"Other than that, we also found the so-called treasure in your sect." Lin Yi didn't give uncle Fu too much time to react and continued, "It's a strange white stone. "
"What? you've even found a treasure? Where is the treasure now?" Uncle Fu looked at Lin Yi in surprise and excitement, but he quickly shook his head, "I'm sorry, Yi, I was too excited. You found the treasure, so it's yours. Even master didn't say anything about it, so I won't ask for it back ..."
"Even if you wanted it, there's none left. You told me to give it to someone else." Lin Yi said with a smile.
"You gave it away?" Uncle Fu was shocked. He wouldn't say anything if Lin Yi took it for himself, but giving it away was a big loss."Who did you give it to? That thing is very precious ..."
"I gave it to sun Jingyi." "I told her to use it on house sun's practitioner's Arts," Lin Yi replied.