In the world of Alteya lives three prominent kingdoms, Krantz, Aerindal, and Amir. The people of Krantz, who behold the essence of a lion. The people of Aerindal, who behold the grace of deers. And the people of Amir, who behold the danger of a scorpion. Having fought a long war these three kingdoms have come to a truce. With this truce comes an unforseen conflict in which the fate of war rests upon the decision of the young Prince of Krantz, Regil. With that said, the story begins to unfold two days before the first banquet of three which is to be held at the Kingdom of Aerindal. The protagonist, Regil, has just finished subduing a group of bandits he had come across on his patrol outside of Krantz. Aside from the kingdoms and their traits, magic also exists in the world of Aerindal. With the existence of magic three fundamental rules were created. First, mana is needed to cast magic. Second, mana is non-transferable towards other people. And the third rule is...