Li Xiuying was currently waiting at the doctor's station for B to return from clerking a patient.
F had had arrived 10 minutes early and was sitting at the desk next to Li Xiuying.
Li Xiuying was looking on the computer at the list of arrivals.
Li Xiuying: "Epigastric pain, differentials"
F :" Duodenal ulceration or rupture, pancreatitis, biliary colic erm I'm sorry I can't think of anymore."
Li Xiuying: "Anatomical structures."
F: "Do you mean what anatomical structures are in that area?"
Li Xiuying turned her head to look at F then frown for a brief second and turn back to the computer screen.
F felt even more anxious after seeing Li Xiuying's frown which her interpreted as meaning: So there are in fact stupid questions. What else could I have meant?
F: "Well the liver and..."
Out of nowhere she heard a female voice screech her name "LI XIUYING"