Peace and happiness prosper in the Kingdom of Sudia. In a meanwhile, Kaliyah went to her special room where she stored Cavaxus's head, heart and the seal and Draco's preserve body. Amnon went in and asked Kaliyah once more on how she defeated Cavaxus. Kaliyah then repeated the story. Amnon ask for permission to leave the kingdom to visit his family. Kaliyah agreed and let him go. Joyful days reign over Sudia. A knight went in and said that there will be an upcoming storm and Kaliyah ordered her people to prepare. Five dark days passed, the storm didn't show up. Kaliyah wondered why is it like that. A helper went in and said, "Your majesty, the things in princess Kaliyah's special room was gone." Kaliyah and the queen stood up and went immediately to the room and saw what the helper said. They're all curious on how that happened. There was a big burst that the door was destroyed. "Cavaxus," said Kaliyah to herself. "Surprise, your majesty," said Cavaxus smiling. "Why are you alive?" asked Kaliyah. "Let's not go to that. It's just a waste of time," said Cavaxus. He burst fire out of his mouth and burned the castle. All the people ran as fast as they could to save their lives. Kaliyah ordered one of her knight to protect her mother. She gets her sword and fought Cavaxus. She encountered difficulty in defeating Cavaxus for the seal wasn't with her. A man appeared out of nowhere, wearing a cloak, that coves his head. He ordered Cavaxus to stop and leave. Cavaxus followed him and left the kingdom. Kaliyah has to figure out who is the person behind the cloak. She packed her sword and went back to Cavaxus's lair. She said good bye and I love you to her mother before leaving. She walked quietly so that no one will notice her. Kaliyah hide herself behind the rocks, poked her head in order to see what happens. She saw a familiar back view of someone. He was talking to Cavaxus. She thought of Amnon. She stood up and said, "How dare you, traitor us, Amnon." Amnon faced and said, "Princess Kaliyah, we met again." "haven't you remember? The time you make me feel sad? The time my daughter was gone? How could you do that? What took you so long to defeat that serpent? You really have it as timing that my daughter didn't survived?" Amnon was full of tears saying it to Kaliyah. Her tears also fell. "I also experienced that Amnon. I lost my father," said Kaliyah. "I didn't blame you. I blame myself for not helping him. Go back to our side. Give me the seal, I'll take care of it." Amnon was encouraged by Kaliyah's words and was about to give the seal but Cavaxus intervenes Amnon not to give the seal to Kaliyah. "I am your master; you should obey me" said Amnon. "I will give this to her and you shall not intervene." Cavaxus yell and bowed to Amnon, gave the seal to Kaliyah and said, "Revive the life of Amnon's daughter." Cavaxus said that it would be easy to have her body with him to bring back her life. They went back to the mountain and saw the decayed body of Amnon's daughter. Cavaxus recited a ritual in reviving life. Then the child's body was healed completely and was brought back to life. Amnon and his daughter rejoiced and thanked Kaliyah. Kaliyah faced Cavaxus raised the seal in front of him and said, "Open the portal and go back to the Netherworld where your kinds fit in. Never come back in here and never ruin someone's lives." Cavaxus have no choice but to follow Kaliyah. He opened the portal and he was sucked up and was forced to get in. Kaliyah, Amnon and his daughter went back to the kingdom. A feast was celebrated of three victories Kaliyah won and being as their new queen in the Kingdom of the Sudia.