Chereads / Advent of the New Age / Chapter 46 - Heart of Hatred

Chapter 46 - Heart of Hatred

To most people's surprise, what remained of Porrand was actually beset with peace and tranquility after it was forced to sign the Commonwealth Concords due to the Drussian incursion.

However, it only took a little over four months for this tranquil and peaceful to be disturbed as screams plagued the air while black smoke could be seen in the horizon.

For the 'Crusade to liberate Porrand' has finally reached their first target.

After endlessly marching for months on end, the 250,000 strong crusade has crossed the border into what was dubbed by the Imperium of Drussia as 'Eastern Porrand.'

Unlike 'Western Porrand' which was completely annexed by the Imperium of Drussia and placed under direct Drussian rule, the Kingdom of Porrand was allowed to continue existing as the 'Protectorate of Porrand' and was given governance over all of East Porrand with some aspects of Drussian supervision.

The minor city of Loblin, was one of these settlements within Eastern Porrand which submitted to the Drussian's hegemony.

Despite this blatant act of treason, Stefanie was willing to forgive the people of this city as long as they resubmitted to Stefanie and pledged to aid her in her crusade whenever possible.

However, the messenger that she sent to Loblin only returned empty-handed.

This could only mean one thing.

The city of Loblin just openly rebelled against her rule, making them nothing short of traitors who betrayed the true rightful rulers of Porrand.

As such, what sort of fate would suit these treacherous cretins more than death?

The roughly 500 strong garrison that manned Loblin's city walls quickly broke under the pressure of 10,000 bloodthirsty crusaders bearing down on them. However, these 10,000 men were still but a fraction of Stefanie's entire crusading army.

Another 5000 cavalrymen were roaming the nearby countryside to 'reacquire' supplies from the local villages in order to support the crusade while the remaining 235,000 men stayed behind at their encampment.

Among these 10,000 men who besieged Loblin was none other than the rightful ruler of Porrand herself; Stefanie Geinen Naftes.

It was only after the walls were taken and the main gate was opened did Stefanie proudly strolled into the city atop her warhorse, her steel armour reflected an orange light from the surrounding fires. Flanked by her elite winged hussars, a prideful smile grew on Stefanie's face the deeper she moved into the city.

"Ahhhh... It does feel good to be home."

As Stefanie spoke to herself, she ignored the screams of terror and houses set ablaze around her as she made her way for the heart of the city; the castle district. Armoured men either on horses or on foot ran around the city, either with plunder or a torch in their hands.

Not only did the pillaging bolster the crusade's morale but it also served as a message.

A reminder of what will happen to treacherous traitors who dared to to betray their rightful rulers in order to selfishly save their own lives. Of course, the crusaders were ordered to limit their pillaging as to not entirely decimate the city's population and economy.

These were Stefanie's people after all.

She just needed to make an example of these traitors to make everyone aware that she will not tolerate such acts of blatant treason.

Soon, Stefanie reached the castle district. The home of the Count who governed this city and its surrounding territories.

A truly despicable traitor who if rumours were correct was one of the first to submit to the Drussians and sign the so-called 'Commonwealth Concords'.

Those who attempted to obstruct Stefanie's approach to the castle were only quickly cut down by her mounted winged hussars. Within moments, a makeshift battering ram was able to break down the castle doors.

As Stefanie strolled into the castle halls on her horse, the smile on her face only continued to grow wider.

"Finally... a castle. A proper place where royalty such as myself should reside."

Although it could never compare to Karkow's castle, Loblin's castle would make a suitable replacement for now. Stefanie would give up living in Loblin's castle in a heartbeat once she retook Karkow from the Drussians.

However, there was still one glaring problem with Loblin's castle that Stefanie had to deal with first. Other than the count, there were still a notable amount of traitors within the castle who would most likely resist Stefanie's less than friendly but justified takeover.

But there was a rather simple solution to that.

And that was just to simply kill them all.

Soon her winged hussars and Stefanie herself started to run rampant atop their horses in the lower levels of the castle, slaughtering everyone that came in their path.

Wether they be guards and soldiers or maids and servants, there was no bias in whom Stefanie or her winged hussars cut down.

Every single one of these traitors needed to die.

And Stefanie was going to enjoy every moment of it.

"Kill them! Kill them all!"

This was it.

With euphoric joy, Stefanie dashed across the lower halls atop her horse with her lance and sabre in hand as she gutted or eviscerated whichever traitor she found on her path.

This was what Stefanie needed.

A moment to release the stress that she has built up over the past few months.

The death of these treacherous cretins was truly what Stefanie needed to relieve herself of her self-loathing and stress during her march back to Porrand.

Soon, the castle's halls which were filled with screams of terror has become silent. Only the stench of death and decay permeated the air.

The floors of the castle was stained blood-red while dead bodies littered the hallways.

It was only after the euphoric joy wore off did Stefanie stop riding around the castle in glee and instead made her way for the rendezvous point.

When she did arrive, she was met with a small contingent of knights.

Out of all the knights, it was De, the original knight who informed Stefanie of what has transpired in Porrand who stepped forward. After making a short bow, De spoke up.

"Your highness, the small team we sent to clear the upper floors has found the count. He was trying to barricade the study but his fortifications weren't as sturdy as he thought. As of this moment, he is currently being kept where we found him."

Although De spoke in a clear tone, Stefanie was able to sense a slight hint of doubt in her voice. As if De was having doubts about what she was doing or the orders she was following. Nevertheless, De still managed to properly speak to Stefanie.

"Do you wish to meet him in the study or do you wish to have him brought dow-"

"I will meet him in the study."

With a cold voice, Stefanie gave her answer to De.

"That traitor doesn't deserve to walk within the halls of this castle, even as a prisoner."

"Understood. Then please allow me to lead the away."

After accepting De's suggestion, both Stefanie and De with a small handful of knights made their way for the castle's study where the count was being held.

Within moment's they reached the study's doors where they found a pair of two knights who acted as guards. Soon, the knights bowed reverently upon seeing Stefanie before proceeding to open the doors, giving Stefanie access into the study room.

Inside, she found the count who governed Loblin; count Lazzlow Tiel Vuvrknat.

Despite being a noble, his appearance was a lot worse for wear. Other than his limbs that were bound to a chair, his noble attire and face was covered with dirt and his hair was disheveled. From his mouth, Stefanie was able to spot a trail of fresh blood leaking from his lips.

His eyes that only stared at the floor and his sunken expression told it all. Lazzlow has truly experienced a fall from grace.

Despite this sorry and pitiful sight, there was not a single spec of sympathy within Stefanie's heart.

Why should there be?

This man was a traitor who betrayed the Porrish royal family; the rightful rulers of Porrand in order to save his own life.

Besides, it's not like Lazzlow is the only person to ever experience a fall from grace. After all, Stefanie herself has also experienced a similar fall from grace. In fact, she would argue that she experienced an even harsher fall from grace.

What could possibly be worse than being forced to humble oneself and painstakingly leave their own kingdom behind?

Be that as it may, Stefanie was sure that she's closer than ever to redeeming herself as she was one step closer to liberating Porrand, similar to how a phoenix would rise from the ashes.

As for Lazzlow. Well if things were going to go the way Stefanie planned, then he would never even get the chance. He wouldn't even get the chance to see the light of the next day.

However, those plans were for later. For now, a simple interrogation would suffice.

"Lazzlow... the last time I saw was at a banquet that my father held. A banquet celebrating the prosperity of Porrand and the loyalty of Porrand's subjects... Now isn't this an ironic twist of events?"

Although Stefanie spoke in a composed albeit passive aggressive tone, deep down, she was actually struggling to contain the anger and hatred that she held deep within her heart.

On the other hand, Lazzlow remained unfazed by Stefanie. He only continued to absentmindedly stare at the floor, as if he didn't even acknowledge her presence at all.

As one would expect, this only served to irritate Stefanie.

"Lazzlow, don't think that just beca-"

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Stefanie was left temporally speechless by Lazzlow's interruption. Once again, she was met with an act of unapologetic insolence.

"What did you just say?"

This time, Lazzlow faced upwards towards Stefanie as he spoke.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? Do you think you're threatening? You're nothing... nothing compared to 'her.'"

Although Lazzlow's voice sounded weak and unsteady, Stefanie was able to sense fear when Lazzlow mentioned that mysterious 'her.' Nevertheless, Lazzlow still continued spouting insolence.

"It doesn't matter. I'm already as good as dead anyway. Why do you think I declined your offer of 'forgiveness'? It's because... if I was given a choice and I was, between you and 'her'... well..."

Lazzlow chuckled to himself before he continued.

"My current circumstances already give you the answer doesn't it?"

"Why... why you!"

Not even a few minutes passed before Stefanie lost herself to her anger, striking Lazzlow with the steel gauntlet of her right hand, knocking him down onto the floor. Unable to move, Lazzlow could only await his fate.

"You dare! You actually dare!"

With nothing but hatred and fury driving her forward, Stefanie moved closer towards Lazzlow's body before proceeding to lift up her right foot.

"Treacherous bastard!"

As she screamed, Stefanie launched her right foot forward in a kick, driving her steel boot into Lazzlow's stomach.


Lazzlow immediately vomited upon impact as a liquid that was a mix of crimson red and a dull yellow ejected itself out of his mouth. Of course, Stefanie didn't care. She didn't even feel joy upon inflicting pain on the traitor. All she could feel was pure, unadulterated rage.

Soon, she raised her foot over Lazzlow's head as she screamed.


Before she stomped on the bastard's head with all of her might.

But she did not stop there. Not even a second passed before Stefanie rose her foot again.


Before she once again stomped on Lazzlow's head with her steel boot.

In an utter display of brutality, Stefanie repeatedly curb-stomped Lazzlow's head while screaming at the top of her lungs.




It was only after Stefanie's furious screams echoed through the castle for an entire hour did she finally stop.