Chereads / The Love That Remains / Chapter 90 - We have to prepare for a wedding

Chapter 90 - We have to prepare for a wedding

"Brother, it looks like you have won." Arius pops up behind Reis. "A demonic god, huh? Everyone in heaven is talking about this."

"Are you not going to save your ward?" Reis asks him quietly. "She worshipped you a lot."

"I have paid her back in full." Arius sighs. "I am tired of her tactics. You know me. I am Death. I hate the ones who cheat me. Dabria has cheated me repetitively. But, things were not in my hand. As a god, I am the slave of the ones who truly worship me with their whole hearts."

Reis leans back on the wall. "Now, you are not her slave?"

"She forgot about me after getting the spell." Arius grins. "I wouldn't want her to go to the hell or reincarnate. That place is perfect for her. You know me well, Brother."

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