Chapter 3 - Mysterious Man

A little boy was wandering around the mountains, he was with his Mom and they were doing camping.

They have a cabin somewhere in the forest. It was bright and sunny morning, chirps and natures voice was heard throughout the forest.

He was skipping and hopping on small ponds creating ripples and splashes. He was giggling and laughing while playing around. Then suddenly, a loud crash not far from the boy's position was heard, it sounded so eerie that it felt like it was the sound of a mans groan.

The boy fell to the ground but he quickly got to his feet and ran back to his mother.

'MOOMMM!' The boy kept screaming on the way back to camp.

A young woman who looks to be about 20 years old stepped walked out of a cabin. She saw the little boy running towards her direction and screaming.

She was actually sleeping until just a moment ago but was disturbed by the loud sound, she turned her head to take a look at her little boy, but sooon her heart began to worry, her son was not beside her. At that she also went out to look for him. But seeing him safe made her happy.

She made her way towards her little kid and hugged him tight, and rained him with kisses for awhile, after setting him down.

'Alexander! Where did you go? don't you know how worried I was?' the woman spoke angrily

The little boy looked down and answered 'I-m Sorry...' he was fidgeting and avoiding eye contact towards the woman.

Only a few meters away, a rustle was heard from behind the bushes.


It was a large brown bear. It was probably attracted to the noise. Brown bears are omnivorous creature's they can eat both plants and meat, with their sharp teeth and body strength they can easily tear any human apart, only if the defender has no weapons.

But in this case a harmless 4 year old and a frail woman how would they be able to defend themselves in such a situation.

Behind the brown bear were small, lesser versions of the the large bear. The woman tightly hold on to her son and stayed still, hoping that the bear would soon leave and not notice them.

Sniff! Sniff!

A horrofied look was plastered on the woman's face. She was panicking at this moment, only the safety of her son was making her keep it together.

She looked at her son, who shows no reaction. Her son looked up to her eyes and he notices how her face looked weird, he still didn't understand the severity of the situation but he kept silent.

The snarl of the bear was getting closer and closer, finally she couldn't take it anymore and screamed. She moved her son in front of her and told him to run while she distracts the bear. He kept tugging her but she pushed him away, he fell to the ground.

They boy was crying now, he felt wronged. He doesn't understand the situation but he still got up and ran away. He kept running, he didn't know but he was going to where the noise came from. The boy running tripped on rock and fell into a crater, which he didn't notice.

He saw a young man around his twenties, around the man was a pile of rubble. The forest was destroyed and no trees were found as far as the eyes can see.

The young man's eyes twitched for a moment before opening them. He stood up and shook off the dusts on his clothes.

The young man was wearing a plain white shirt and jeans although the clothing was plain it outlined his toned muscles.

If anyone were to look in to his face, they would be charmed at how handsome he was. He was now scanning the area until his eyes met with a little boy, he smiled which revealed his perfect white teeth. His figure turned blurry, disappeared and reappeared in front of the boy.

Kneeling down in and making eye contact with the boy he asked, "Little one, what are you doing in such a dangerous place?" His voice was sweet and full of affection, sounding so concerned the boy was instantly charmed and hugged the man, tears and snot running down his face.

Waaahhhhh wahhhh 'Please.. help my mom!' Alexander pleaded

Instantly knowing the problem the man still asked 'Little one what seems to be the problem?'

'Mom.. she..' Alexander stopped talking with his mouth agaped. He doesn't really know what happened but he knows something was wrong.

'Point me to where you came from little one' Alexander nodded and pointed at a direction in the forest.

Grabbing the boy with one hand and he started running.

After a few seconds they reached the cabin. The boy screamed while crying 'MOOMMMM! where are you..... DONT LEAVE ME PLEASE' He was frantically searching the cabin and looking everywhere.

But to his dismay, he didn't even find a trace. He layed at the front porch and kept crying, he was muttering 'you promised me...'

Not far away from the cabin, the man noticed a few pieces of cloth and a few bloodstains. He looked up and sighed.