"Miss!" called Andrew the head butler of Violette's family. Violette and the nurse at the reception counter both turned their head to see who was screaming in the hospital. Both the nurse and Violette's eyes were on the main door of the hospital. A nice and handsome man in a suit was the only thing that the nurse saw. The man then walked towards the reception counter.
"Violette, is that your brother?" asked the nurse who was charmed by Andrew appearance.
"Nope!" replied Violette as she then ran towards Andrew even though Andrew was walking towards her.
"Are you her guardian?" asked the nurse as both Andrew and Violette walked towards her.
"Well… sort of… I'm one of her butler…" Said Andrew to the nurse in charged. The nurse was really stunned because Violette was a daughter of a rich family.
"Ummm... may I know whose daughter Violette is?" asked the nurse almost like a whisper because she was afraid that her question would hurt them. But Andrew still could hear the question, so he gave her a sweet smile. The nurse was stunned to see a charming smile from Andrew that she turned red.
"Violette is the princess of the Johnson Group Holdings," said Andrew while carrying Violette. Andrew's statement had clear the cloud that was crowding the nurse's mind.
"Then, could you identify the corpse that came with Violette? It's just to make sure that they are her parents..." said the nurse as there was nobody that could identify the corpse as no one has ever seen the famous Johnson family before except for their closest relative that is.
"Sure..." said Andrew in a painful tone. Andrew followed the paramedics in charged brought Andrew to the morgue. After being in the morgue for a few minutes, Andrew came out and said, "Yes, that's them. They are Lady Eleanor Elaine Johnson and Master Andre Johnson. Both age 35 and are the head of the Johnson Group Holdings", to the police with other needed detailed.
"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Andrew. Would you mind coming with us to the police station to make a report?" thanked one of the police officers and asked Andrew to file a report.
"Sure, but before that. Can I send the Miss home first, inspector? She must be tired of all the commotion that happens" said Andrew asking for the permission to send Violette home first. The police officer gave Violette a look then he nodded letting Andrew send Violette home.
About a half an hour later, both Violette and Andrew had reached the Johnson's mansion. At that time, it was around one o'clock in the morning. "Miss Violette..., wake up. We have reached our home..." said Andrew with a soft voice to Violette who had been sleeping along the way home. Violette woke up easily as she could not even sleep with all the things that had happened to her.
Violette who was half awake held Andrew's hand while walking towards the front door of the mansion. In front of the main door, Violette could see a figure and the figure was Dew. Dew is Violette's playmate and also Andrew's son. His real name is Amethyst Dew Marcus, usually, people called him Dew but Violette like to call him Amy and Dew would call Violette with the name Vy. Dew is the same age as Violette and was given the name Amethyst Dew because he has the same coloured eye which is violet.
Dew ran towards his father and Violette the minute he saw them came in the front gate. "Vy! Are you okay?" asked Dew as he was really worried about Violette.
"I'm fine... Hmm... Were you asleep just now? Did I woke you up?" asked Violette as she felt weird seeing Dew still awake at this time of the day. Because usually Dew would be asleep by now.
"Of course, I'm awake. I was worried sick thinking of what happen to you... how is..." said Dew but his question was left hanging when he saw Andrew shook his head with the meaning 'do not ask'.
Violette just smiled at Dew. "Okay, both of you go inside and change into your pajamas. Go to sleep I'll be back after I make the report at the police station..." said Andrew as he looked at Dew's and Violette's sleepy eyes. Then, Violette's grip had changed from Andrew to Dew. Both of them walked towards Violette's room on the second floor.
In the room, Violette went to the toilet first to brush her teeth and other stuff she needed to do. In the meantime, Dew sat on the couch that was in the room. Violette's room look like an apartment, only it does not have a kitchen. Violette's room has a couple of room in it such as bathroom, mini library, and mini studio. The studio is full of art apparatus and music instrument as the room is for relaxation or a place to express herself. The room is a soundproof room.
After been in the bathroom for five minutes, Violette came out with her pajama on. Without saying a single word Dew went towards the bed where Violette sat with the first aid box. Dew cleans the cut on Violette's cheeks. After he finishes, he stood up and said "goodnight" to Violette before he went out the room.
After a few step, Dew stopped walking as Violette grab his hand. "Amy..., could you stay here tonight?" asked Violette in a small voice that could be in the whisper category. Dew looked into Violette's eyes to see the truth of what happened but instead he saw her eyes began to fill the dam and it was about to break.
"Vy, please don't cry... is there something that bothering you?" asked Dew really worried as he never seen Violette shed her tears before. Unfortunately, Violette did not answer but she cried.
"Okay, okay... I get it... I'll stay, so please stop crying" said Dew while wiping all the tears that were flowing down her cheeks with his thumbs. "Stay here a bit, I'm going to fetch my blanket first..." continued Dew and then rushed towards his room to get his blanket.
After a few minutes, Dew return. He then tucked Violette to bed and went to the couch. It felt awkward for Dew to sleep in Violette room as it had been a few years since they sleep in the same room. As Dew was about to sleep Violette called out to him. "Amy, do... um..." Violette tried to explain but she did not know what the perfect word to describe her feelings at that time.
"Vy, what is it? You can be honest with me..." said Dew when he saw Violette having a hard time to ask him.
"Amy, why? Why do you think my parents would be the one to left me first? I know that eventually they would leave me but why so soon? Did I do something that upset the creator? Does this mean I have to go to the orphanage and not seeing you and your family again?" asked Violette in a soft and low voice. This time, Violette burst into tears and Dew knew this was going to happen when they were left alone.
"Don't worry, Vy. It's not like they want to leave you but it just that God love them more. That's why He took them from you and He also want to test you..." said Dew without noticing what he just said to Violette. What he knew was trying to comfort Violette. So, the sadness would not eat her up.
"Uhm... Amy, what do you mean by He want to test me?" asked Violette really confused by what Dew tried to convey. In the confusion, Violette's tears still flowing down her cheeks.
"You asked me but I'm not sure myself... It's a sentence I usually heard in the drama that my mother watched... but... Vy to me those words meant that He want to see how strong you are. Whether you could be a better person or not. Usually, He won't give somebody a test that they can't solve by themselves..." explained Dew even though it was based on his opinion. If it could comfort Violette, he would take the risk.
"Hahaha... you're really funny, Amy. Well... I think you're right, though. What?!" agreed Violette after laughing to her heart content. But then she asked Dew as she saw him staring her.
"Well, I finally can see your beautiful smile... and for your information, you better off with a smile instead of tears..." said Dew smiling and wiped the tears off Violette's cheeks.
"You're right. It's just not like me to cry and I can't believe that I cried in front of you" said Violette feeling a little embarrassed. Dew was really closed to Violette when he was wiping her tears and that make her felt more embarrassing.
"You know... it's okay to cry sometimes as whom crying doesn't mean you're weak but it meant that you have been really strong and can't hold it anymore. And today is a perfect day for you to cry..." said Dew and then continued to sleep when he heard small snoring coming from Violette. Dew knew that Violette had calmed herself down and could sleep soundly that night.