninel stops writing and widened her eyes as I could now see her cobalt blue eyes clearly. She then smiles pleasantly from my words and nods her head as she puts her large military hat down revealing she is missing one of her large rat ears before saying:

"You said the same thing he did. How funny. Thank you for indulging in my weird question Lord Galitea, may the spirit bless you."

She gives me a calm and pleasant smile as she seems to shine bright among the sooty sky litten room.

"It's alright... May the spirit bless you as well."

Remembering how the Xin says their goodbyes I bow my head down to take my leave. But before I could close the door, I could hear her whispering:

"Oh, the tragedies, I miss you."

Feeling something heavy lifted off my shoulders, I walk away wondering if I said something I should or hear something I shouldn't have. Even with that, I can't help but still feel something lingering in my heart but by this point, I just brush it off as being paranoid.

(I should gather, my students just in case).

When I exit the building, the ashen cloud has started to amass. The morning sun never seems to shine as the gathering storm blocks its light. I stare at the skies above once more as I begin to wonder...

(Did I do the right thing? Should I have thought this more before telling her?)


"Sensei, what's this all about? *yawn*!"

Stretching her arms high in the air as her huge chest bounce while she yawns. She's a woman in her late twenties with a beautiful figure and face while she also wears revealing clothes that could bewitch everyone. Especially her long flowing opal hair that leaves a lingering scent.

"Sorry, Kaga but I gathered all of you here to hear your opinions."

She is Kaga one of the 2 missing students during the night party for her own personal activity. Kaga who probably just woken up presses her slender index finger at her chin, tilting her head and closing her eyes. Releasing her alluring touch and presence as she thinks of something. And here she's a high-ranking scholar at the Northern Frontier Mages.

"Sensei, I doubt I can help you with this sort of stuff. Shouldn't Leo, Takaki, Yusuke and even Todoroki be the one to help you with that?"

Worried about his presence and lack of experience. Miyamoto is a wandering warrior who roams the Frontiers with only a worn-out cape, robe and a glaive on his hands. I think of him like that because saying he's homeless and jobless is pretty rude and I had to hold nack a lot since I first met him by Todoroki's suggestion. I quickly remove his worry by saying:

"No, this is something all of you need to listen."

He scratches his messy long hair and looks at the other replying:

"Okay... Let it out then."

*crackle* *crackle*

Storm clouds gather where we stand. All 9 students gather on top of the huge watchtowers on the wall with my request. Time seems to be a blur when not even the skies will tell and light never seems to reach. When I finish what I said, 3 people who are part of the Xuju, Komeko, Todoroki, and Misaki looks at each other with worry. Worried as well I look at them asking:

"Komeko, Todoroki, and Misaki, is there something wrong? Or did I do something wrong?"

Misaki, who seems to understand what's happening here shakes her head replying:

"No, Sensei I think with that little time and information I think you probably did the right thing but..."

Everyone's eyes direct towards her when she hangs her head thinking with her ears and tails wiggling for a while.

*crackle* *crackle*

When the sky cracks above the clouds Todorki moves to the centre and take the initiative by raising his hand saying:

"Um, I think we might've fallen into a trap of both sides."

Everyone now looks at him with curiosity. Todoroki may not be the brightest back in the past but as of now, he is no doubt a hero of the Rat Sector. And his armour is not for show either since he is a commander too. I heard tales of his deeds from winning a battle that seems to be impossible to win and surviving on a dangerous place inside the Sector walls.

"What do you mean, Todoroki? Do you know anything?"

Takaki asks when Todoroki nods with a serious expression saying:

"Yes, but I can't explain anything yet. But I can say this, we shouldn't trust any of the commanders for now. Keep your guard up and when the Phoenix do attack, we'll all gather at the 1st base. Bring as many soldiers with you if you can but not too much it underhand the defence of the other bases."

"Todoroki sure has gone up the world."

Leo smiles at Todoroki's words and Todoroki in return smile back saying:

"Yeah, just do what I say, for now. Me, Komeko and Misaki will wait for all of you in the first base since that's where we're stationed."

Everyone who knows of his deeds and seen him in action during the battle of the bases nods and disperse. When I was about to leave Todorki holds my shoulder, halting me in my steps when he asks:

"Say Sensei... How strong are you?"


Bewildered by his question I look back at him seeing him standing with Komeko and Misaki beside him. When he lets me go, Takaki who was walking beside me also stops and approach them asking:

"What's wrong?"

Todoroki shakes his head saying:

"No this is just confirmation in the worst case. If you can't answer that let me ask you this, are strong enough to fight Supreme Marshal Nenil."

"Nenil? What's wrong? Am I going to have to fight her Todoroki?"

"Just answer me, Sensei."

Todoroki looks at me seriously as he asks while demands an answer. Not knowing what but trusting my students, I nod at his words saying:

"I don't know her full capability but if I have to fight her then yes, I'm confident enough that I'm capable enough to defeat her."

Todoroki seems to ease at my question and smile saying:

"Good, that's what I need to hear. Sorry for holding you back."

"It's okay, Todoroki. If you need anything just ask, I'm sure all of us are willing to help."

"Okay, thanks, Sensei... May the spirits bless you."

"Ah, yes... May the spirit bless you."

Leaving those three on the watchtower, I descend with Takaki beside me. Takaki who's probably worried where all this is going seems down, wanting to cheer him up like what a proper... Girlfriend would do!

"Takaki, what's wrong? You seem down? Is something wrong?"

"Hitomi, for you to worry about me... Thanks."

"Well, I mean that's... That's what a g-girl... End... -ould do."

No matter how much I tried to say that word, it never seems to come out, and Takaki who senses what's going on smiles with his ikemen face and takes the chance by asking:

"Hmm? Sorry, Hitomi, can you repeat that last word?"

"Aaaah! You big jerk! I'm worried for you and this is how you treat me!? Your... Your..."

My face burns incandescently red when Takaki pats my head with a gentle smile replying:

"Sorry, Sensei, I just love seeing your blush face. But you need to get used to it too, we've been dating for a few months now."

By this point, I realize that my face has probably exploded from embarrassment.

(I mean, who said such a thing! We're not in a game okay! Well, I mean this is not even the old world but still!)

I found my self punching Takaki on his shoulder fully irritated while he laughs... Seeing him, happy I guess my mission was still a success. When we reach the first floor, Takaki grabs me by my shoulder and push me to the corner of the spiralling wall. Putting his arm above my shoulder he corners me like a rat as I realize...

(This is the kabedon is it not!?)

My face burns red once again as I try to push him away saying:

"T-Takaki, this is... Not the right time... And what if someone sees us?"

"Oh? So we can do it privately?"

(Stop counter arguing me!)

"No! I mean... Aaah!"

I drum on his chest in anger and frustration for my lack of words when he grabs both my hands saying:

"No, Sensei, I'm serious now. I just need to find a place where we can discuss it."


Still confused and conflicted by my own feelings Takaki lets me go and look at his back before saying:

"Hitomi, don't you ever wonder."

"About what?"

I tilt my head asking and Takaki straighten my head up replying:

"I'm talking about the other side of the coin. I mean have you ever wondered why the Phoenix even attack? Why the isolationist Phoenix even start this invasion? Why are the Rat Sector inside the Phoenix Segmentum? Then there's an internal problem from within me that keeps asking why do I even join this war..."

Takaki backs away grasping his hands filled with accessories and continue saying:

"I started the journey forcefully as it may be, is because I wanted an adventure. To explore this new fantasy world filled with magic that our old world don't have. That's why I wanted to become an adventurer and you came along as well and told me to help out with searching for the other students while we travel. But now, we're nothing more than mercenaries, the more I fight the more I realize I don't want to be here."

Seeing Takaki motivation breaking apart, I pat his head and give him a hug saying:

"I see, I'm sorry you have to follow along-"

"No, Hitomi, that's not it."

"Listen till the end, will you!"


Takaki hangs his head down which lets me tiptoe and put my chin on top as I hug him deep in my arms before I could say:

"If you can't feel the motivation then find another motivation to help you along. Being able to cope is part of being an adult. Like right now, your friends need your help. I know you may not like this but please, just stay here a bit longer okay? For your friends, and at least for me. It won't be long till we're finally finished as well. When we continue our adventure, you can ask me for anything."

I could feel him bobbing his head within my arms and he returns the hug as well. Pushing his head up, he looks face to face as our nose touch saying:

"Yeah, thanks Hitomi. So... Anything was it?"

Finally realizing what I said, I try to back away but Takaki is still hugging me tight within his arms. My face burns as I try to push him away saying:

"W-Wait, I-I... I mean- don't think anything dirty!"

I cover his eyes and he smirks replying:

"Dirty? I was thinking about having a date, but now I'm curious, Hitomi... What is dirty?"

"I hate you, you jerk!"


Takaki tightens his grip with his immense magic as I'm now powerless in his arms since I can't lie to my feelings.

"Let me go! Aaah, using strength enchantments not fair!"

"Sorry, Hitomi. But let me have this hug a little longer."