Chapter 39 - Nothing Going On

First Hayley looked at the hand extended towards her and then she looked at the man to whom this hand belongs to. He was standing in front of still with tear stained face but smiling now looking at her with expecting eyes and Hayley didn't have the heart to reject him now so she also extended her hand towards him and shook his hand. When Aaron saw Hayley accepting his friendship his smile broadened. Hayley was also smiling and said " Now that we are officially friends you can be rude to me whenever you want but you have to give me a proper reason." "Deal" replied Aaron, his smile broadened by every passing minute. " We should head inside before Keith seriously send search party for us" said Hayley while retracting her hand from the handshake. Aaron looked disappointedly towards his hand clearly not so happy with the loss of Hayley's hand in his own. After this they both walked towards the exit and then as if suddenly she remembered something Hayley halted again and said "Aaron if you don't want Ginny to be worried about you on her wedding day you should wash your face." Aaron realized that he cried and there must be tear stains on his face and he was standing like that in front of Hayley how bad and he felt little embarrassed about it but what's done is done he can't change it with this thought Aaron just nodded . When they both reached the corridor Aaron excused himself to go to the washroom and told Hayley to walk in first he will be joining shortly afterwards. The moment Aaron and Hayley parted ways, Hayley saw Caleb standing some distance away from her. She smiled after looking at him, she didn't know why was she smiling, was she smiling because she saw Caleb or was it because of conversation between her and Aaron? thought Hayley. When Caleb saw Hayley he sighed in relief or pretended to sigh in relief and said " There you are, I have been looking for you everywhere." Before Hayley could say anything Caleb added " and have you had seen Aaron, he is also missing and Keith and Ginny are worried about both of you." When Hayley heard this her first thought was how long had they been out there? But she didn't remember how long it had been, to her it felt like just few minutes but by going with Caleb's expression just now it might have been quite a long time.

While Hayley was in her thoughts Caleb who was walking beside her was just looking at her with a look that was best described as lost. He was also thinking about the same thing Hayley and Aaron.

It had been a while since that video had stopped and Caleb had seen Aaron excusing himself and walking out the ballroom and he knew that Aaron was going to be in his worst mood right now and he might need someone beside so he also excuse himself to go after Aaron but he was a moment too late, when he walked out of the ballroom to go after Aaron, he couldn't able to find him but he thought he had to locate him so he started to search for him when he reached the alley that connects back garden and castle what he saw he never wanted to see. He saw that Aaron was standing behind Hayley his chin resting on her shoulder and he was hugging her from behind and they were standing like that only god knows how long, this moment was so intimate and pure that Caleb had a strong urge to avert his eyes, it feels like he was invading their privacy but he couldn't able to do that no matter how much he wanted to avert his gaze his eyes were not following his orders as if they have the mind of their own. Caleb felt as if a huge rock had been placed over his heart and the weight of the rock had been increasing by each passing minute. They are odd together thought Caleb but some other voice in his heart said they are perfect together. He didn't know how long he had been staring at them like that when he saw Aaron releasing Hayley from the hug he thought that they both going to proceed towards the ballroom now but then he saw Aaron's lips moving they both got into talking, Caleb was standing at distance away from them so he couldn't able to hear what they were talking about although Caleb knew how to read lips but that was also not possible because of the distance. After sometime he saw both of them walking towards the exit of the garden so he took few long strides back and started walking again with a poker face, he was pretending that he just got there and his pretense convinced Hayley.

Well this scene was not only witnessed by Caleb there was somebody else who saw this and he had a sly smile on his face unlike Caleb who felt rock was put on his heart, this person felt extremely happy after looking at Aaron and Hayley this scene. Zac glanced at his camera screen still had that sly smile on his face "you said he was forbidden crush huh…, well this pictures are saying otherwise Hayley Phillips" said Zac.