"Yes it is, why?" Kyle replied back to her obvious question, 'Didn't I already state it was a female?' he thought.
"Oh nothing, I'd better get going now. See you later." Lila's right eye started to twitch in frustration and she quickly finished her food and stormed off to her office, Kyle thought her little tantrum was a bit much for her age but it isn't like it happened before.
Just like that time when he was leaving for school, it isn't much different to that. Kyle didn't think much of it and quickly finished his food.
He made his way out of the room and to the square where he then will meet up with Moonlight, it was a bit early to be leaving but the walk isn't short either. He thought the walk will make up for the time but he will still be a bit early. It was early in the morning and the sun had just risen, Kyle took a big waft of the fresh air and started on his walk.
After a while he made it to the square, it was quite big and had a lot of people. But since the square was so big it wasn't overcrowded, he chose a place to sit down since there was several benches around the place and waited for Moonlight to arrive.
But the bad thing is that he didn't even know what she looked like, so he has to rely on a text message saying that she was there or he would not know at all.
After a bit of waiting he got a text from Moonlight on his phone, "I'm here." It stated and she was at the square somewhere, he replied with an affirmative and he got up and started to look around for her.
"What do you look like?" Kyle sent a text to her, asking what she looked like. He wouldn't be able to find her in this sea of people.
"I've got a black coat on and I've got brown hair, I've also a dark blue skirt on with leggins." Moonlight replied, Kyle checked the text and looked up in search for her.
He spotted her leaning on a street lamp but something was off, no one was anywhere close to her and he could see people sneaking glances at her. He looked at her again and was amazed, she was one the most beautiful girls he had even seen before. Long brown shiny hair, slim long legs, and a natural beautiful face.
The closer he got to her the more he was amazed, she had sparkling blue eyes and cherry red lips. 'That should be illegal.' Kyle thought in his head as he made his way over, when he got close enough and into the area where no one else was he opened his mouth and called out her name.
"Moonlight?" He called out and she shifted her gaze to him and smiled.
"Kyle!" She said as she rushed over to him and embraced him, Kyle was surprised and a bit weirded out but embraced her too. There's a beautiful girl hugging you out of her own accord, it would be a waste not to do the same.
After a bit she let go with a flushed red face, she got embarrassed but still had a bright smile on her face.
"When did you arrive in the city?" Kyle asked her as he also seperated from her and gazed, 'Simply too beautiful.' Kyle thought.
"Not too long ago, I wanted to meet you first so you can show me around!" She said and giggled, a cute girl giggling? An amazing sight to behold.
"Oh, I don't exactly know my way around either. We'll just have to explore won't we?" Kyle scratched the back of his head in embarrassment but told the truth in the end, Moonlight made a look of acknowledgement and then replied with an "Okay."
But before they were going to set off Moonlight stopped Kyle and spoke out.
"Umm, can you not call me Moonlight in real life? My real name is Aiza so you can just call me that." She sheepishly said to him.
"Okay, Aiza." Kyle said and they then made their way throughout the city in exploration.
Even though Kyle has been living in the city for quite some time he didn't exactly go out that often and so he didn't know he way around, he had to look at a gps to get around if he ever went out.
Somehow they ended up near a shopping centre and Aiza's eyes shined and Kyle's dimmed, he knew what was going to happen next was preparing himself for it.
He looked across from him and saw that another dude was in the same situation as him, he also looked over to Kyle and they both nodded in each other's sorrow.
"Come on!" Aiza said as she walked ahead and Kyle following her, there was many eyes on Aiza as she walked in but none tried to intercept and talk to her since they thought Kyle was her boyfriend.
They wandered into a clothes shop and Kyle knew his fate was sealed, Aiza started to look at clothes and dresses. She also walked over to the changing room and tried a few on, asking for Kyle's opinion and he just said everything would look good on her.
Satsified with Kyle's answer she proceeded to try on even more and Kyle regretted his decision, coming her and answering her with that. They finally left after a bit more shopping in that specific store and they went to a cafe to sit down, Kyle wasn't covered in that many bags but he had atleast three to four on him.
A waiter came up to their table and asked them what would they like to drink, Aiza responded with a milkshake and Kyle said the same too. Excited for her milkshake Aiza started to rant on about whatever.
"So, how's Tranquility?" She asked.
"It's pretty fun, for me anyway. I didn't go to any school before and was homeschooled before, so it's something new." Kyle responded.
"Oh really? The school I used to go to was a girl's only and wasn't mixed like this one." She said, fascinated and excited for the new school she'll be attending.
"I also get to attend it with you!" She said with a brillant smile, 'Cute.' Kyle thought as he smiled back and replied with a "Yeah."
"Here you go, two milkshakes." The waiter arrived with their drinks and Aiza immediately started to drink it, impressed how fast she was drinking it Kyle started to wonder how was she so fit looking.
"Haaa." Aiza let out a long sigh after almost finishing half of her milkshake already, Kyle was only taking it slow.
"I'm a fast eater.." Aiza said once she noticed that Kyle was looking at her funny, 'Obviously' Kyle thought in his head, who wouldn't think that she's a fast eater.
"Okay okay." Kyle said as he waved his arms in the air.
After they finished their drinks, they left the cafe and decided they wanted to go to the movies. They made they way to the cinema and looked to see what's on. Kyle spotted a movie called 'The Wanderer' and he suggested that, Aiza looked at the catergories and found it was listed as horror.
Aiza didn't like horror movies but Kyle was able to convice her to go anyway, they bought popcorn and their tickets and made their way to their screen. They got in and the movie was just starting.
Throughout the movie Aiza was holding onto Kyle as she squeeled infront of the jump scares and scary parts of it, she hated horror movies because she didn't like scary things.
Kyle didn't really exactly know what to do when Aiza started to hold onto him and sometimes nearly even climbed on top of him in fright, but consoled her anyway and enjoyed the movie.
The movie was only an hour long but it was getting late into the day once again, they've spent a long time shopping and added onto the hour long film it wouldn't be surprising that time flew. Aiza was a little bit depressed that she had to leave and go back home and didn't want to either, she didn't want this day to end as she was having so much fun.
But in the end she called a taxi and she left, unwillingly. But before that she sneaked up on Kyle and gave him a kiss on the cheek, she ran off into the taxi and it sped off. Kyle blew out a bellow of warm air as he was still trying to figure out what just happened, but just laughed it off and made his way back. It was getting dark and Lila would soon start to freak out and maybe even call upon the entire Police force again to search for him.
"Your a bit late.." Lila called out as Kyle walked into the room, she was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed.
"Sorr-" Kyle was about to apologize but was cut off by Lila's scream.
"Why is there lipstick on your face!!?" She screamed out.
Kyle confused held up his hand to him face and touched around till he felt it, remembering what happened just a while ago he awkwardly smiled and thought, 'How am I going to get out of this one.'