Chereads / Analysers Rebirth / Chapter 13 - Setting Off

Chapter 13 - Setting Off

Mason woke up and expeditiously got out of bed joyfully at the prospect of going outside.

he decided before what is to come he would clean up ,he looked at himself in the murkey water in the mason with a determined look with the fireplace flickering orange light ,He observed his body ,it has changed ,the amount of essence he gained seems to of led do expediated growth to the point where his body is more like a 8-year-old than a 5 year old both in size and muscle mass ,this probobly led to his ability to train from a young age ,Mason still speculated on essence as he had so concrete answers he could only extrapolate,it seems like if essence is at similar levels it has excellerates growth both in muscle and body the closer the essence level and likewise it is stronger in its effect and vica versa the weaker the effect will be if you have a disproportionate essence in comparison, due to his young age his essence levels where proportionately naturally lower to a adult human Mason speculated which allowed him to gain so much growth from killing rabbits and how it resulted in the "feeling" which surged through him diminishing in its effect ,Another observation the more disporortionate amount of essence absorbed in the the killer is weaker or similar in essence levels it produces a pleasure which he could descriobe which probobly lead to those of weak mind to be battle junkies or killers just to feel that rush ,Mason still saw it fitting to look at essence like a fire ,it will be weak to start , then it will peak out and finnaly diminish until it extinguishes,When you are young you will have low essence which stills needs to mature to the peak having the naturall maximum of essence at adult then when you grow older your abilities will decline until death when that extingushes ,this theroy of essence Mason named by himself the fire of life due to the mentell image of a fire which inprinted now permentatly on to Masons mentall image of the fuction of essence as it will naturall will peak then die off but adding" fuel" , will both prolong and make it stronger but you will need to add more "fuel" to prolong the peak and strength of it and you will need much higher quantity of fuel or quality to get the same strenghtening effect .

After splashing himself with water to disrupt his line of thought he got out and changed.

covered with green drab and given the good wishes of his mother he stepped towards the precipice of the exit.

As Mason exited the precipice of the door breathing the air as if walking out isolation,it was quite funny how it reminded him of exiting his dingy apartment which set of a pang of pain in his head, he steadied himself in anticipation and readied himself clenching his fists.

Grant chuckled seeing his sons clenching his hands

"Excited kiddo, Be patient and remember the virtues of the training "

Mason excited replied

"Yes father"

Mason was in exhilaration as the prospect of exploration into the unknown and gaining more knowledge from essence as he starts hunting.

'finally, outside, this new life is getting interesting '

After his training he killed rabbits in the outside grounds of the house ,He discovered the increase in power is diminishing and null after sufficient absorbing of essence,No normal kid would be able to do either the training and killing required so his physique toned and his size increased disproportionate to his actual age, He looked around 6-8 as it was not discernible to the naked eye .

Grant remembered something as his face lighted up

"We need to pick something up first let's get going "

Grant walked off with a steady stride with each step as if following a rhythm, it was still a challenge for Mason to keep up as his diminutive size didn't help.

As they passed building of wood mostly with varying signs of degradation the pair of son and father was silent mostly until they reached a stone bricked area where the buildings were also made of a sturdy stone , clearly were a clear divide as the dirt path was replaced by stone as the wood was placed by a stone .

Grant looking at his son's daydreaming face and said

"This is the first time you have went into the commercial district, we commoners cannot enter the noble district up ahead, see those stone and marble buildings, don't go near there or you may offend a noble with your presence"

Mason noted the sturdy building giving off an imperial aura of dominance in the distance,It seems therein lay a natural district system splitting the amenities and classes of society, in comparison the wooden hut he lived in was ephemeral in its integrity, He knew full well a noble regardless of how low rank ,to a commoner they can easily cause misery with an utterance of a word no matter if they are a beggar noble, for a commoner to not be punished by a noble you will need an equally noble to stand for the commoner,but that wouldn't happen. There inlay-ed deep prejudiced and arrogance which would not allow a noble to stoop so low.

Grant jogged as if going to a Favorited spot, he moved towards a sturdy building which had a chimney billowing with smoke and through the opening at the front a bearded man hammering a ingot and a scrawny body seemingly pumping something was outlined, Mason assumed was airing the furnace.

As they approached the open air archway the heat bathed them in its ambience and they felt it cover them like a blanket.

Grant joyfully said as if seeing a old friend

"Old friend are you not going to greet your drinking buddy"

The sturdy and muscular man came into Mason's sight, He was stunted but immensely muscular.T his was a dwarf, he had no doubt .

The stunted man put ingot in a piece of cloth and gave the apprentice his hammer

"You bleedin git ,you know how annoying it is to forge such small gear, its bleedin annoying how fiddly crafting such small things, even for a dwarf "mumbling on to himself he stopped himself ranting too much .

The small man chuckled and approached Grant

The dwarf scanned around Grant, there was a small child who he didn't notice before which was poinient how this child could evade his perception

"Im guessing these bleed'in small items are for you ,im Grom son of Gram"

"Mason " saying lightheartedly "Son of Grant"

Grom bellowed

"Bahahahaha , you are funny, Grant i know your wife, don't try to push this kid too much, Oi Aaron ,get the gear over here ,FAST"

With haste, the scrawny youth scuttled towards a cloth bag and ran it over to Grant.

"Mason,its good you passed my test or me getting this forged would be wasteful, Take this as your birthday present from Papa"

Grant put the gear on the floor and rolled it out in a meticulous way

Masons eyes shined with a anticipation which was almost palpable