I looked at my phone. 8:15 pm. I've had been waiting on Eric for the last 10 minutes. I know something could have happened, but when I texted him at 8:10 pm and asked if he was okay and the date was still on, he never replied. I feel more revealed, I never had wanted to go on this date in the first place. I mean, Eric is a good looking guy and all, but it just wouldn't be fair if he expected my heart, but I couldn't give it to him. Finally, my phone pings.
Eric- Sorry, not feeling well. Reschedule?
Ash- Yeah. No problem. Get better.
A sigh of relief rushes from my mouth, as I take off my shoes. Finally, I don't have to go on that stupid date. Where was he gonna take me anyways? Sitting in his mom's car at Sonic? Sheesh. I walk into the bathroom and grab a brush as I remove my chestnut-colored hair from its bun at the top of my head. The loose curls fell down around my waist, and I grabbed a handful from my shoulder and started brushing as I looked at my face in the mirror. Every-time I've done this when Tahoe was over, she'd call it my "What To Fix" face. She said it looks like I'm making blueprints to fix my face, because I think I am ugly. She always calls me beautiful, and envies me, but Tahoe is the one that gets all the guys, she has for as long as I can remember, the only one I've gotten is Christian. As I walk into the kitchen, I notice roses are all over the table. Yellow roses. My favorite. I also see candles lit on the counter. I go straight to my room, thinking my mom is getting gifts from her husband again, and that I should leave them alone. As soon as I'm in my room, I change from my dress into volleyball shorts and a tank-top, my normal. My stomach growls. 'Maybe I can make my way into the kitchen without interrupting anything and get some food' I think as I creep down the stairs. I finally get to the kitchen, and there is Eric... putting more roses on my table....