Within a few days, they reached Stonebeak. They walked down the street when Kyle Heard his name. He turned to see who it was. "Kito!" Kito ran up to them, "What are you doing here. I thought that—no, never mind that."
Kito sighed as he looked at Hunter's confused face. "Kyle, isn't this Vail from the council? Our enemy?"
Kyle turned to Hunter, but Kito spoke first. "I had a falling out, and my real name is Kito. So, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Kito Featherwind, Kyles older brother." He turned to another fellow behind him. "And this is Mo."
Mo held out his hand, "Pleasure to meet you."
Hunter shook his hand, "Likewise." Kyle felt something off about Mo, "Kyle, what's wrong?"
Kyle shook his head, "Nothing, I just don't trust him; that's all."
Mo glared softly at Kyle, then turned to Kito, "Well, we were just heading to the inn to stay the night. Why don't we all stay there for the night? I am sure you and Kyle wish to catch up?"
Kito nodded as he walked with Hunter, Kyle waited until Mo had passed him. He kept his eye sharply on his actions as they went to the inn.
The innkeeper welcomed them as they entered, then went pale. "H-how c-can I-I h-help y-you?"
Hunter looked at the innkeeper and recognized him. "It's you? You're the barkeeper we met last year?" The man sheepishly nodded, Hunter walked up to him, "Sorry about that."
Kito and Mo looked at each other in shock. "Kyle, what happened to Hunter?"
Kyle looked at his brother. "A lot, I will do my best to explain once you and I are alone." Kyle's gaze turned to Mo, who raised his arms in defeat."
Kito nodded before walking up to the innkeeper, "Two rooms please and don't worry, he's not going to kill you."
"R-right." He grabbed two keys, "Here you are rooms 104 and 109. Sorry if their not right next to each other."
Kyle grabbed a key, "No, it's fine the farther I am away from him, the better."
"Kyle!" Kito barked.
Kyle glared at Kito; Hunter took the other key, "Kyle, why don't you and Kito share the room, and I share with Mo. What could go wrong. Besides, it might be a good idea to talk this over?"
Kyle rubbed the ridge of his nose. "Fine, but do not get too comfortable with Mo. I do not trust him, one bit."
Hunter nodded as he and Mo left to their room for the night. Kyle took his glasses off and cleaned them before heading to his and Kito's room. Kito grew nervous as they entered. Kyle sat down on the bed, wait for Kito to sit down.
"So, what happened?"
Kyle sighed, "Sometime after he was kicked out for dead, Hunter ended up as a woman's place. Kana, I think her name was? Well, anyway, she had found him after he was traversing the land for six months. Hunter has no idea how he ended up there or how he even survived that long? But after that he went to father to join. There he really changed dad made him into a child in a fully grown mans body. That I can say was hell. Where Hunter had to regain his memories. After that he started to open up and try and find himself more. Then we were sent to met up with Lovell and his gang to help them."
Kito's mouth went dry, "So, you and Hunter have been travelling since?"
"Eight weeks ago, we are behind schedule and need to pick up our pace."
Kito looked out the window, "How long before you miss the deadline?"
Kyle let out a heavy sigh, "Two weeks, and we are at least three if not four weeks away."
Kito glanced at Kyle, "Well, Mo has a carriage. He might be willing to take you to your destination within the allotted time?"
Kyle glared at the idea, before standing up. "Fine, but as you already know, I do not trust Mo. Something about him makes me think of Vann. I just cannot put my finger on it?"
Kito felt a chill up his back before getting up. "Well, we should get some sleep. It will be a big day tomorrow."
Kyle yawned in agreement, as he went back to the bed. Kito walked over to the bed and laid on the bed. Fear ran up and down him as if spiders were crawling over him, as he remembers that he had to somehow kill his only brother and Lovell.