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The world was once set on fire by an all out war for territories between Witches, Warlocks, Mages, Necromancers until a fragile peace was made by all four clans, unbeknownst to normal people they split the world into four piece each clan taking one. Hundreds of years have passed since then and a young Witch Tara Jensen is tasked with investigating the resurgence of a threat that has come upon the world, an evil once believed to be merely a story, an evil more powerful than anything that has existed. Will they come together and fight or will the past come in the way of these clans.

Chapter 1 - Chapter One: Smoke


Tara Jensen, a twenty five year old witch, had begun to get tired of sitting on the airship on its way to the island of Skelligrier on orders by The Sebanaca more commonly known as 'The Agency' to investigate a magic anomaly.

The brunt of her attention was on focused on staring out the window as she did her best to ignore the piercing stare from the lady dressed in an elegant purple dress seated next to her who was glaring at her tattoo covered hands and the neck with a look of slight disgust on her face.

Tara was a beautiful girl with high cheek bones, a strong yet subtle jawline and brown eyes. Her charcoal black long dreadlocks were tied in a neat ponytail.

Being a witch meant the more profient you became, the more tattoos you received minus the pain of having to sit for hours to have a needle run over your skin. Which magic tattoos simply appeared on your skin.

Each tattoo represented anything from a simple spell to the most complex of incantations. Each tattoo was burned into the skin and it's meaning committed to memory, that way there is no need to lug around spell books and scrolls.

Tara is dressed in black jeans, a black vest, leather jacket and zip up boots, all of which cover most of the tattoos on her body. Tattoos that would surely horrify the lady in purple.

The airship itself had ten rows of seats. A row that sat three on the left, a row that sat three on the right and a row that sat four in the middle. It was build like a giant flying glass display with a view of the sky and the world below them from anywhere in the passenger area.

Tara sat up preparing for her stop which is coming up, just as they passed over Blard in the Country of Kleley in Mage territory and Skelligrier was next.

Ten minutes passed and an announcement came over the intercom system from the captain informing those left on board to fasten their seat belts as they would be close to landing.

The airship began its descend shortly after, lowering towards a landing dock on the ground below.

Tara eyed the small solitary building airport the size of a small apartment with impatience, she simply wanted to get off and begin her work.

The airship landed on the dock

As soon as the captain announced that people could exit she was the first person to stand and make her way towards the exit.

She was seemingly unaware of a tall pale old man with a neatly trimmed beard dressed in a sharp black suit and hat who seemed to have been following her.


She made her way off the airship and across the tarmac entering the small airport building which is relatively empty apart from two people sitting at the coffee shop on the far end of it. As well as a few people seated in the waiting area and some of the employees and security.

The pale man still followed from fair distance behind her walking in the small group of people who had exited the airship.

Tara exited the airport and stood on the edge of the sidewalk outside in silent contemplation and stared up at the sky and sighed happy to be on the ground at last, the skies above were cloudy and the air was cold, the first signs that winter was coming.

A breeze blew by piercing her skin, shivered slightly and rubbed her shoulders, cursing herself for having not dressed warmer.

She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes drawing one out she staring at it for a moment.

I really should quit sometime she thought as she exhaled foggy breath.

She shrugged and placed the cigarette in her mouth.

With her thumb she touched the small fire tattoo on her index finger, it flashed a golden yellow before the tip of her finger ignited lighting the cigarette, she took a deep long drag and held it in her lungs before exhaling it.

"That's a bad habit." Said the man who had been following Tara as he came into view and stood next to her.

Tara looked up at the man next to her..

He looks like a guy who might be the composer for a classical music band she thought but said nothing. She simply took a long pull of her cigarette and waited for the cab approaching from the left side.

The cab was a modified 1960 Ford Falcon, painted blue, it ran on a steam powered engine, two exhaust pipes protruded from the back and two more just behind the front tires all released a steady clear steam.

Tara opened the cab door but stopped before going in.

"You follow me again and I'll knock your block off." She said before then she got inside

The cab took off as soon as she entered leaving the tall pale man standing by the sidewalk with a slight smile on his face, as though he'd just been challenged to a dare he couldn't possibly turn down.

"Where to miss?" Asked the cab driver, a plump man with a kind face.

"The pier, please." Replied Tara politely.

The cabbie nodde and increased speed.

"Somethin' weird went down there a couple days ago, lots'a people claimin' they seen a flash'a light and a heard somethin', nobody's gone near there since." Said the cabbie

"Yeah well that's why I'm here." Said Tara in a low whisper as she stared out the window

"You say somethin'? Asked the Cabbie as he looked back through the rear view mirror

"Uh yeah, what are they saying is the cause for it?" Asked Tara

"Magic or some silly shtick like it, if you believe in that kinda thing."

"Anybody see anyone or thing?" Asked Tara picking her words carefully

"Uh, there's some kid, three year old they say he's messed up in the head, say he saw somethin' other worldly and he ain't been the same... Uh what's word starts wit'a C, has cat in it, help me out here." said the cabbie his face creased as he was trying hard to pull on the word at the tip of his tongue.

"Catatonic?" said Tara, leaning forward

"Yeah, yeah's right, cata—whatever you said."

"You know where I might find this child?"

"He's in the hospital, we only got two on the island 'nd neither of 'em's big so he probably ain't so hard to find."

"Right," Tara said, her eyes darted from left to right as she considered her options.

"Why you so curious?" Asked the cabbie.

"I guess you could say I'm a supernatural specialist." Said Tara with a smile

"Oh yeah?" Exclaimed the cabbie with a smile, "that's pretty neat, you write'a report or somethin' you be sure to mention Henry the cabbie, describe me as a unusually handsome cabbie, okay?" Said Henry chuckling

"I'm sure I can work that in there," Replied Tara with a slight giggle.

The cab came to a halt next to a set of ascending stone steps on a slightly elevated bit of sandy ground.

Henry turned to face Tara, "Pier's just up those steps, and if you need a ride, you call me or text me, both numbers are on there." He said as he handed her a card with two numbers

-456 890 456 for a Dialer to call.

-966 5 for a texter to send a text message.

"Thanks Henry, that's really sweet of you," Said Tara smiling as she opened the door and exited the cab.

"See you around." Said Henry just as Tara closed the door

The pier is set on high ground from where Tara stood she could see a snaking road that lead down to the main road that lead to the town. The entire place was surrounded by lush green grass.

She could see the airport in the distance, some farm houses and the town of the island of Skelligrier. A thick looking forest was behind the town. It was as though whoever had decided to put the pier at this particular place was a guardian of island, wanting to it's entirety.

Henry's had driven off and the expression of pleasantness on Tara's face had gone with it replaced by a look of seriousness, her fists were clinched in anticipation.

A lingering feeling that an immensely powerful magical presence was all around she could feel it's pressure pushing down on her as she took the first step up.

She made her way up the stairs slowly. The more steps she took towards the top the stronger the pressure became, the more goosebumps that formed on her skin and the more hairs that stood on the back of her neck.

She reached the top and walked across the pier and stood on the edge as she looked out at the rough rocky waters below which on occasion exposed jagged rocks that could tear a person apart if they from where she stood.

"Two days removed and there's still this much magical residue, the hell was here? Well time to get to work." She thought.

Tara removed her jacket and and placed it neatly on the ground to reveal the tattoos on her arms they were an array of writing, symbols and images.

On her left forearm there were three sentences writing in Cigam, the language of magic, and an orb tattoo. This was the spell she needed.

She touched both the words and the orb and they began to glow golden-yellow. She then touched a similar orb tattoo on her right forearm it also maintained a golden-yellow glow.

The orbs on either arm represented sight to see what normal eyes could not and to see visions even though they were broken at times. The sentences read:

Htgnerts em deef srotsecna eht fo sgnisselb eht yam (May the blessings of the ancestors feed me strength)

Epoh em evig regna rieht fo erif eht (The fire of their anger give me hope)

Yaw ym thgit modsiw rieht dna (And their wisdom light my way)

Tara stood with her arms aloft, her palms facing up and her eyes closed, she recited the three sentences on her left arm in Cigam three times.

The glowing orbs and the sentences began to hum gently.

The sound of the ocean hitting against the pier pillars fell away. The blowing winds slowed down until they fell silent.

Her eyes snapped open, her pupils had become the same steady golden-yellow glow as the tattoos on her arms.

Em ot laever (show me)

In an instant the sun set and rose then set again.

I became dark out now with a crescent moon lighting down.

Tara lowered her hands and turned around. Behind her a figured moved in slow motion, a massive silhouetted figure. Emanating from this shrouded image was menacing purple smoke that trailed behind the figure and fell over the edge of the peer.

She ran a hand over it but immediately drew her hand back with winced a pained expression, she brought her hand to her face where a quickly fading purple burn was on across her palm.

This is strong magic she thought.

Tara walked around the purple aura careful to pick her way. She came to stand a few steps away from this massive menacing form. From where she now stood it was as though the magical pressure it gave off was seeping its way in through her pores filling her with fear by the second, a bead of sweat navigated its way down her face.

It was as though whoever or whatever that was knew someone would attempt to see them and shrouded themselves in the purple darkness, all but the eyes. Eyes that seemed to stare right into Tara's soul. The part that should have been the white of the eyes were purple and the irises blood red filled with a focused malice sent chills down Tara's spine so deep the spell she had cast flickered violently before it fell apart.

Everything returned to the way it was, it was light out once more, the wind blew and the sound of the ocean splashing against the pier pillars and rocks below returned.

Tara looked down at her shaking hands with a look of, she felt a fear she never had. She was surprised that a mere lingering memory could make her spell shatter the way it had. The sun had begun to set it's light bathed her in an orange red.

Shrouded in smoke, but still scary, no wonder that boy went catatonic, I can't imagine what seeing whatever that is in its purest form and must have felt like. I need to go and find that kid, I need to see what he saw. She thought.

Tara put her jacket back on and rushed off the pier.

As she ran down the stone steps however she came to a halt mid-descent because at the bottom stood the tall pale, bearded man in the sharp suit and hat. He leaned against a steam powered black 1963 Chevrolet Corvair Testudo its pair of high set exhausts protruded from at the back.

"Interesting new player that has shown up isn't it?" He asked as Tara reached the bottom of the steps.

Tara made her way toward the man and walked right past him and past his car.

She reached into her jean pocket and pulled out a Dialer, for calling, from it and from her jacket pocket she pulled out Henry's card to enter the number but didn't dial it. She came to a halt at the part of the road that went downhill and exhaled slowly.

She took in the view of the island which was at that point tinted with a touch of red from the setting sun behind her. This was an effort to compose herself because her hands still shook.

She temporarily replaced her dialer within her pocket to pull out another cigarette which she lit up, she immediately felt calmer as she smoked.

"Beautiful place this island, not very big but quite beautiful. Filled with a people content with what they have. Time has had no effect on them, figuratively of course." Said the man as he slowly approached

Tara turned and faced the man looking up at his bearded face.

"Who are you? What do you want? Why were you sent here?" She blurted out, "Are those the questions you want asked? Is that why you keep bothering me with random statements and popping up wherever I am?"

The man seemed taken aback as he scratched his beard and chuckled, "Charles Vincent Mahoney and I believe we are both here for the same reason, the same reason the a Necromancer was sent here on the same night of the event and a Warlock the very next morning, we were just left in the dark a bit longer than them."

Tara's eyebrows creased in quick thought at the mention of a Necromancer and Warlock having been there before her, "And how exactly do you know that?" she asked

"I have my ways," He replied as folded his arms behind him

Tara nodded and took a couple of steps toward him. "Okay Charlie, that doesn't explain why you're following me."

"Charles dear girl. You sure you wouldn't rather hear about why I say something random on occasion?" He said sarcastically

"Ah old man's got jokes, great," said Tara, she was far from impressed.

Tara took out her Dialer once more having finally regained control of her hands, she dialed Henry's number and she brought it to her ear as it began to ring.

"Calling your cabbie to go and see the boy I assume, ride with me instead, I'll drop you off." Charles said calmly.

Tara ignored him.

"Hello, Henry speakin' what can I do you for?"

"Hey Henry, you me dropped off by the peer my name's Tara." she replied

"Ohh yeah the lil' miss, you need a ride?"

"I have some information you might want to know, about the something or someone that was here, if you're interested I'll be in the car." Whispered Charles before he turned and walked back towards his car.

Tara's curiosity had been tickled and against her better judgement she always wanted to know what exactly had tickled it and why.

"Hello? You still there?"

"Shit. Yeah Henry, sorry about that, can I call you back about that ride, I just realised I forgot to take my jacket." Said Tara ended the dial and stomped her foot in frustration, she'd been played and she knew it.

She turned back the way she came and got into the car.

She glared at Charles who had a smug smile on his face and a satisfied twinkle in his eye, Tara stiffled a low growl and the urge to use a spell on him.

"Talk." She said

"The hospital it is," replied Charles, as he turned his eyes and started the car and headed down the snaking road.

Both of them sat quietly in the car, classical music playied softly on the stereo. After some time, just as the car reached the bottom of the snaking road, Charles decidef it had become time to do some talking.

"There's a legend about five hundred years old, about a man, ordinary, no magic potential whatsoever who was approached by a Mage, a Necromancer, a Witch and Warlock offering this man an opportunity to be greater than he was. Now this man was not married, had no children and spent most of his nights at the bottom of a barrel of alcohol, the man being very enticed by this offer accepted it immediately. As the legend goes they took him to an undisclosed location and after 80 days of what is said to have been a mix of excruciating pain and erotic pleasure those four turned that man into a new kind of Cigam creature." Said Charles, with a pause to look over at Tara to ensure she was paying attention

"But like all creations he was far too powerful for his masters and went rogue, at first he went after everyone who had ridiculed him and killed them, every woman who refused his approaches and killed them too. When that was done he apparently grew a greater understanding through the vast knowledge of magic that had been infused into him." Said Charles

"What happened to him? Did his masters ever find him?" asked Tara

"No he was never found, there are stories obviously, some say he died, some say he ascended to the Gods, some say he simply vanished, the list is endless. 10 years of studying and researching and that is all I've ever found out not even a name, not even a scrap of evidence to prove that four Cigam people even did it." Said Charles, a distant look in his eyes as he ground his teeth in frustration.

Tara could tell that this particular topic meant something to him, perhaps as a scholar.

"So you think this legend of yours is what showed up and got everyone's attention?" She asked

"It might be, what else could show up with a power so intense it catches everyone's attention even the normals." He replied

Tara shook her head, "The power that radiated from that place, the fear it gave me, something like that doesn't just disappear or be hidden for five hundred years it's not possible. I mean if I concentrate hard enough I can feel Adragin's power and presence despite his imprisonment, sometimes even the other magic folk's imprisoned Forces' power, but with this…. Nothing."

"Or maybe that story is just that, a legend." Said Charles with a shrug

"Charles, our existence is basically legend, whatever is legend to everyone has always been a reality to the Cigam." She said

Silence fell once again in the car as its two passengers plunged into deep thought as they drove into the city.

A city of cobble stoned streets, short buildings and tenements it was a flat area, with not very many cars either. A city that seemed as though it was plucked from the early human advances, given a touch of technology in the form of electricity and the clean alternative of steam engine vehicles then refused to go past that. Tara found its simplicity to be beautifully appealing.

Night time fast approached as darkness began to decend, streets lights shone brightly and illuminated the streets.

Tara watched as people went about what their business some headed into their homes after a long day, others closed up their shops, some walked their dogs. They drove past a bar as it opened up to people waiting outside and she was almost tempted to join them.

One of the largest structures was the hospital that Charles and Tara approached in the car. A massive LED banner that reading "Skelligrier General" greeted them as they turned and drove around the building to its parking lot, there were only four other cars parked there.

"How do you know he's here?" Asked Tara

"Just a hunch." Replied Charles

"Alright, thanks for the ride." She said abruptly opening the door and shutting it behind her.

Tara briskly walked out of the car park and around to the front entrance of the hospital.

The doors slid open as she came within their vicinity, she stepped inside. The inside was brightly lit which disoriented her slightly as she blinked several times to adjust her vision.

A hall way extended to her left and another shot forward straight ahead past the front desk.

Tara headed straight for the front desk touching the tattoo of a spiral within a circle on her neck as she walked, this was a charm tattoo meant to make anything she spoke completely believable no matter how ridiculous it may have sounded. Her eyes flashed a golden-yellow.

Behind the desk sat a lady in her mid-30s, she had short blonde hair and blue eyes, she smiled brightly revealing a perfect row of white teeth as Tara approached, Tara returned the smile with one of her own.

"Hi." Said Tara

"Good evening madam, my name is Libby, how might I be of service?" Replied Libby

"Uhm, my little cousin was brought here a couple of nights ago, something happened at the pier and he was brought here and he's catatonic I hear, I really need to see him I've come a long way and I-------." Said Tara, as she faked the cracking of her voice and conjured tears in her eyes

As if on instinct Libby pulled a couple of tissues out and handed them to Tara who gave a soft word of thanks and dabbed her eyes.

"You mean little Danny Leon, he's right down the hall to you left, room E5." Said Libby, her cheerful demenor replaced by a sorrowful look on Tara's behalf.

"Thank you," Tara said, with a sniff and a smile before she walked away slowly to add effect

"If you need anything, just shout." Said Libby

"Okay," replied Tara, without turning, she headed straight for the boy's room. She touched the tattoo again breaking the charm as she reached the door.

She stepped inside shut the door behind her.

Inside the room is a hospital bed, a young dark haired boy lay in it with a colourful blanket drapped over him, he lay facing up his eyes closed.

This is him alright, thought Tara noting the feeling of magic residue she felt off him.

"You deserve an award for that acting ---"

Tara pulled a pocket knife that nestled in her inner leather jacket pocket and in one quick fluid motion flicked it open as she turned on her heel and placed the tip of the blade on Charles' Adam's apple.

"Okay, remind me to never sneak up behind you, if we're ever in each other's company after this." Said Charles, his hands slightly raised.

"Sorry ---- you startled me." Said Tara as she pulled back and replaced her knife in her pocket.

"Clearly." He said

"Anyway, I got what I need while you were giving your soap opera performance. I have a boat at the docks leaving at 22:00, I can have it drop you off at Cape Oregon in your Witch territory if you're interested in a free trip." Said Charles

"No thanks, I still have business to attend to and I have a airship ticket for tomorrow. It wasn't nice to meet you at first but you don't seem like a complete dick so that's a good thing." She replied

Charles chuckled, "You are a quick witted young lady who's never afraid to say what's on her mind, may we meet again young Tara." Said Charles hand extended toward Tara

"I don't remember telling you my name,"

"I overhead you speaking to your cabbie."

"Riighht." She said nodding slowly as she shook his hand.

As soon as they let go, Charles turned sharply and exited the room.

"That's one strange old man." Whispered Tara

She turned her attention back to Danny, she approached his bed side. As she stared down at the innocent, peaceful looking face of the boy she couldn't help the tugging of a slight smile on the corners of her mouth.

Enough of that she thought as she touched the orb tattoo on her right hand and placed a hand on Danny's forehead, she closed her eyes and began chanting.

Ohka olhemgna, oyelinobuko esinobign, oyelinobuko esinobign (Allow me to see what you have seen through your eyes)

Each time she repeated the chant the orb tattoo glowed brighter and brighter as the spell set in.

Danny's eyes suddenly snapped open with the entirely of both his eyes glowing golden-yellow, the room grew pitch black as everything fell away.

Tara now stood in a dark endless space. In front of her stood Danny with a petrified stare in his eyes. He was not staring at Tara rather he stared past her.

All of a sudden a force began to push down on her and its pressure increased as it pushed down on Tara's shoulders, forcing her to go down on all fours. With a groan she tried to push herself up to her feet but found herself immediately pushed back down with even more force than before.

As she tried to stand a third time she was down flat on her stomach. Then the spell shattered in a quick bright flash of light that left black spots dancing before hers eyes forcing her to fumble for the bedside chair and sit.

She took a breath and stood.

Well that's different... I better call request a healer to come down here and bring Danny back. She thought.

She knew she needed to report soon as well, this particular threat worried her.

Tara pulled out her dialer and dialed three simple digits 691, it rang once and is picked up, the person on the other end did not speak, but their calm breathing could be heard.

"Tara Jensen, 95TJ22, calling from Skelligrier, put me through to the healers department." Said Tara

Tara waited as she was put through.

"Ms Jensen, how may we help you?" Came a soft female voice from the other end

"A little boy was exposed to some form of magic, an unidentified curse is on him it has his consciousness stuck in a loop, send someone as soon as possible, name is Danny Leon, Skelligrier General room E5." She replied

"Any ideas on the source this magic came from?" Asked the lady on the other end

"I do not know, it's….. different from any I've seen."

"Someone will be there tomorrow as early as possible."

"Thank you." Said Tara

She cut the dial and immediately dialed Henry the cabbie's number.

"My new favourite customer, needing that ride now?"

"Yeah, I'm at Skelligrier General, how long will it take you to get here?"

"Not long, 'bout two minutes, I'm just completing a fare right 'round the corner."

"Awesome, see you then."