The Black Serpent Sect, under the enigmatic and ruthless leadership of Master Xue, was renowned across the land for their unconventional approach in the martial arts realm.
At the center of this sect was a young woman named Xue Yan, the adopted daughter of Master Xue himself. Xue Yan's early life was shrouded in mystery and tragedy. Kidnapped at birth from a prominent family, she was intended to be a pawn in a vicious game of revenge. However, before her captor could exact his plans, the Black Serpent Sect descended upon them, leaving no survivors save for the infant Xue Yan.
Recognizing her potential even at such a tender age, Master Xue took Xue Yan under his wing and raised her as his own. Under his tutelage, Xue Yan blossomed into a formidable force within the sect. Gifted with extraordinary intellect and an innate understanding of poisons, she quickly became the sect's most promising disciple in the art of toxicology.
The female lead is an ANATAGONIST.