Ceasar had a history of trouble finding him. When he was 6 his father left him and his two brothers alone in the woods as some sort of "training". During this "training" the brothers we're attacked by a bear Terry the youngest brother charged in wildly and was quickly knocked into a tree, Benson the middle brother was quietly and quickly analyzing the situation trying to figure out a way for the three brothers to survive while tending to Terry, but Ceasar, Ceasar was the oldest and he was fearless, 9 years old and he stood right up to the bear and punched it for hitting his little brother, Ceasar didn't care who or what you were you didn't hurt his family. Ceasar was actually holding his own dodging the bear's violent swipes and getting a few punches in but he lacked power. The bear would just shrug off his hits and keep charging. It wasn't looking good for the brothers and just when things couldn't seem to get worse a red bolt of lightning struck Ceasar knocking him unconscious but luckily scaring off the bear. Some say that bolt of lightning changed Ceasar, some say it was God himself trying to kill the young boy and to be honest they both were kind of right. When Ceasar woke up he came to a conclusion. If a bear or getting struck by weird lightning couldn't kill him, nothing could. The brothers grew up and grew notorious in Chrome city, they became famous for fighting, heists, extortion, hustling and just about anything else you could think of. And this is where our story begins.
"How come Benson didn't have to train with you?" Terry whined as he rubbed his bruises. He hated sparring with Ceasar but wasn't dumb enough to tell him no.
"Because I asked you." Ceasar said with a smile on his face. "Now what happened with you and Brittany?"
Terrys face instantly lit up if there was one thing he loved talking about it was whatever drama he had going on in his life.
"Man this chick called herself trying to break up with me! With me bro! Terry! And get this she did it in the comment section of my Instagram!" Terry said with an expression of disbelief.
"So what did you do?" Ceasar said, trying to sound less invested than he really was.
"What do you mean?! I did what any other rational man would do in this situation. I broke into her apartment and removed all the carpet from her floors!" Terry finished with a smile.
Ceasar was speechless, he knew his brother was crazy but moments like this really made him wonder if they really should get him some help.
"Don't give me that look." Terry said, recognizing the look of disbelief on Ceasar's face. "She knows I'm petty she wanted me to react!"
Divine Soul Protection was a double edged sword on one hand it protected Zeva and sent her far away from the Warden, but on the other hand it cost her the freedom she was trying so desperately to protect. Now she was stuck in this sword until she found someone strong enough to form a contract with her and even then she would still more or less be under their control. Zeva was conflicted. She knew no matter where she went she couldn't be in a worst position than where she was before. Still, the thought of serving a new master didn't excite her.
It felt like an eternity had passed. She had no idea where the sword was taking her, she only knew that wherever it was it was far. Then she felt it. It felt like her soul was caught on something and it was pulling her in. She tried to resist but the fight was useless, the sword began to pick up speed and the pull got stronger the closer it got. Zeva had entered a planet's atmosphere and began hurdling towards an abandoned plain. She was approaching two brothers fast. One seemed smug, annoying, and childish while the other seemed confident, composed and powerful.
"Is this who drew me h-?" Zeva began to ask herself.
But before she could finish her thought the tip of her blade sunk into the center of Ceasar's forehead beginning the contract process.