Chereads / The Love That Remains / Chapter 72 - You have killed her a long time ago.

Chapter 72 - You have killed her a long time ago.

Sung Jun stands in front of the crowd. He watches them with a haunting emptiness. It's his second time, standing here and watching them. He doesn't smile or say a word for a long time.

"Everyone is here?" He ignores the councilman and asks Bae Jaemin who has been standing by his side since he came to the council.

"Yes," Bae Jaemin replies after a pause. Sung Jun doesn't look good. There is something in his eyes that scares him a bit. He can guess that something bad is going to happen.

"The previous president has been found guilty of colluding with the demons and lawless dark practitioners. All of you are charged guilty. Nobody is allowed to leave the vicinity until the person is proven not guilty."

Dead silence.

"That's...a bit..." One of the councilmen tries to speak up, but he shuts his mouth when he meets Sung Jun's cold eyes. He touches his neck subconsciously. Offending a kind-ranked shaman is a death sentence.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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