I ran and ran.
I am sure that I am running furiously. Every fibre of my muscles seemed to groan under stress as I pushed forward desperately to move.
With absolute certainty, I felt overcome by something.
Maybe it was hunger that forced my little feet to move.
Maybe it was fear that pushed my dirty back.
Whatever it was, the reason is being overshadowed by my urge to run.
I kept running and never once looked back.
I ran and ran, until I tripped over something and fell. Naturally, my knee was scratched and I was hurt. Even so, I mustered some strength and picked myself up. And I started running again, despite being hurt.
Now that I think about it, hunger may be too little a reason to push me that far. But as to why I am so determined, I am not really in a mood to care. The pain seemed to prey on that reason within my mind. To this young and weak me, pain is a big deal.
I probably ran for half a day. Suddenly, my focus on running is stolen away by the light shining on my face.
It is so blinding, I felt as if my sight is being robbed away from me.
The next moment, a kind voice entered my ears. Such a voice ended up being a memorable melody because of the joy and gratitude hidden behind each word spoken towards me. It is a heart-warming memory I end up somewhat cherishing in the future.
Thereafter, voices of different emotions flew about, but I am too exhausted and relieved to care. All I know is the fact that my running has come to an end.