In actuality...!
Yu Shenqi was concealing her confusion and shock. If she had been so transparent with most of her feelings, then she wouldn't have become a black mamba within JDI. She wasn't scared of Miao Bu, but she was a little on-the-fence about what to feel about it for real. Of course, she was scared for her little Mingyan.
After Chartreuse left, Liu Qiu went to arrange for the vacation. The Lais would be leaving in two days and would be gone for almost three weeks. Moreover, she needed to make sure the work would be designated by the remaining higher-ups so the stability wouldn't deteriorate. They still had a few remaining directors and board members; they should at least handle what one man could, right?
The door closed behind Liu Qiu. The power couple stayed in Lai Julong's inner office, and so Yu Shenqi confronted Lai Julong about it. She had to know before they went to a place outside the bounds of humans.
"No one told me?"