-Suomi 1976, Järi was born
-Loading year 1995 (Skipping to 1995)
The Finnish man named Järi M. Pentikäinen has spawned in the kitchen.
Starting in the kitchen, with a case of beer and a pack of sausages. As Järi looks at the refrigerator note and it say:
"Fix your dad's car, don't be too lazy or I will scrap that car! Don't drink too much beer! Here's 3000mk for you, that is enough to get you survive. Fix the Datsun, we will get back soon from Tenerife. Yours, Mom and Dad"
As Järi quickly get to work, he then realized that he needed supplies because it ain't enough for a case of beer and a pack of sausage.
He then rushed in the van, and drove away from the house, and saw a Vaccum Truck in front of his little log chopping barn, and from the barn, there's a tractor and a flatbed to tow firewood with.
Järi then safely got to the shop and entered, then greets a welcoming message by Tiemo.
Tiemo: Katos päivee, no mittäpaä laiteteaa? (Good day, what are you having?)
Järi grabs 5 cases of beer, all 12 packs of sausages and milk.
Then Tiemo chats randomy: Terrifying how the price of gasoline just keeps rising. I remember in the late 80s when many people stopped driving their cars as the price rose to over three markkaa, and now it might be over five markkaa. I wonder how you manage to drive around in that car of yours considering how expensive fuel is?
Järi: Well, that's little bit of a problem, but I will still continue building my Datsun considering fuel prices are high.
[ Remaining Markkaa = 2312 mk ]
[ Urine = 19% ]
[ Hunger = 3% ]
[ Thirst = 24% ]
[ Fatigue = 9% ]
[ Stress = 4% ]
[ Dirtiness = 10% ]
(Leaves shop) Tiemo: Kiitoksia ja tervetulloo uuelleen!
Järi is now home and safe, he then rushed to the garage and start working on building the engine.
The steps as follows:
Crankshaft to Block
Crankshaft Main Bearings
Head Gasket to Block
Cylinder Head
Rocker Shaft
Camshaft Gear
Timing Chain
Timing Cover
Water pump
Fan Belt
Engine Plate
Clutch Disk to Clutch Cover Plate
Clutch Pressure Plate to Clutch Disk
Clutch Assembly
Oil Pan
Oil drain plug
Drive gear
Motor Hoist to Block
Adjust Valves
Rocker Cover
Fuel Pump
Air Filter
Järi: [Realizes] Holy shit that's alot of parts. Why did my dad made me do this?
To be continued...