One wouldn't think it would be possible for anyone to find any differences among the seeds. Even Xu Rouguang wasn't able to find any plausible differences.
To be honest, that was why Chartreuse asked them to help. He thought it would be an easy task since he set different conditions in each of those boxes. Then again, the seeds produced were all similar to each other. It would take him a long while to sample everything.
The two immortals were frowning too much as they tried to find suitable distinctions of one seed from another. However, Lai Mingjie was approaching it like a madman. He was a demon; they were born as beasts. He took a seed, scratched a little part off, and tasted it directly. That seed from the peddlers must have sent him to convulsion, but a few specks of dust shouldn't be that lethal to him. Besides, he was only picking up the ones that smelled similar.