Lance Pendragon

Height: 5' 11" or 180.3cm

Age: 24

Colour scheme: Tan, green

Hair: Brown

Race: Human(Bren)[3/4]/Dracoman(Featherwing Dragon)[1/4]

Personality: Calm but energetic, willing to help, loyal.

Blood Type: O

Altorian Year Zodiac: Ox

-Those born within the year of the Ox, are more free-spirited than others. They are more determined to go out and do their own thing their own way.

Altorian Celestial Zodiac: Lancer

- The Lancer and those born under this sign, have a sense of pride in what they do in life. They take they tend to more physically motivated than when in the earlier they are born within the sign and lazier than those born latter.