Have you ever felt isolated? People pass us all the time in the streets never once taking a second to look at who they pass. I've been told people are born good but what happens to them? Why do we start to care less and less for humans the older we get? What happens if we just stop and look out for each other? I stop and look at the girl sitting down by herself. I walk towards her not knowing what will happen. What she will say or do. However, it's worth it because we humans need to take time to talk to one another. She looks sad and depressed. I wonder what she's going through.
"What's wrong?" I asked her caringly.
The girl looks at me with her puffy red eyes. We stare at each other for a few seconds. Then she opens her mouth to speak.
"I'm tired," she said to me in a somber tone.
"Yeah, I'm just tired," she said in a defeatist tone
"But you don't look sleepy."
"Not that type of exhausted," she said with a slight annoyance in her tone as if she's heard people tell her this multiple time.
She speaks with no energy. As if her soul isn't there or at least her soul is trying to leave.
I sit down next to her. As I do, a waft of sadness penetrates my very essence. You ever had that moment in which a person enters a room and the moment they do you can sense their despair. Yeah, that's what's happening right now. Except this girl doesn't exude that energy.
"Are you tired of feeling isolated?"
She nods. I've been there before. I remember when I was going through some rough times with my ex.
"Society has picked on me for being different. Why is it such a dreadful thing to be different from everyone else?"
"Well, it's not really bad to be different from everyone else. We humans like to pretend to fit in and be the same as everyone else. But deep down we crave to stand out.