B was keen to prove himself. He had chosen this patient himself whilst Dr. Li was seeing another patient.
B: "I saw a 17 year old female patient complaining of a myriad of symptoms. She is accompanied by her mother. She has a pain across her whole abdominal which she describes as being sharp in character. She states that the pain came on suddenly yesterday at around 5 pm after she had dinner and has been their constantly since then. The pain has radiated to her lower back but it is now just in her abdomen. She would scale the pain a 9/10 in severity.
She states that she does feel nauseous but has not vomited. Her stools have been more watery for the past several days and paler in colour. She last opened her bowels yesterday night and states that there was some blood mixed in with the stool.
In terms of urinary symptoms she has had an increase in frequency and urgency for the last week. There is no change in colour and there is no offensive smell, bubbles, grit or blood.